For students who cannot find an organization of interest, we encourage them to explore starting a new organization. See below in Resources for Student Organizations for more information about starting student organizations.
Eastman Student Organizations
Please see all of the student organizations listed below
Beyond Consent
Beyond Consent engages in activism for sexual safety, health, sexual misconduct prevention, gender justice, and consent by (1) educating students about available resources, and (2) enacting institutional change in policies through collaboration with Eastman administration. To do so, we program events aimed at creating cultural change related to sexual assault, engage in activism to enact structural change related to sexual assault policy, organize an annual food or clothing drive for organizations that help survivors of sexual assault, act as administrative liaisons to amplify student voices surrounding topics of sexual misconduct, and educate students on how to have healthy professional and interpersonal relationships.

Executive Board Members (2023-2024):
Savannah White-Heximer, President
Angelina Phillips, Vice President
Daniela Reyes, Treasurer
Alisha Stafford, Secretary
Black Students' Union
We, the students of the Black Students Union at Eastman (BSUE) at the Eastman School of Music, with the intent to promote social and cultural awareness, to foster diversification, and develop community relations within the School do hereby express the purpose of this organization:
- To provide a vehicle and forum for the articulation and expression of views and interests of the black students at the Eastman School of Music
- To provide educational, cultural, and social programs relevant to the needs of black students at Eastman
- To enhance relations amongst the organization, and Eastman’s student body
- To establish channels of communication between the organization and that of the City of Rochester
- To foster the recognition of the educational and cultural needs of black students at Eastman
- To promote black cultural awareness in all areas, and to establish a platform which provides as such.
Executive Board Members (2024-2025):
JR Robinson, Co-President
Miles Woods, Co-President
Lauren Edwards, Vice President
Nathan Clarke, Vice President of Community Relations
Holden Turner, Treasurer
Myles Meader & Lauren Smith, Graduate Advisors
Crystal Sellers Battle, Faculty Advisor
Catholic Newman
Called together as members of the body of Christ, The Catholic Newman Community of Eastman seeks to encourage all to strive toward the highest ideals of Christian spiritual, moral, and intellectual development as lived and taught in the rich tradition of the Catholic Church.

Executive Board Members (2023-2024):
Vacant, President
Vacant, Vice President
Father Brian Cool, Advisor
Ben Jalensky, Graduate Advisor
John Ruppert, Advisor
Environmental Activism Club
The purpose of Eastman’s Environmental Activism Club is to promote sustainability to four distinct groups: individuals, within the University, within Rochester, and globally. By doing so, we aim to decrease harmful impacts, and educate those around us on what’s going on in the world.

Executive Board Members (2023-2024):
Simon Lea, President
Christina Vieytez, Vice President
Mackenzie Minguillo, Social Media
EQ (Eastman Queer Alliance)
The mission of EQ Eastman Queer Alliance is to provide a safe space for Eastman students of all backgrounds to discuss gender and sexual identity. We want to maintain a positive, supportive, and enjoyable environment where students are comfortable to have fun, make friends, learn about issues of gender and sexual identity, and discuss personal experiences with gender and sexual identity. We want to maintain an environment of equality and freedom of expression for all.

Executive Board Members (2023-2024):
Clayton Trumbull, President
Freddie Kartoz, Vice President
Green, Treasurer
Freddie Kartoz, Secretary
Kathryn Carley, VP of Communications.
Alison d’Amato, Faculty Advisor
Jean Pedersen, Faculty Advisor
Hillel at Eastman
Hillel at the University of Rochester (UR Hillel) is proud to be the catalyst for vibrant, pluralistic, inclusive Jewish life on campus. We embrace the core Jewish value of hachnasat orchim (welcoming all), with great spirit and energy. We connect students with one another, and with Jewish culture and traditions through religious life and celebrations, learning, civic engagement and social action, Israel, community and social connections, and leadership programs. Our goal is to foster an environment in which every Jewish student feels empowered to meaningfully engage with Judaism and Jewish living while on campus, and in an enduring way long after.
UR Hillel provides a welcoming, safe space for our students to explore Judaism and Jewish practice, whether they are looking to build on existing knowledge, or connect with their Jewish heritage for the first time. We are here to guide and support students on their Jewish journeys – in personal practice, and in crafting a meaningful home in both the Jewish and global communities.
Jewish life on campus reflects the great diversity of our students’ lives. We have weekly Shabbat services, free home-cooked Shabbat meals, social and cultural programming, a variety of learning cohorts, holiday services and celebrations, and so much more!
Please note that most of this programming is run out of the Interfaith Chapel on the River Campus, with satellite offerings and outreach at Eastman. We are always excited to partner with students to create programs and opportunities of interest, including expanded offerings here on the Eastman Campus.
Learn more at
Executive Board Members (2023-2024):
Vacant, President
Vacant, Vice President
Joy Getnick, Advisor
Solomon Zisser, Advisor
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
In response to God’s love, grace, and truth: The Purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture and God’s purposes in the world.
Our vision is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world-changers developed.

Executive Board Members (2023-2024):
Karina Tseng, President
Luke Lee, Vice President
Janet Gaddy, Vision Team Member
Beri Chung, Vision Team Member
Fletcher Leonard, Vision Team Member
Ingrid Buschopf, Vision Team Member
Jileen Herman, Advisor
Eastman’s chapter of the National Association for Music Education strives to:
- Make available to members opportunities for professional development
- Acquaint students with the privileges and responsibilities of the music education profession
- Provide all members with the opportunity to become acquainted with leaders in the music education profession through participation in programs, demonstrations, discussions, workshops, and performances planned by this chapter, the state music educators association, and NAfME.

Executive Board Members (2024-2025):
Isa Apodaca, President
Caleb Meyerhoff, Vice President
Sofia Martinez, Secretary
Vacant, Public Relations
Graduate NAfME
Info Coming Soon…
Sigma Alpha Iota
The Mission of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity is to encourage, nurture and support the art of music. Our purpose is to form chapters of women college students and alumnae who have a sincere interest in music; to uphold the highest standards of music; to further the development of music in America and throughout the world; to give inspiration and encouragement to members; to organize the cultural life of Sigma Alpha Iota members as a contributing factor to their educational growth; to support the ideals and goals of the member’s Alma Mater; and to adhere to the highest standards of citizenship in school, community and fraternity life.

Executive Board Members (2024-2025):
Bella Gozzo, President
Emily Kondrat, Vice President of Membership
Mary Jedynak, Vice President of Ritual
Sofia Mains, Secretary
Jenny Williams, Treasurer
Ana Maritas, Editor
Savannah White-Heximer,, Sergeant at Arms
Katherine Ciesinski, Faculty Advisor
ELHSA (Eastman Latino and Hispanic Students' Association)
Executive Board Members (2024-2025):
Érico Bezerra, President
Alvaro Caravaca, Vice President
Abby Hannah, Vice President of Communications
Weverton Santos, Vice President of Finance
Crystal Sellers Battle, Faculty Advisor
EDA (Eastman Disability Alliance)
Executive Board Members (2024-2025):
Emma Goldberg, Co-President
Semira Vinson, Co-President
Noah Carver, Vice President
Isabella Apodaca, Secretary/Treasurer
Freddie Kartoz, Student Advisor
Dr. Glenn Mackin, Faculty Advisor
New Music Collective
Executive Board Members (2024-2025):
Coleman Breining, President
Norah Bailey, General Manager
Wyatt Pepper, Composition Supervisor
Annaliese White, Gregory Galand, Liam Ross, Concert Logistics and Personnel Management
Jacob Merrill, Treasurer
Carter Bowman, Social Media & Advertising
Resources for Student Organizations
Student Resource Guide
Get all your student organization information here
The Student Resource Guide is a comprehensive document that includes information on student organization executive board, programming, and funding requirements. This document also includes information about the multiple resources available to students across campus. The information within the Student Resource Guide benefits student organization members and non-members.
Program Registration/Proposals
- Log on to CCC using the button
- Click into your orgs dashboard
- Find “Events” tile (Green)
- Click “+ Create Event” (upper right hand corner)
- Complete the form with all information
- Requests for funding are included here
- Requests for rooms included here
- Be as detailed as possible
- Submit your registration and wait for approval
Program Evaluation
Please complete this form after each program/event
Each student organization must adhere to the programming requirements set forth in the Student Resource Guide. As such, student organizations must evaluate each of its programs utilizing the form below. The Program Evaluation must be submitted for each event throughout the academic year. Furthermore, student organizations are required to complete the Program Evaluation form for any General Interest Meetings held.
*General Member meetings require one Program Evaluation per semester
Advisor Meetings
Schedule your meetings here. Frequency of meetings are determined by the Assistant Director for Student Activities and Engagement.
Each student organization’s executive board is required to meet with the Assistant Director for Student Activities and Engagement regularly. These meetings are informative and provide space for each organization to receive guidance as they plan programs, engage students, and build communities at Eastman. The Assistant Director for Student Activities and Engagement serves as the sole advisor for each student organization in addition to any faculty advisors selected by the organization.
New Organizations
New Student Organization Process
Please see the information below to become a new student organization at Eastman:
- Schedule a meeting with the Assistant Director for Student Activities and Engagement to discuss your interests. Bring your ideas and interested members along to this meeting.
- Schedule an interest tabling event to recruit members. This tabling should be in a general space for students to learn about the upcoming opportunity of the organization. More guidance will be shared in the initial interest meeting with the Assistant Director.
- Plan a General Interest Meeting (GIM) with the students recruited at the tabling event. This meeting will be open to all students interested in joining the organization from the start. Minimal funding may be provided to host the GIM upon request.
- Plan an event for the campus with the the Office for Student Activities. This event should be engaging and open to the student body and work to establish the organization on campus. Success of the event will determine how the organization moves forward in the following steps.
- Provide proof of membership (at least 5 active members), executive board, and constitution. Each of these items will be acquired along with the completion of the previous steps. Final paperwork submission will prompt the organizations consideration for recognition status by the Students’ Association.
Expectations for Excellence
Current student organizations and student groups, please utilize the information below to complete your annual review report
Expectations for Excellence is the annual review for student organizations and groups at Eastman. This year’s process will take place digitally and virtually. Annual review reports will be submitted via an online form and your review meetings will be held virtually via Zoom. In each virtual review meeting, organizations will receive their final review letters and discuss the recommendations provided. Furthermore, the final review meeting will include a moderated portion to be recorded for future recruitment efforts. The timeline for the Expectations for Excellence process is listed below.
- March 14th – Student Organizations will receive their instructions and E4E form link
- April 15th – Student Organizations must submit their completed E4E
- April 18th – Review of E4E begins
- April 22nd – Review of E4E concludes
- April 25th – Student Organizations virtual review meetings begin
- April 29th – Student Organizations virtual review meetings conclude
Click here to access the 2022 Expectations for Excellence Instructional Guide.
Executive Board Elections
The Office of Student Affairs and the Students’ Association hosts a combined election process for all Student Organizations at Eastman. In tandem with the Expectations for Excellence Review Process, organizations are encouraged to assess their performance throughout the academic year, recruit new members, and prepare for transition simultaneously. The 2022 student organization election timeline is as follows:
- March 28th – Election Platform Submissions begin
- April 1st – Election Platform Submissions due
- April 4th – Election Polls Open
- April 15th – Election Polls Close
- April 18th – Election Results Announced
The button below will lead to election platform submissions and will be accessible during Submission Week. Once platforms are submitted, student organizations will receive their individual ballots to elect their student organization executive board members.