The full list of tasks to be completed prior to your arrival can be found within your portal. There are a number of forms, documents, and placement exams that will need to be submitted in order for you to begin your studies at Eastman. Click the button below to access your portal.
Congratulations on your enrollment! We are thrilled that you’ve joined the University of Rochester community. Before we welcome you to campus and you begin your first semester, we want to make sure you have all the tools and information you need to be successful. If you have any questions about Welcome Week throughout your transition, please contact the Office for Student Activities at Eastman at
Welcome Week is designed to welcome all incoming students to the Eastman campus, the University of Rochester, and the city of Rochester. Through an immersive experience, students will engage in interactive presentations, excursions, and campus traditions.
The on-campus Welcome Week program will begin just after move-in for undergraduates and following check-in for graduate students. Pre-arrival requirements will be shared via a checklist over the summer for students to complete.
Students are required to attend all Welcome Week activities.
Welcome Week 2025
TBD | Dual Degree & Transfer Course Registration
Course registration for incoming dual degree and transfer undergraduate students begin on Tuesday August 5th at 9:00 AM ET. Course Registration will be completed online via UR Student.
If you are a dual degree student, please connect with your advisor to discuss course planning for non-Eastman classes on the River campus. If you have questions about connecting with your advisor, please contact Louise Ly.
TBD | Undergraduate Course Registration
Course registration for remaining incoming undergraduate students TBD. Students will attend a required advising session with information on course planning, placement exam results, and registration. Course Registration will be completed online via UR Student.
If you are a dual degree student, please connect with your advisor to discuss course planning for non-Eastman classes on the River campus. If you have questions about connecting with your advisor, please contact Louise Ly.
August 17 | International First-Year Student Move-In
International student move-in begins at 9:00am on Monday, August 18, 2025.
There will be a free shuttle available from 10:00AM-4:00PM EST from the airport to the Eastman campus courtesy of International Services Office. If you will not be using the shuttle, you will need to find alternative transportation to campus. Please use your student portal to answer the international student arrival survey if you will be arriving from outside the United States.
August 19 | Domestic First-Year Student Move-In
Domestic New Student Move-In is on Tuesday, August 19th, 2025 starting at 8am.
If your last name begins with A – L, please try to come between 8:00am – 10:00am
If your last name begins with M – Z, please try to come between 10:00am – 12:00pm
August 19 | Parent and Family Orientation
Eastman Welcome Week includes a special portion for parents and families. On move-in day, parents and families are invited to join their incoming students for the resource expo, lunch, and the Welcome Session. Following the Welcome Session, parents and families will attend their very own session with administrators from multiple offices at the University of Rochester. At the end of the Parent and Family presentation, students will say goodbye to their families at the Family Farewell.
August 18-23 | New Student Welcome Week (Undergraduate Orientation)
Upon move-in, undergraduates will begin the activities for Eastman’s Welcome Week. The schedule will outline what students can expect once they arrive. All of the Welcome Week program is required for incoming first-year and transfer students. Every incoming student will be placed in a small group to connect with other students and their peer leader. More information about session specifics will be printed and shared with each student in their folder during Welcome Week check-in. Sessions or requirements specific to instrument/major are not listed and will be shared with each student respectively.
August 20 | University of Rochester Convocation
All new undergraduate students and their families, as well as faculty and staff, will travel to the River Campus for Convocation, a ceremony that signals the start of their academic careers at Rochester. President Sarah Mangelsdorf, as well as leaders from the Eastman School of Music, the School of Arts & Sciences, and the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, will welcome them to the University, and current students and faculty will perform.
August 21-23 | New Student Welcome Week (Graduate Orientation)
The first day of classes is Monday, August 25th.
August 29 - 31 | Yellowjacket Weekend @ ESM
Yellowjacket Weekend @ ESM includes the first Club Eastman of the semester, movie night in the courtyard, student activities and job fair, food trucks and more!
Additional Resources
Please click on each topic below to access additional information about resources to aid your transition.
Financial Aid
Below is a brief guide to some of the common financial pieces to entering Eastman, please reach out to the Financial Aid Office for individual assistance.
As a reminder, students are responsible for filing all required applications, documents, and certifications with the ESM Office of Financial Aid so that awards are credited to the student’s Eastman School bill. Be sure to visit ESM FAOnline to review your financial aid for the upcoming academic year.
Federal Work Study
Students are responsible for finding and securing an on-campus job in order to utilize their Work Study award. Earned funds are paid directly to the student via University payroll in a bi-weekly paycheck based on hours worked. How to search for a job and other information can be found at the University of Rochester Student Employment Office website.
Outside Grants, Awards, and Prizes
If you are receiving an outside grant, award, or prize, please notify the ESM Office of Financial Aid so that the award can be anticipated on your student account. Checks should be forwarded to the Office of Financial Aid, Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs St, Rochester, NY 14604.
University Health Service (UHS)
The University Health Service (UHS) provides a full range of confidential, high-quality health care services for full-time University of Rochester students. Visits to UHS physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses are covered by the mandatory health fee. UHS provides treatment for illnesses and injuries, management of ongoing medical problems, allergy injections, preventive care, and advice for health concerns. All visits to UHS are confidential.
UHS has offices at the Eastman School of Music, on the River Campus, and in the UR Medical Center. Students can be seen at any one of three locations. Eastman students are most likely to be seen at the UHS Eastman Office or the UHS River Campus Office. The UHS Eastman Office, located in Room 106 in the ESM Student Living Center, is open weekdays from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm during the academic year while classes are in session. The office is staffed by a registered nurse. A UHS physician and nurse practitioner see students on specific days and times during the academic year. Appointments with the physician, nurse practitioner, and registered nurse are made by calling 585-275-2662.
The UHS office on the River Campus is located in the UHS Building, which is next to Susan B. Anthony Residence Hall on the University of Rochester River Campus. This office is open 7 days/week during the academic year with evening hours Monday through Thursday. This office is open weekdays during the summer and school breaks. The specific hours are posted on the UHS web site. Appointments are scheduled at this office by calling 585-275-2662.
When UHS is Closed: Whenever UHS offices are closed, a UHS physician is on-call and available by phone for urgent concerns that cannot wait until the offices re-open. Students are asked to contact UHS before going elsewhere for care. Students should call 585-275-2662 to reach the UHS physician on-call.
University Counseling Center (UCC)
Students often seek counseling services for a wide variety of concerns including, anxiety, depression, grief, relationship difficulties, alcohol or substance use concerns, as well as school/academic or general discomforts about what is going on in one’s life. The University Counseling Center (UCC) provides a comprehensive initial assessment and an individualized treatment plan to members of the University of Rochester community who pay the mandatory health fee. Based on the initial assessment, a treatment plan is developed by the clinician that addresses the client’s unique needs and concerns. This plan may include recommendations such as, but not limited to: group therapy, brief therapy, referrals to community provider for specialized treatment or longer term therapy services, Therapist Assisted On-line (TAO), case management services, psychiatry, or other campus services. All visits to UHS and UCC are confidential. Appointments at UCC are scheduled by calling 585-275-3113.
The University Counseling Center (UCC) also provides a 24-hour crisis service, consultation and educational presentations to students.
The University Counseling Center (UCC) has an office in Room 107 in the ESM Student Living Center. Appointments with a UCC therapist can be scheduled by calling (585) 275-3113. This number can also be used to reach the mental health professional on-call when UCC is closed. The University Counseling Center (UCC) office on the University of Rochester campus is located on the third floor of the UHS Building. The office is open weekdays throughout the year: Visit the UCC website
UCC After Hours: Whenever UCC is closed, a UCC mental health professional is on-call and available by phone for urgent concerns that cannot wait until the office re-opens. Students should call 585-275-3113 to reach the mental health professional on call.
Campus Safety
University of Rochester Department of Public Safety officers are on duty 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Additionally, student office assistants in Residential Life check identification at the entrance of the Student Living Center and act as liaisons to Public Safety. To report an emergency or receive assistance, call Public Safety:
- Pick up a Blue Light emergency phone.
- Dial x13 from any other University phone.
- From a cell phone or other non-University phone, dial 585.275.3333.
- Dial #413 from AT&T or Verizon cell phones.
- If you are off-campus always call 911.
For more information on the Department of Public Safety, please visit the Public Safety website.
Blue Light Emergency Phones
You can call the Public Safety Communications Center for assistance at any time of the day or night from any Blue Light Emergency Phone. Simply pick up a BLUE LIGHT EMERGENCY PHONE and you will be immediately connected to the Public Safety Communications Center, or dial extension 13 from any University service phone. To see where all the Blue Lights are on campus visit the Public Safety Bluelight Map here.
AlertUR Campus Notification System
The University of Rochester has a highly trained staff of public safety professionals, as well as comprehensive policies and procedures to deal with emergencies. AlertUR is part of the comprehensive plan to provide emergency notification to the University of Rochester community of students, faculty, and staff. AlertUR uses e-mails, cell phones with domestic phone numbers, and other electronic devices to send out warnings of imminent danger. The alerts contain official University information when a crisis threatens the health and safety of people on or near University property. The names and campus e-mail addresses of all students are contained in the new system.
You are strongly encouraged to check personal data online at and add additional numbers and e-mails in regular use. Additionally, the AlertUR website provides a frequently asked questions page. Parents, family members, and international phone numbers cannot not receive AlertUR notifications, but the University regularly sends out e-newsletters to parents, alumni, and friends of the University, using those e-communications to update families and friends on critical situations. They and other members of the University community also can go to the University’s emergency Web page located at If you have questions about AlertUR you may email An AlertUR FAQ is available at (Login Required)
Academic Policy Handbook
Students are expected to read and familiarize themselves with the Eastman Academic Policy Handbook. The handbook contains important information regarding policies on enrollment, curriculum, grade point average, attendance, assessments, and more. It is the responsibility of the student to know these policies when they begin at Eastman. Questions can be directed to The Office of the Registrar and The Office of Academic Affairs.
Concert Attire & Music Stands
Please review the required concert attire for your ensembles. More information will be available soon from the Ensembles Office.
All Ensembles: For rehearsals and performances: no fragrances, colognes, perfumes, strong scented lotions, etc.
Instrumental Ensembles
To be announced.
Choral Ensembles
To be announced.
Jazz Ensembles
Concert dress will be determined by the Director of each ensemble.
Take a Stand
For many years, the equipment in the practice rooms at Eastman has included a music stand. Sometimes, when you are in a hurry to find a practice room, you may find the music stand has wandered to another location. We recommend that everyone bring with them a portable (foldable) music stand, one that you can carry in your backpack or instrument case so that you are ready to practice at any time, without the need to spend extra practice time searching for a music stand.
You can purchase a music stand at the Eastman School Bookstore. If you want to reserve a music stand for purchase when you arrive on campus, call the Eastman Bookstore at 585-274-1399 or email the bookstore at You can “take a stand” and pay for it in the Miller Center building during regular store hours.
University Information Technology
University Information Technology provides IT services and support to enhance your education and campus experience.
Technology Equipment for New Students
The University of Rochester has technology recommendations for enrolling new students. The equipment was selected to meet the most common needs of University departments (non-medical areas). If these recommendations do not meet your use case, please consult with your local IT support group.
Computer Labs, Printing, and Copy Services
There are three public computer labs with printing available on the Eastman campus. The Eastman Media Lab (in the Student Living Center) and The Cave (in the Main Building) are equipped with Macs, and the Listening Room (in the Sibley Music Library) offers both PCs and Macs.
For large or complex copy/print jobs, there are two Macs and multiple Xerox copiers in the Copy Center (on the Mezzanine level of the Annex).
A coin-operated copier is located in Sibley Music Library.
All copiers at Eastman can perform ‘scan-to-email’ functions, allowing you to turn paper copies into PDF files sent directly to your email address. There is no charge for this service. For more information, please visit
The Technology & Media Production department is responsible for technology services throughout the Eastman School of Music. They provide support, advice, and training for desktop support, online content, individual and ensemble recording and filming, multimedia events, video-conferencing, distance learning, and public workspaces. For more information, please go to:
Media Production
The Media Production department is located in ESM60 (basement, main building), and provides audio and video recording services, live streaming of events, and AV services. Self-serve AV equipment (video cameras, audio recorders, projectors, and screens) is available to sign out. Recording sessions with a T&MP engineer can be booked for an additional cost.
Eastman Computing Services
Eastman Computing is located in Room 35 off The Cave in the basement of Lowry Hall. The Eastman Computing Helpdesk offers support for NetID accounts, email access, and wireless connections, as well as assistance in troubleshooting general software and hardware issues. Contact the Helpdesk at 585.274.1160 or via email at For more information visit
Email, Internet & Telephones
University IT provides all Eastman students with a University email account.
About 3.5 million square feet of the University’s campuses have wireless coverage, including the Student Living Center, Sibley Music Library, and classrooms and public locations in Eastman academic buildings. All students living in residence halls are provided high-speed, wired access to the University campus network (ResNet). Students need to bring their own 14-ft Ethernet cord for wired Internet service; these are also available through the UR Tech Store.
Residential Life maintains courtesy telephones capable of inbound calling and local outgoing calls; those telephones can also be used for emergency calls. The University offers discounted cellular telephone service to students through select service providers. Students may sign up for new service or learn about discounts available for their current plan by contacting the provider directly.
Student Portal (Blackboard)
A number of student services are accessible through the student portal, including access to course syllabi, readings, assignments, grades, financial information, and OneCard accounts. The student portal also provides access to the Bursar’s online statement and payment system, UR ePay.
Course information can also be accessed via some mobile devices through the Blackboard Student application, which can be downloaded via UR Mobile.
UR Mobile is a mobile app that provides access to a number of University web resources on iOS, Android, Blackberry, and mobile web browsers. It offers driving directions, campus maps, course descriptions and schedules, campus and athletic events, live shuttle locations, University news, directory information, and more. Download the app at
UR Tech Store
The UR Tech Store is the University of Rochester’s on-campus technology store that offers educational discounts on computers, software, accessories, video gaming products, popular consumer electronics, and other technologies. In addition, the UR Tech Store has partnered with local companies to provide repair services to the University community. Shop their website or visit one of their retail locations in Rush Rhees Library (at the IT Center) and the Medical Center (Room G-7220B).
Information Security
University IT provides an IT environment where information security is a priority. Best practices for secure passwords, routine backups, spam filtering and virus protection are just a few core services. They provide free antivirus software, which is available to download at They encourage all students to sign up for AlertUR, a system used to alert the University community via phone, text, and email in case of an emergency.
Copyright Infringement Information
Sharing copyrighted works without the copyright owner’s permission is illegal and a violation of University policy. Students have the responsibility to know the law and University policy on downloading and distributing copyrighted files.[WD7] For more information visit
ID printing is available on-campus at the Eastman Student Living Center.
This service is typically by appointment only and during business hours M-F 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.
Incoming students are expected to upload their photo in their portal to have their Student ID Card available for pickup during orientation. If you have not uploaded your photo (per the guidelines listed in your portal), you may not have an available ID Card ready for pickup during orientation check-in and will need to schedule an appointment during business hours to take your picture and have it processed to be printed.
IDs will be prepared and printed on a first come, first served basis.
Orientation Traditions
Celebrate Diversity
Incoming students from the College and Eastman School of Music come together as One University to celebrate University of Rochester's global community in an evening of music, dance, and poetry. This vibrant introduction to campus life is one of the most memorable and impactful Rochester Traditions.
Eastman New Student Semi-Formal Dance
Previously the Eastman Barn Dance, the Eastman New Student Semi-Formal is an evening filled with music, dancing, and food. All incoming students get dressed up and come together to enjoy the first few days on the Eastman campus.