Eastman Students’ Association logo
The purpose of the Eastman Students’ Association (SA) is to act as a liaison between the undergraduate students and the administration; to provide a support structure for student activities; to provide social activities to enhance and enrich student life; to promote the cultural, social, and physical well-being of undergraduates; to protect the academic and non-academic rights of students; to ensure quality educational standards, facilities, and teaching methods within the school; and to provide a forum for the expression of student views and interests.

The Eastman Students’ Association is advised by the Office for Student Activities. The SA and the Office for Student Activities act as liaisons between the Eastman School of Music and the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering (commonly referred to as “The College” or the “River Campus”). In addition to the student organizations at Eastman, students have the opportunity to join any of the student organizations at the College. Students who are interested in joining an Eastman student organization, creating a new student organization or joining one on the River Campus are encouraged to speak with the Eastman Students’ Association President or staff from the Office for Student Activities.

2022-23 Executive Board

Eastman's Executive Board Members are as follows:

Meg Brilleslyper, President
Brianna Garcon, Vice President of Student Organization Management
Madelin Morales, Vice President of Finance
Becky O’Dell, Secretary

Laura O’Neill, Academics Chair I
Lauren Case, Academics Chair II
Vacant, Community Service Chair
Mary Jedynak, Dining Services Chair
Kayla Sconiers, Equity and Inclusion Chair
Vacant, Health and Wellness Chair
Will Hurtz, Title IX Chair
Vacant, Transportation, Safety and Security Chair
Adam Catangui, Yearbook Chair

If you are interested in joining the Eastman Students’ Association – send an email to studentactivities@esm.rochester.edu
More Information

SA President

The executive and advocacy power of the Students’ Association will be vested in the President, and the President will be the official representative of the student body. The President will preside over Students’ Association meetings.

SA Vice President

The Vice President will fill the President’s role sand duties in the case of the President’s absence. The VP assists the President in the execution of Presidential duties and serves as parliamentarian at all meetings of the Executive Board and the SA Council.

SA Secretary

The Students’ Association Secretary shall be responsible for taking attendance minutes and detailed notes of all Students’ Association meetings. They will attend all Executive Board meetings, Town Hall meetings, and will assist the President in any secretarial needs.

SA Director of Publicity

The Director of Publicity shall be responsible for the Students’ Association social media pages. They will regularly advertise for SA events, Town Hall Meetings, and other Eastman School of Music events. The Director of Publicity will attend Executive Board, SA, and Town Hall Meetings.

SA Director of Finance

The Director of Finance is responsible for overseeing and approving the use of Students’ Association monies and funds. They
will attend Executive Board meetings and will work closely with an SA Faculty Representative.

Executive Board Elections

Join the SA with the following information

The Office of Student Affairs and the Students’ Association hosts a combined election process for all Student Organizations at Eastman. In tandem with the Expectations for Excellence Review Process, organizations are encouraged to assess their performance throughout the academic year, recruit new members, and prepare for transition simultaneously. The 2022 student organization election timeline is as follows:
  • March 28th – Election Platform Submissions begin
  • April 1st – Election Platform Submissions due
  • April 4th – Election Polls Open
  • April 15th – Election Polls Close
  • April 18th – Election Results Announced

The button below will lead to election platform submissions and will be accessible during Submission Week. Once platforms are submitted, student organizations will receive their individual ballots to elect their student organization executive board members.