Welcome Parents and Family!

Please use these resources to assist you with understanding and supporting your student’s experiences, learning, and growth. It is our goal that, as a member of the Eastman School of Music parent community, you feel connected.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please let us know by contacting:

Robert E. Bones, Ed. D.
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

Suggested Readings for Parents of College Students

Berent, Polly –
Getting Ready for College; Everything You Need to Know Before You Go – From Bike Locks to Laundry Baskets, Financial Aid to Health Care.
Random House Trade Paperbacks.

Coburn, Karen Levin and Treeger, Madge, Lawrence–
Letting Go: A Parents’ Guide to Understanding the College Years.
Harper Collins Publishers.

Johnson, Helen and Schelhaus-Miller, Christine–
Don’t Tell Me what to Do, Just Send Money.
St. Martin’s Griffin.

Savage, Marjorie–
You’re On Your Own (But I’m Here if You Need Me): Mentoring Your Child During the College Years.

Van Steenhouse, Andrea–
Empty Nest…Full Heart: The Journey from Home to College
Simpler Life Press.

Students Helping Students–
Getting Through College Without Going Broke: A Crash Course on Finding Money for College and Making it Last.
Prentice Hall Press.


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