Varieties of Christianity – ONLINE

Good Shepherd Mosaics. Mausoleum of Galla Pacidia, Ravenna (ca. 425 AD)

Good Shepherd Mosaics. Mausoleum of Galla Pacidia, Ravenna (ca. 425 AD)

HUM 282
Varieties of Christianity – ONLINE
June 24-August 2, 2024 / days, times TBA
Eric Scherbenske, instructor

This course explores the extraordinarily diverse theologies and practices of the communities that described themselves as Christian in the first centuries after Jesus’s death: Jewish Christians who believed in Jesus and maintained kosher in Syria; ecstatic prophets and prophetesses in modern-day Turkey; “Gnostic” visionaries and brilliant theologians in Egypt; martyrs persecuted by the Roman authorities in France; and Christians engaged in church-related disputes in North Africa. In the course of our studies we will see how various Christian groups responded to pressing problems and how Christianity emerged united, yet successively divided, as the dominant religion of the ancient Mediterranean world by the fourth century.

Enrollment limited to 12 students.

Program Information


$4,400 / 4 credits

Click here to register

Read our blog: Summer@Eastman Spotlight: Varieties of Christianity