The convention within the finding aid has been to present (1) on the first line of each entry, a transcription of whatever caption appears on the side of a tape’s container (which is most often a short-form description), i.e. that description that is eye-legible when reading the contents on a shelf; and then, (2) on each entry’s second and subsequent lines, the descriptive information that appears on the container’s main label area (which is usually more complete). Finally, any technical data such as may appear on the container (or on the reel itself) are presented on the last line, italicized.
Entries and descriptive notes left by Dr. Barlow have been transcribed as they appear, including any abbreviations and other short-form renderings.
Box 14
item 1 | Duo for Harp and Tape Wayne Barlow: Duo for Harp and Tape. Robert Barlow, harp 7 ½”; 4-track mono |
item 2 | Dynamisms for 2 pianos 7 ½” |
item 3 | [Hymn voluntaries] Barlow: 4 organ pieces Barlow: Hymn Voluntaries. 1) Christ Lay in Death’s Strong Bands. 2) O little Flock, Fear Not the Foe. 3) Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice 4) Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest. 7 ½” ¼ tr. Stereo |
item 4 | [Hymn voluntaries] 3 organ pieces. Barlow: 3 organ pieces 1) Christ lag… 2) O little flock…. 3) Dear Christians, one and all rejoice. ¼ tr. Stereo. 7 ½” |
item 5 | Moonflight [no other information] |
item 6 | Night Song 7 ½” 4-track mono |
item 7 | Barlow: Night Song 8 min. 7 ½” 4-track mono |
item 8 | Nightsounds/Music Birdsong [3 other tracks previously indicated but crossed out] |
item 9 | Rota Rota for Chamber Orch. by Wayne Barlow. 5:07. 7 ½” mono |
item 10 | Sinfonia da Camera- Janiec BMC- 1982 Sinfonia da Camera. Janiec BMC [i.e., Brevard Music Center]. 8/12/82 3 ¾ speed |
item 11 | Sinfonietta/Rondo-Ov./Mass in G/Lyrical Piece. 1) Sinfonietta-2nd move. 4:45 2) Rondo Overture 4:00 3) Cantio pro Elevatione (strings) from Mass in G. 2:30 4) Lyrical Piece for Clarinet & Strings 4:00 7 ½” ips |
item 12 | Soundscapes for Orchestra and Tape Soundscapes: Mists. Clouds. Constellations. Sunbursts. 3-3/4 i.p.s.; 4-track mono |
item 13 | Study in Electronic Sound Barlow: Study in Electronic Sound. 2-track 7 ½” stereo. |
item 14 | Study in Electronic Sound Barlow: Study (climax rev.) 7 ½” [ “Env. Foll” written on side and on reel] |
item 15 | Study in Electronic Sound Barlow: Study in Electronic Sound. 7 ½” ips; ¼ tr. stereo |
item 16 | Trio for Oboe Viola, Piano- 1964 Wayne Barlow, Trio for Oboe, Viola, Piano. Robert Sprenkle, oboe; Francis Tursi, viola; Armand Basile, piano. Recorded by Whitford L. Hall, Minister of Music, First Congregational Church, Washington, D.C., May 17, 1964. 7 ½ ips.; full track |
item 17 | Vistas [label indicates “cut at 8’ 50”; track listing on reverse crossed out] |
item 18 | Vocalise and Canon for Tuba and Piano Wayne Barlow: Vocalise and Canon for Tuba and Piano. Duration 6:04 Cherry Beauregard, tuba; Dorothy Payne, piano. 7 ½ i.p.s.; half-track stereo |
Box 15
item 1 | Waves [no other information] |
item 2 | [side caption lacking; three selections indicated on label] I. Night Song II. Rota. III. The Winter’s Passed, for Oboe and Strings. ¼ track mono 3-3/4 i.p.s. Single Channel. Can be played on 2 or 4 track players. |
item 3 | Sinfonia da Camera / Intrada, Fugue, Postlude-etc. Excerpts (beginnings of each movement): Sinfonia Da Camera / Intrada, Fugue, and Postlude for orchestral brasses. 7 ½ i.p.s.; 4-track stereo |
item 4 | We All Believe/ Mass in G/ Wait for the Promise 1) We All Believe in One True God. Chorus, brass quartet and organ. 2) Mass in G: Sanctus, Cantio pro Elevatione, Agnus Dei. Chorus, strings, and organ. 3) Wait for the Promise of the Father: I Keep the Lord (vi), All Flesh is Like Grass (X). Chorus, instruments, and organ. Half-track mono. 3-3/4 ips. One channel only. Can be played on 2 or 4-track machines. |
item 5 | Bells of Xmas 1981 (Karl Haas) [no other information] 3 ¾” ½ track mono 2 side |
item 6 | Clark: Star Bursts [no other information] |
item 7 | Cowell: Ongaku (1957) Whitney-Louisville 7 ½” ips |
item 8 | Davis BSN [track listings of three works by Ross Lee Finney originally appearing on reel container; however, that information crossed out on the spine, suggesting that the tape may have been recorded over] |
item 9 | Words of St. Peter / Electronic Tape. Richard Felciano. Performance tape for piece for tape and organ. 7 ½” ips; full track mono |
item 10 | Coming of Age. Fine / Etler / Benson / Hodkinson. 6.5-80 Coming of Age. 3 ¾” ½ tr mono |
item 11 | Lewkovitch: Mass 6/26/55 Danish Festival |
item 12 | Riegger: Var[iations] For Piano & Orch. (1954) 7 ½” |
item 13 | Aftertones of Infinity Joseph Schwantner [track listing written out but crossed out] ½-track stereo 7 ½” |
item 14 | Harry Somers (Canadian): Suite for Harp and Chamber Orch. [no further information] |
item 15 | Varese: Ionization [no other information] |
item 16 | Leroy Williams The Rainbow Ends: for Wind Ensemble 7 ½ ips ¼ track stereo |
item 17 | Leroy Williams: Mus. Concrete Etc. [no other information] |
Box 16
item 1 | BARLOW: DUO for Hp. and Tp. TAPE PART Wayne Barlow: Duo for Harp and Tape. Tape part ½ track stereo. 7 ½” head out |
item 2 | [side caption lacking] Barlow: Duo for Harp & Tape. Tape part. 2 tr stereo 7 ½” |
item 3 | Duo for Harp and Tape-D. Fleisher, harp Wayne Barlow: Duo for Harp and Tape. Deborah Fleisher, Harpist. 7 ½ ips. ½ track stereo |
item 4 | BARLOW: DUO (Tape pt.) Barlow: Duo for Harp & Tape. Tape Part. 2 tr stereo. 7 ½” Tail out |
item 5 | BARLOW: DUO Hp. & Tape. Tape pt. Wayne Barlow: Duo for Harp and Tape. Tape part. 7 ½”- ½ track stereo. Head out |
item 6 | BARLOW. DUO harp & tape.. Tape part. Wayne Barlow: Duo for Harp and Tape ¼ track stereo; 4-track; tail out |
item 7 | Harp Duo-Masters Wayne Barlow. Duo for harp & tape. Tape [information transcribed from old container to new] |
item 8 | Harp Duo tape part Harp Duo tape part. [information transcribed from old container to new] |
item 9 | Barlow: Dynamisms Wayne Barlow: Dynamisms for Two Pianos. (1967) I: Densities—II: Timbres—III. Projections. [no further information] ¼ track stereo 7 ½ ips |
item 10 | BARLOW: ORGAN Barlow: Hymn Voluntaries For Organ: Christ Lay in Death’s Strong Bonds—O Little Flock, Fear not The Foe—Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice—Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest. |
item 11 | Barlow: Images Wayne Barlow: Images, for Harp & Orchestra. Robert Barlow, Harp. Duration 16:42 Full track mono. 7 ½ ips. |
item 12 | BARLOW: IMAGES. NGA [i.e., National Gallery of Art] Barlow: Images. R. Barlow, Harp. R. Bales & Nat. Gallery of Art Orch. Copied from NPR cassette of performance. April 1982. Time: 19:30 |
item 13 | Barlow: Intermezzo Va. & Hp. Wayne Barlow-Intermezzo for Viola & Harp. 10 ½’ [i.e., in duration] 2 tr stereo- 7 ½ ips; head out |
Box 17
item 1 | BARLOW: INTERMEZZO Intermezzo for Viola and Harp 2 tr stereo. 7 ½” ips-head out ready to play |
item 2 | BARLOW: Intermezzo for Harp & Viola Barlow: Intermezzo for Harp & Viola. Pitch corrected. ¼ tr stereo 7 ½” |
item 3 | BARLOW: INTRADA . . . Barlow. Intrada; Fugue; Postlude 7 ½ ips ½ track mono |
item 4 | Barlow: Intrada . . . Intrada, Fugue, and Postlude (Duplicate) Barlow: Intrada, Fugue & Postlude for Brass. ESM Brass Ensemble. 7 ½ ips. Mono |
item 5 | WB: Lento & Allegro Lento and Allegro- W. Barlow. ¼-tr mono. 7 ½ ips head out. |
item 6 | WB MASS IN G 5-10-51 WB cond. Premiere w/ orch Wayne Barlow. Mass in G 5/10/51. ¼” stereo. 7 ½ ips tail out |
item 7 | Mass in G strgs * brass Barlow: Mass in G (1951) for chorus, strings and brass. Kyrie—Gloria—Credo—Sanctus & Benedictus—Cantio pro Elevatione—Agnus Dei. 7 ½” ips mono single-track |
item 8 | Barlow: Mass in G Mass in G- strings and brasses- [April 30] 1957. Kyrie eleison—Gloria in excelsis—Credo—Sanctus—Cantio pro Elevatione—Agnus Dei. [excerpt from printed program affixed to container: performers cited were The Eastman Singers; Dr. David Fetler, conducting] Single track. 7 ½ ips. Program information taped on back. |
item 9 | Microtonal Microtonal. BASF tape |
item 10 | Moonflight [title added later by JBD] |
item 11 | Out of the Cradle: excerpts Out of the cradle. 3 excerpts. 7 ½” ¼ tr |
item 12 | Out of the Cradle Concert of Electronic & Live Music / Wayne Barlow, Director. Kilbourn Hall, 4/4/78. Out of the Cradle Endless Rocking / Barlow. 1/2-track stereo; 1 mil poly; 7 1/2 ips |
item 13 | BARLOW: OUT OF THE CRADLE . . . Barlow: Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking. Tape Part 7 ½” ½ tr stereo. 2-track |
Box 18
item 1 | Poems for Music Poems for Music. (Serenade omitted)
7 ½ ips. mono.; single-track |
item 2 | Barlow. Sax[ophone] Concerto No other information on container or reel. |
item 3 | BARLOW: SINFONIA SINFONIA. [previous content citation crossed out] |
item 4 | BARLOW: SINFONIA. MSTR Dr. Wayne Barlow. Sinfonia da Camera. Mono. 7 ½ ips. Head out |
item 5 | BARLOW: Sinfonia da Camera Barlow: Sinfonia da Camera (1962): Overture—Canon—Scherzo and Musette—Aria—Finale. 7 ½” mono; pitch sharp 1/2 step |
item 6 | BARLOW: SONATA [for piano] Sonata / Barlow |
item 7 | BARLOW: PA. SONATA Barlow: Piano Sontata 7 ½” Full track |
item 8 | Barlow: Soundprints Barlow: Soundprints In Concrete. Wooden Nickels—Messenger of Bronze—The Tyranny of Time. ½ tr stereo. 7 ½” head out |
item 9 | Barlow: Soundprints Soundprints. [no further information] 7 ½” ½ tr st. |
item 10 | Barlow: Soundprints Barlow=Soundprints. [no further information] 7 ½” ¼ tr stereo |
item 11 | Soundprints [no further information] |
item 12 | Barlow: Soundscapes (perf.) Barlow. Soundscapes [based on side caption; presumably the premiere performance at the Eastman School of Music, March 10, 1972] 7 ½ ips 2 track stereo |
item 13 | BARLOW: Soundscapes. New mixdown Barlow: Soundscapes for Tape & Orchestra. New mixdown 7 ½ ips (19 cms) ¼ track stereo |
Box 19
item 1 | BARLOW: SOUNDSCAPES Barlow: Soundscapes ½ tr 7 ½” |
item 2 | BARLOW: SOUNDSCAPES (complete) Barlow: Soundscapes 7 ½ 2-track stereo |
item 3 | Soundscapes–master Soundscapes. Master [information transcribed from old container to new] |
item 4 | Soundscapes–sub-master Soundscapes. Sub-master [information transcribed from old container to new] |
item 5 | Barlow: Soundscapes. New mix Barlow: Soundscapes for Orchestra & Tape (New mixdown) ½-track stereo. 7 ½ ips. Tail out. 19 cms 2-track stereo |
item 6 | Soundscapes / Tape part Soundscapes. Tape part |
item 7 | Soundscapes: tape part Tape Part [label affixed to reel]. 15” |
item 8 | Barlow: Study . . . Barlow: “Study in Electronic Sound.” Realized at the Electronic Music Studio of University of Utrecht, Holland. 1965. 2-track stereo 15 ips |
item 9 | BARLOW: STUDY [in electronic sound] Barlow. Study . . . [title on label affixed to reel] 15 ips, stereo |
item 10 | Barlow: Trio [for oboe, viola and piano] Trio. [detailed info of reel’s previous content crossed out] |
item 11 | Barlow: Trio Wayne Barlow: Trio for Oboe, Viola, and Piano. (1964) ¼ stereo. 7 ½ ips |
item 12 | BARLOW: TRIPTYCH III Brevard Strg. Selection — Janiec Barlow: Lento espressivo for strings: Triptych III from the String Quartet. |
item 13 | BARLOW: TRIPTYCH Barlow: Triptych (dub). Erling Bloch Quartet, Copenhagen 1956 7 ½” ¼ tr mono |
Box 20
item 1 | BARLOW: TRIPTYCH Wayne Barlow: Triptych for String Quartette (1953) Quarter-track stereo 7 ½” ips mono |
item 2 | Vistas Barlow. Vistas 7 ½ ips. Stereo |
item 3 | Barlow: Voices of Darkness Musica Nova. Kilbourn Hall 1/17/75. Voices of Darkness / Barlow. |½ tr stereo- 1 mic poly. 7 ½ ips |
item 4 | Barlow: Voices of Darkness—perf. Voices of Darkness. Barlow. Kilbourn Hall. 1/17/75 1/2-track stereo; 1 mil poly; 7 1/2 ips |
item 5 | Barlow: Voices of Darkness performance Barlow: Voices of Darkness. Piano, percussion and tape. Jean Sloop, narrator. 7 ½ ips ¼ tr stereo. From 1/2-track master. |
item 6 | Voices of Darkness– tape part Voices of Darkness by Wayne Barlow. Tape part 7 ½” half-track stereo. Tail out. [information transcribed to new reel container during processing] |
item 7 | Voices of Darkness–tape part Barlow: Voices of Darkness-tape part. ¼ track stereo 7 ½ ips Head out. |
item 8 | Barlow: Voices of Darkness Barlow: Voices of Darkness 7 ½” ½ tr stereo |
item 9 | BARLOW: VOICES OF FAITH Voices of Faith — Barlow 2/28/76 The Augusta Symphony Orchestra. Recorded by: Sports Film Service, Sound Recording Division, 1110 Terrace Circle Drive, North Augusta, S.C. 29841. ¼ tr stereo 7 ½ ips. |
item 10 | Barlow: Wait for the Promise Barlow- “Wait for the Promise of the Father” 7 ½ ips. 2 track stereo. |
item 11 | WAIT FOR . . . VII. X Wait For VII, X ¼ tr 7 ½” |
item 12 | BARLOW: WE ALL BELIEVE . . . Barlow: We All Believe In One True God: for chorus, brass, and organ. 7 ½”, ½ tr. Stereo |
Box 21
item 1 | BARLOW: Constellations”; Intermezzo 1) “Constellations” from Soundscapes for orchestra and tape 1972 2) Intermezzo for viola and harp 1980 Quarter-track stereo. 7 ½ ips. Leader separates selections |
item 3 | Moers; Barlow Robert Moers: Musica da Camera (1965). Barlow: Dynamisms (1967) [no further information] Stereo 7½” |
item 4 | Barlow. Dynamisms; Elegy Barlow. 1. Dynamisms.
¼ tr stereo. 7½” |
item 5 | Barlow. Images, Rota 1) Barlow: Images (1961) Harp & Orch. 4/24/61* 2) Rota for Chamber Orch (1959) *w/ cuts to confirm to revision 7 ½ ips |
item 6 | BARLOW: IMAGES; SINFONIA. NGA [i.e., National Gallery of Art] Barlow. I) Images for Harp & Chamber Orch. II) Sinfonia Da Camera. Footage: I-60-140; II 445-580. 5 minutes each. |
item 7 | BARLOW: Intrada, Sonata, Poems for Music MSTR 1) Intrada, Fugue & Postlude for Brass Ensemble (1959) 2) Sonata for Piano (1947) (Echániz) 3) Poems for Music (1958) (Antoine). 4) By Wayne Barlow 7 ½ ips mono single-track. Adjust pitch half-step down |
item 8 | Barlow: Moon Flight, Study . . . Barlow: Moon flight; Study in Electronic Sound 7 ½” stereo |
item 9 | [lacks caption label] BARLOW: 1. Night Song; 2. Vistas [source of information is label affixed to reel] |
item 10 | OUT OF THE CRADLE; DUO HARP & TAPE Concert of Electronic & Live Music / Wayne Barlow, Director. Kilbourn Hall, 4/4/78. Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking / Barlow. Duo for Harp & Tape / Barlow. ½ track stereo- 1 mil poly. 7 ½ ips |
item 11 | BARLOW: CRADLE; HARP DUO; VOCALISE & CANON Side one: Out of the Cradle. Side two: Duo for Harp & Tape-Mono. Vocalise & Canon. ¼ track. 7 ½” |
item 12 | Barlow: 1) Prelude, Air & Variation. Bsn & Pa Quintet; 2) Lyrical Piece. Clar. & Stgs. Side 1: Prelude Air and Variations; Lyrical Piece for Clarinet and Strings. ¼ track mono. 7 ½ ips head out. Non-Dolby. |
item 13 | Barlow: Trio. Dynamisms 1)Trio for oboe, viola and piano (1964) 2) Dynamisms for two pianos (1967) 7 ½” 4-track stereo head out |
Box 22
item 1 | Acoustics Slaymaker. Fixed formant vs fixed wave shape. 7 ½ mono. |
item 2 | Arel: E.M. #1 Bulent Arel: Stereo Electronic Music No. 1 (1960) |
item 3 | Arel: Music for a Sacred Svc. Arel: Music for a Sacred Service. 7 ½ 2 track stereo |
item 4 | Argento/Bartok -Carnegie Hall 3/29/79 Argento: In Praise of Music Zinman Bartok: Miraculous Maudarin |
item 5 | Babbitt: Philomel Babbitt: Philomel [“EXXON” handwritten and crossed out] 7 ½” ½ tr stereo |
item 6 | [lacks side caption] Grazyna Bacewicz: Music for Strings, Trumpets and Percussion (1958). PHILLIPS Joep Straesser: 22 pages (1965). DONEMUS |
item 7 | Tadeusz Baird: Erotica (1961). Philips PHS 900-141 Peter Schat: Entelechy I (1961). Donemus DAVS 6702 Stereo 7 ½” |
item 8 | [lacks side caption] Francois Bayle: Vapeur (Electronic & live). Francais-Bernard Mache: Terre de Feu (electronic). Philippe Carson: Turmac (factory sounds) . BAM: Musique Experimentale II. 2-track Mono 7 ½” |
item 9 | Belgian Electronic Music Louis DeMeester: Incantations; Ring Variaties v. Klavier; Prologue. Emmanuel Van Weerst: Hygiene. Dider Gazelle: Studie. Lucien Goethals: Cellotape. 7 ½” mono |
item 10 | Berio: Circles [side description identical to label description] No other information |
item 11 | Berio, etc. Side 1 (David Burge, piano): Berio: Sequenza IV (1966) Dallapiccola: Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera (1952) [tape enters about one minute deep into composition because of technical problems] Hannay: Sonorities (1966) [brief introduction by David Burge]Side 2: Wuorinen: Second Trio (fl, vcl, pa) Joan Templar Smith, flute; James Stroud, ‘cello; David Burge, piano. 7 1/2 i.p.s., half-track mono |
item 12 | Boretz Benjamin Boretz. “Group Variations (for computer)” 7 ½ ½ 2 stereo |
item 13 | Bottje Representative electronic works [by] Will Gay Bottje. 1) Study with Piano (from Three Etudes for Wind Quintet and Tape) 1963. 4:40. 2-channel realized Univ. of Utrecht, S. Ill, Univ. Quintet. Leader. 2) Intuitive Impulse 1963 5:15. Univ. of Utrecht 2-channel. Leader. “All of the following realized in S. Ill. Univ. Studio.” 3) Four Monochromes (from a set of six) 1965. 1. For the Birds (single) Lonesome Reflection (single) 3. Homage à Debussy (single) 4. And the Pulse Quickens (2-chan) Leader 4) Studies in Equal Temperament [sic] (from set of 10) 1966 1. Fantasia with 9 and 5 (single) Invention (31 tone) (single) 3. Fantasia with 9 and 15 (single) 4. 28 tone chorale (single) 5. Sonatina (19 tone) (single) Leader. 5) 5 Black Jelly Beans-1966. (two-channel) |
Box 23
item 1 | Bottje Will Gay Bottje
item 2 | Bottje Bottje. 1966-67 Electronic Suite “In The Hours of Darkness” (original 4 channel).
item 3 | Conc. Pieces. Bottje [label with typescript details pasted over previously entered track listing] Will Gay Bottje. Tape (only) for the following works: 1) MODALITIES- Saxophone Quartet and Tape 1970 (2 channel, 7 ½ ips) Music-A.C.A. (Pioneer) (leader) 2) CONCERT PIECE Violin and Tape 1969 (leader) 2 channel, 7 ½ ips) Music-A.C.A (Pioneer) (leader) 3) BELLS: Chorus and Tape. 1969. (leader) (1 channel, but taped on both 7 1/2 ) Music-Belwyn. (leader) 4) DUOS FOR ONE: Easy Piano pieces and tape (1 chan, taped on both –7 ½). Music, A.C.A. (Pioneer) no leader between movements. Mirrors—Canon—Thoughtful Moment—Canon II—Where—Player chooses—Showoff. [added in pencil:] S.I.U. Studio |
item 4 | Carter Elliot Carter: Concerto for Piano [VIC LSC-3001] 7 1/2” stereo |
item 5 | Carter: Dbl. Conc./Var. For Orch. Carter: Double Concerto for harpsichord, piano & two chamber orchestras (1961). Variations for Orchestra (1955) speed 7” (first work); speed 3 3/4” (second work); stereo |
item 6 | Carter: Variations for Orchestra Carter: Variations for Orchestra (1956) 7 ½” single-track mono |
item 7 | Crumb: Star Child Crumb. Star Child 7 ½” ½ tr stereo |
item 8 | Columbia-Princeton E.M.C. 10th Ann. Album, vol. 1 1) Otto Luening: “In The Beginning” from Theater Piece No. 2 (1956) 2) Milton Babbitt: “Vision & Prayer” (1961) 3) Ussachevsky “Computer Piece No. 1” (1968) 4) “Two Sketches for a computer piece” (1971). 5) Pril Smiley: “Kolyosa” (1970) |
item 9 | Columbia-Princeton E.M.C. 10th Ann. Album, vol. II 1) Alice Shields: “The Transformation of Ani” (1970) 2) Bülent Arel: “Stereo Electronic Music No. 2” (1970) 3) Mario Davidovsky: “Synchronisms no. 5” (1969); and, “Music for Computers, Electronics Sounds and Players” 4) Charles Dodge: “Extensions for Trumpet and Tape” (INCOMPLETE) 7 ½ ips; 2 track stereo |
item 10 | Constant, Nigg Marius Constant (b. 1925, Rumania): 24 Preludes for Orchestra (1958) [15’] Serge Nigg (b. 1924, Paris): Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (1957) [28’]. Christian Ferras, Violin. Heliodor HS 25058 7 ½” stereo |
item 11 | Crumb: Ancient Voices…. George Crumb. Ancient Voices of Children |
item 12 | Dartmouth Prize Winners. [description handwritten on labels affixed directly to reel] 1) Olly Wilson. Cetus. 1st U. of Illinois. 2) Hellerman. Ariel. Col-Princeton. 3) Dixi. Polish Radio |
item 13 | Davidowsky-Ligeti-Feldman Davidowski [sic]: 3 Synebronisms. 1) Fl & Tape 2) Insts & Tape 3) Cello & Tape Ligeti: Atmospheres. Feldman: Out of “Last Pieces” 7 ½” |
Box 24
item 1 | Druckman Animus I Jacob Druckman: “Animus I” (13:00). Andre Smith, Trombonist |
item 2 | Druckman: Animus III Druckman: Animus III (1971): clarinet and tape. 7 ½” 2-tr stereo |
item 3 | Druckman: Synapse. Valentine Druckman: Synapse Valentine (1971) Synapse: electronic. Valentine: double bass alone. 7 ½” 2-tr stereo |
item 4 | Druckman, Schwantner, Harbison Jacob Druckman (b. 1928): Incenters (1968). fl, ob, clar, bn, hn, trpt, trom, vn, va, cello, bass, pa, elec. organ, perc. Joseph Schwantner (b. 1943): Diaphonia Intervallum (1966). Alto Sax, fl, pa, 2 vn, va, 2 cellos, bass. John Harbison (b. 1938): Confinement (1965). Fl, ob, E.H., clar, bass clar, alto sax, trpt, trom, vn, va, cello, bass, pa, perc. Stereo 7 ½” |
item 5 | DUTCH [preceded by green leader] PETER SCHAT 0-0460 Entelechy I 0468-end Signalement [preceded by red leader] LOUIS ANDRIESSEN 0-0215 Nocturnes 0220-0340 Ittrospezione III KEES VAN BAAREN 0350-0820 Concerto per pianoforte CAREL BRONS 0830-end Invenzione for organ |
item 6 | Dutch—Van Vlijmen, Van Baaren (counter 000) Van Vlijmen: Gruppi per 20 instrumenti e percussion. (counter 173) Van Baaren: Sopraposizioni II. (counter) 303 [recorded on Kodak Sound Recording Tape] 7 ½” full track mono |
item 7 | From Dutch Radio. TR I 1) (counter 000) Falla: Concerto, Harps + 5 inst. 2) (counter 190) Goethals: Elec. Music Expl. 3) (counter 390) Badings: Symphonische Klankfiguren 4) (counter 520) C.-Tedesco: Conc. for GuitarTR II 1) (counter 000) Feldman: Durations 2) (counter 281) Earl Brown: Music for Va, Cello & Piano| 3) (counter 315) Alex. Semlinsky: 2 Songs 4) (counter 385) Orthel: Picc. Sinfonia. 5) (counter) 497. Takemizu: 6) (counter 523) Sako: 7) (counter 561) Takahashi: 8) (counter 619) Cage: |
item 8 | Eimert: 6 Studien–Epitaph Herbert Eimert. Sechs Studien (1962). Epitaph für Aikichi Kuboyama (1962) 7 ½” 2-tr stereo |
item 9 | Electronic Music I (from records) Davidovsky: Study #2. Eimert: Etude on Sound Mixtures. Varèse: Déserts (excerpt). Ussachevsky: Metamorphosis. Dockstader: Elec. Piece #4 7 ½” 2-track |
item 10 | Eloy / Pousseur / Cage / Stockhausen / Lazaroff Eloy: Equivalences Pousseur: Madrigal III Cage: Variations IV (etc.) Stockhausen: Momente (etc.) Lazaroff: Tempi Concertati. |
item 11 | ERB Donald Erb: In No Strange Land: trom, bass, tape. Donald Erb: Reconnaissance: vn, bass, pa, perc, Moog synthesizer, and Moog polyphonic instrument. (Live moog.) |
item 12 | Fine / Knight / Laderman / Mayuzumi / Takemitsu 5Irving Fine: Romanza (ww 5ette) 1963. Morris Knight: Instances (ww 5ette) 1964. Ezra Laderman: Theme, Variations & Finale for winds & strings (Octet) 1957 (mono). Mayuzumi: Mandala Symphony (1960). Toru Takemitsu: Textures (1964) |
item 13 | Gent/Inst & Tape Gent: Gazella; Posseoir; Goijwerts; Boissons. |
Box 25
item 1 | [lacks side caption] [side 1 citations crossed out] Side 2: 1) Collages. Roberto Gerhard 2) Revelation and Fall. Peter Maxwell Davies |
item 2 | Ginastera: Cantata . . . Ginastera: Cantata para América Magica (perc & soprano) Stereo 7 ½” |
item 3 | Hartley: Concerto for 23 Winds Hartley. Concerto for 23 Winds (1958) 7 ½ ips single-track mono |
item 4 | Hearing No other information |
item 5 | Henry: Var. for Sigh and Door Pierre Henry: Variations for A Sigh & A Door. (Bejart Ballet) 3 ¾” 2-tr stereo |
item 6 | Henze: Symph. #1, #4 Symph. #1-Side 1 Symph #4-Side 2 [recorded on a Kodak Sound Recording Tape, 1250 ft. on 1 1/2 DUROL BASE, type 31A; purchased at Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co.] |
item 7 | Husa: Prague. Dr. Barlow. Husa-Music for Prague |
item 8 | IMAI Yoshika Imai, piano. February 4, 1982 8:30 pm. Kilbourn Hall [recital by candidate for the degree Master of Music in Performance and Literature, and for the Performer’s Certificate. Student from the class of David Burge.] Program: 1) Sonata No. 27 in G major- J. Haydn 2) Chaînes (1973) Part I-Akira Miyoshi. 3) Rhapsodies (1973)-C. Curtis- Smith 4) Reflexives for piano & tape-Joe Hudson 5) Barcarolle, op. 60 in F# Major-F. Chopin. ¼ tr. stereo 7 ½ ips tails out |
item 9 | ISCM 1978 ISCM [International Society for Contemporary Music] Helsinki 1978. Mache: Octuor (France). Maros: Lament (Hungary). Heinio: Akasa (Finland). Shinohara: Relations (Japan). Consoli: Music for Chambers (USA). Leuendi: Six Turkish Folk Poems (Holland). From WRVO, Oswego 6-20-79 |
item 10 | IVES Music and Art. Lecture Tape [! conflicting information: side caption “IVES” prominently written over previously entered side caption “MUSIC and ART”] 7.5 ips |
item 11 | [lacks side caption] Ives Psalm 90 [extensive previously written track listing crossed out with large black X] |
item 12 | Kagel, Eimert, Ligeti Kagel: Transición. Eimert: Selection 1. Ligeti: Articulation |
item 13 |
Kagel, Stockhausen
stereo 3 ¾” |
Box 26
item 1 | Kirchner St. Q. #3 Kirchner: Str[ing] Qu[artet] # 3 w/ tape 1967 2-tr stereo 7 ½” |
item 2 | Langlais: Missa Salve Regina Langlais: Missa Salve Regina. Notre Dame, 1955 1 track mono. 7 ½ ips |
item 3 | Lutoslauski [sic] Track 1: 1)Van Vlijmen: Songs; 2 pianos orch. [begin at counter] 000 2) Pijper: Quartet #5 [begin at counter] 200) 3) Van Baaren: Quartet II, Sovraposizioni I [begin at counter] 305 4) Milhaud: Quartet #7 [begin at counter] 381 5) Searle: Sym. #1 (part) [begin at counter] 472 6) Seiber: Elegy, va & orch [begin at counter] 570-62Track 2: 1) Lutoslauski: Quartet [performed by the] LaSalle Quartet (counter 000) 2) Peyrot: Suite for Guitar (counter 272) 3) Wissmer: Quadrige 4) Gerber: 3 piano pieces (counter 437) 5) Vibert: Chant de la Nuit (counter 506) 6) Willejsma: 2 Madrigals, vn & piano (counter 534) 7) Maarten Bon: Capriccioso & Ostinato for fl. (counter 612) 8) Theo Bruins: 6 Studies for Piano (counter 648) 3 ¾” Holland |
item 4 | Lutoslawski: 3 poems, Postlude [side caption identical to label description] |
item 5 | Maroglu, Buffet Works by Ilhan Mimaroglu. 1) Wings of the Delirious Demon. 2) Anacolutha: Encounter & Episode II. 3) Interlude II 4) Prelude #8. 5) Provocations 6) White Cockatoo 7) Hyperboles.Jean Du Buffet: Musical Experiences. 1) Aguichements 2) L’eau 3) Délibérants 4) Pleure et Applaudit. 3 ¾ ips 2 track stereo |
item 6 | Messiaen: Quartet Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time: 1) Crystal Liturgy—2) Vocalise for the Angel who announces the end of time—3) Abyss of the Birds—4) Intermezzo—5) In praise of the eternity of Jesus—6) Dance of Fury, for the 7 trumpets—7) Cluster of rainbows, for the angel who….—8) In praise of the immortality of Jesus. |
item 7 | Messiaen, Boulez, Koechlin Messiaen: Chronochromie. Boulez: Le Soleil des Eaux. Koechlin: Les Bandar-Log. Angel 536295 7 ½” stereo. |
item 8 | [description on side label now faded] Moroi & Mayuzumi: Variations (elec. sounds). Maderna: Syntaxis (excerpt). 7 1/2” |
item 9 | Music for Computer, Electronic Sounds & Players. Dodge! Arel. 1) Charles Dodge; “Folia” 2) “Extensions for Trumpet and Tape” 3) Bülent Arel “Mimiana II: Frieze” 7 ½ ips ½ 2-tr stereo |
item 10 | 9 Tailors Sig Signature-9 Tailors |
item 11 | Peabody Electric Music Center. Pieces by Woolf/Trythall Woolf-1) Where Did They All Go? (1969) 2) Lov-e-ly Days (1969) Trythall 3) Breathing Bag #4 (1969) Realized in the Electronic Music Center, George Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn. 7 ½ ips.; 2-tr stereo |
item 12 | Penderecki: Passion Penderecki: Passion According to St. Luke. Victor 6015 Stereo 3 ¾” |
item 13 | Persichetti Persichetti-Psalm ½ tr |
Box 27
item 1 | PHILLIPS: Sonata, Cello & Piano Phillips: Sonata for Cello & Piano. Carl Stern w/ Phillips. (1949) 7 ½ ips |
item 2 | Polish Side 1: Penderecki: Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima (52 strings). Lutoslawski: 3 poems of Henri Michaux for choir & orch. Side 2: Malawski: Symph. Etudes for Pa & Orch. Lutoslawski: Postlude for Orch. |
item 3 | Polish Avant-Garde (instr.) 1) Kotonski: Pour Quatre 2) Seroeki: Swinging music. 3) Schäffer: Quartet 2+2 3) Szalonek: Improvisations Sonoristiques 4) Krauze: Polychromie 5) Dobrowolski: Krabogapa 2-tr stereo 3 ¾” |
item 4 | Pousseur “Rimes…” Henri Pousseur: “Rimes pour différentes sources sonores” (instruments & tape) 7 ½” 1/2-track stereo |
item 5 | Pousseur / LeCaine / Stephen 1) Hugh LeCaine: Dripsody (elec.) 2) Henri Pousseur: “Rimes pour différentes sources sonores (inst. & tape) 3) V. Stephen: Fireworks (elec.) 7 1/2” 1/2-track stereo |
item 6 | Pousseur Liege Pousseur: Trois Visages de Liege. ¼ tr stereo. 7 ½” |
item 7 | Powell: Haiku Settings Mel Powell. Haiku Settings (inst.) 7 ½” stereo |
item 8 | Reynolds, Myrow [the following handwritten selections crossed out with an X] Robert Reynolds (b. 1934): Quick are the Mouths of Earth (1965). 3 fl., ob., trpt., 2 trom., 3 celli, pa., perc. Fredric Myrow (b. 1939): Songs from the Japanese (1965) sop., fl., alto fl., clar., bass clar., vn., va., cello, bass, pa., hpschd., perc. |
item 9 | Rogers: Dance Scenes Rogers: Dance Scenes. The Rising Moon—Fire Flies—Samurai. 1950. Single track mono. 7 ½ ips |
item 10 | Semegen: E.C. #2: Spectra (1979) Daria Semegen. Electronic Composition No. 2: Spectra (1979) Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) c1979 by Daria Semegen 7 ½ ips, ½ track, 2-channel stereo |
item 11 | Shaffer: Symphony (Electronic Music) Boguslaw Schaffer: Symphony (Electronic Music) |
item 12 | Ezra Sims: Quartet #3 (1962) (w/ ¼ and 1/6 tones) 7 ½” stereo |
item 13 | Source #1 Ashley, Behrman Source: Music of the Avant-Garde, Record #1 Robert Ashley-The Wolfman. David Behrman-Wave Train. 7 1/2” stereo |
Box 28
item 1 | Stockhausen. Berio [the two names appearing as a side caption do not entirely correspond to the label caption] Berio: Momenti / Omaggio à Joyce. Maderna: Continuo |
item 2 | Subotnik: Sidewinder Subotnik: Sidewinder 3 ¾” 2- tr stereo |
item 3 | Subotnik: “Touch” Subotnik: Touch 3 ¾” 2-tr stereo |
item 4 | Subotnik: “Touch” Subotnik: Touch 7 ½” stereo ½-tr. stereo |
item 5 | Takemitsu 1. Water-music. Concrète: water drops. 2: Vocalism AI (Love)- Vocal sound AI |
item 6 | Vladimir Ussachevsky Of Wood and Brass Ussachevsky: Of Wood & Brass Stereo; 15 ips |
item 7 | Ussachevsky: “Of wood….” ; Stockhausen: “Gesang…” Ussachevsky: Of Wood & Brass. Stockhausen: Gesang der Jünglinge 7 ½” 2 tr stereo |
item 8 | Vaughn [sic] Williams- 5 Mystical Songs; Duruflé Requiem 1) Duruflé: Requiem. 2) Vaughn [sic] Williams-5 mystical songs |
item 9 | Wuorinen: Time’s Encomium Charles Wuorinen (b. 1938): Time’s Encomium: for synthesized and processed synthesized sound. Orig. Sounds- RCA synthesizer; segments processed at Columbia Princeton. Stereo 3 ¾” |
item 10 | Xenakis: Metastasis, etc. Iannis Xenakis. 1) Metastasis 2) Pithoprakta 3) Eonta. Instrumental. Vanguard-Cardinal VCS 10030 3 ¾” stereo. |
item 11 | Xenakis: Orient-Occident [side caption identical to label description] 7 ½ ips |
item 12 | Xenakis, Henry [a first selection preceding the Xenakis, Ferrari: Visage V, crossed out] Xenakis: Orient-Occident. Henry: Entité |
item 13 | York Electronic music from York. Andrew Bentley: Moan. Martin Gellhorn: Compression Ices ’72. John Carsdale: Dionysus. Trevor Wishart: Machine. Part I, Part II, Part III. 3 ¾ i.p.s. 2-track stereo |
Box 29
item 1 | Barlow Box I Master side 2 Chanson Elliude Good 7” reel |
item 2 | Barlow Box II Master side 1 Handel good 7” reel |
item 3 | Death A [side caption identical to label description] 7” reel |
item 4 | AGFA Tape [side caption identical to label description] [previous side caption crossed out] |
item 5 | #26 M.O.H. “Brealack” M.O.H. Brealock 8trk 00-6:00 Beds 8trk 6:30-12:30 Beds [previous side caption crossed out] |
item 6 | 1000 HZ. |
item 7 | Death Chords Death Chords A+B 3 pulses [previous side caption crossed out] Debussy Preludes Bhe II 7 ½” |
item 8 | Bird [side caption identical to label description] |
Box 30
item 1 | American Music Festival Program I-1 &2 of 4 1982. National Public Radio. |
item 2 | American Music Festival Program I 3& 4 of 4 1982. National Public Radio. |
item 3 | American Music Festival Program I 3 & 4 of 4. C.2 Duplicate of item 2 |
item 4 | W.B. Orch. [no further information] |
item 5 | BMC [i.e. Brevard Music Center] 1986 Symphonic Band. [no further information] |
item 6 | Hymn Voluntaries for Organ 75 Years of Chamber Music from Eastman. Wayne Barlow: Hymn Voluntaries for Organ. Kilbourn Hall. October 27, 1996 |
item 7 | Winter’s Passed [sic] Winter’s Passed. Wayne Barlow. |
item 8 | Winter’s Past- DAT Winter’s Passed. Barlow. |
item 9 | Music for Fl, Vc, Hp, with Cl, Pf- Mvt. II 1.Papyanis. |
item 10 | Images for Harp and Instruments Images for Harp & Instruments by Wayne Barlow. Robt. Barlow. Harp. Nat. Gallery of Art. Washington. |
item 11 | Lento for Strings///Images A: 1) Sinfonia 2) Night Song B: 1) Lento for Strings 2) Images |
item 12 | Duo-3 mvt. Barlow: Duo 3 mvmts. |
item 13 | Mass in G Mass in G. Barlow. Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Cantio pro, Elevatione, Agnus Dei. |
item 14 | [side caption lacking] A) 1) Hymn Voluntaries for Organ. 2) Lento for Strings. 3) Songs: Poems for Music. Barlow. B) 1) Dynamisms for 2 pianos. 2) Images for Harp and Clarinet Quintet. |
item 15 | 1. Mass in G. 2. We All Believe Wait For Wayne Barlow. Side 1) Mass in G Excerpt. Side 2) 1-We All Believe. 2- Wait for the Promise Excerpt |
item 16 | Barlow: Images, Intermezzo, Trio A)Barlow: Images for Harp and Instruments B) 1) Intermezzo for Harp and Viola. 2) Trio for Oboe, Viola and Piano. |
item 17 | Wayne Barlow A) Voices of Darkness. Female reader, piano, percussion, and tape. B) 1) Four organ chorale preludes. 2) Vocalise and Canon for tube and piano |
item 18 | Poulenc Gloria. Stabat Mater Kathleen Battle. Tanglewood Festival Chorus. Boston Symphony Orchestra. Seiji Ozawa. |
item 19 | [side caption lacking] Side A: Five Psalms for voice and chamber ensemble. P. Peter Sacco, composer- tenor. Side B: Five Psalms for voice and piano. P. Peter Sacco, composer-tenor. |