Series 2: Correspondence

Sub-series A: Inside Eastman

Sub-sub-series i: Offices, Departments, and Budget

Box 14

folder 1 Admissions Office, statistics, 1921-1955.
folder 2 Bigelow, Ralph, registration statistics, 1957-1958.
folder 3 Budget, ESM, 1922-1930.
folder 4 Budget, ESM, miscellaneous, 1942-1963.
folder 5 Budget, ESM, 1959-1960.
folder 6 Budget, ESM, 1960-1961.
folder 7 Budget, ESM, 1963-1964.
folder 8 Budget, ESM, contracts, 1963-1964.
folder 9 Career Planning and Placement, 1961.
folder 10 Composition Department, lectures, 1946-1947.
folder 11 Concert Office schedule, 1960-1961.
folder 12 Davis, Marion, financial, 1929-1955.
folder 13 Davis, Marion, financial, 1955-1956.
folder 14 Davis, Marion, financial, 1956-1957.
folder 15 Davis, Marion, financial, 1956.
folder 16 Davis, Marion, financial, 1958-1959.
folder 17 Davis, Marion, financial, 1959-1961.
folder 18 Financial Aid, Faculty Tuition Benefits, 1958-1962,
folder 19 Financial Aid, Fellowships, and Scholarships, 1953-1955.
folder 20 Financial Aid, Fellowships, and Scholarships, 1957-1958.
folder 21 Financial Aid, Fellowships, and Scholarships, 1958-1959.
folder 22 Financial Aid, Fellowships, and Scholarships, 1959-1960.
folder 23 Financial Aid, Fellowships, and Scholarships, 1960-1961.
folder 24 Graduate Department, Catalogue, 1957-1958.
folder 25 Graduate Department, 1957-1962.
folder 26 Music Education, 1953-1961.
folder 27 Music Education, rating charts, 1942-1945.
folder 28 Physical Plant, dormitory, 1944-1955.
folder 29 Physical Plant, dormitory, 1953-1954.
folder 30 Physical Plant, pianos and studios, 1941.
folder 31 Preparatory Department, expenses, 1937-1939.
folder 32 Recording Arts Department, 1944-1954.
folder 33 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1946-1947.
folder 34 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1949-1950.
folder 35 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1950-1951.
folder 36 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1951-1952.
folder 37 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1952-1953
folder 38 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1953-1954.
folder 39 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1954-1955.
folder 40 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1955-1956.
folder 41 Registrar’s Office, statistics, 1957-1958.

Sub-sub-series ii: Projects, endeavors, and initiatives                RESTRICTED

Box 14, continued

folder 42 A.M.D. Degree, 1955-1960.
folder 43 Bergsma, William, 1941-1942.
folder 44 Board of Managers, 1929-1959.
folder 45 Class schedules, 1948-1959.
folder 46 Collegium Musicum, 1955.
folder 47 Collegium Musicum, 1955-1956.
folder 48 “Contrasts in Music” [program for radio broadcast], 1955-1957.
folder 49 Correspondence, students, 1960-1963.
folder 50 Cutler Union, 1955-1958.
folder 51 Cutler Union, 1959-1960.
folder 52 Cutler Union, 1961.
folder 53 Cutler Union, 1962-1963.
folder 54 Cutler Union, 1964.
folder 55 Director’s Reports (2) to the Board of Managers (June, 1937)
folder 56 Director’s Reports (4) to the Board of Managers (October 20, 1960)
folder 57 Eastman Philharmonia, 1959-1962.

Box 15

folder 1 Eastman School of Music, 40th anniversary, 1961.
folder 2 Eastman School of Music, broadcasts, 1942-1943.
folder 3 Eastman School of Music, gifts, 1950-1962.
folder 4 Eastman School of Music, miscellaneous, 1944-1945.
folder 5 Eastman School of Music, miscellaneous, 1947-1956.
folder 6 Eastman School of Music, miscellaneous, 1954-1955.
folder 7 Eastman School of Music, miscellaneous, 1957.
folder 8 Eastman School of Music, miscellaneous, 1961.
folder 9 Eastman School of Music, orchestras, NBC broadcasts, 1952-1953.
folder 10 Eastman School of Music, orchestras, repertory, 1947-1948.
folder 11 Eastman School of Music, violins, 1957-1962.
folder 12 Eastman Theater, taxability, 1932.
folder 13 Eastman Wind Ensemble contract, National Concert and Artists Corporation, 1962.
folder 14 Edward B. Benjamin Award, Composition, 1952-1960.
folder 15 “Evening at Eastman” [program for radio broadcast], 1958-1959.
folder 16 Fennell, Frederick, 1942-1943.
folder 17 Gleason, Harold, bibliography, 1949.
folder 18 Faculty Committee Reports, various, 1950-1957.
folder 19 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, 1923-1935.
folder 20 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, 1936-1941.
folder 21 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, 1942-1947.
folder 22 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, 1948-1951.
folder 23 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, 1951-1955.
folder 24 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, 1955-1964.
folder 25 Faculty Rank and Tenure, 1961.
folder 26 Graduate Committee, 1955-1956.
folder 27 Graduate Committee, 1957.
folder 28 Honors Lists, 1926-1951.
folder 29 Hutchison House, 1951-1954.
folder 30 Kilbourn Hall, 1960.
folder 31 Louis Lane Award, Composition, 1962.
folder 32 Lyon, Don W., 1955.
folder 33 McHose, Alan Irvine, grade reports, 1941-1943.
folder 34 McHose, Alan Irvine, 1946.
folder 35 “Milestones in American Music”, 1941-1942.
folder 36 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, A, 1938-1939.
folder 37 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, B, 1938-1939.
folder 38 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, C, 1938-1939.
folder 39 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, D, 1938-1939.

Box 16

folder 1 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, E, 1938-1939.
folder 2 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, F, 1938-1939.
folder 3 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, G, 1938-1939.
folder 4 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, H, 1939-1939.
folder 5 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, I-J, 1938-1939.
folder 6 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, K, 1938-1939.
folder 7 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, L, 1938-1939.
folder 8 “Milestones in the History of Music” broadcasts, M, 1938-1939.
folder 9 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, N-O, 1938-1939.
folder 10 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, P, 1938-1939.
folder 11 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, R, 1938-1939.
folder 12 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, Sa-Sc, 1938-1939.
folder 13 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, Sd-Sz, 1938-1939.
folder 14 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, T-V, 1938-1939.
folder 15 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, W-Z, 1938-1939.
folder 16 “Milestones in the History of Music” correspondence, 1939.
folder 17 Miscellaneous, S, 1953-1955.
folder 18 “Music as a Language” [series for television broadcast], 1957-1958.
folder 19 Orchestral and instrumental personnel lists, 1945-1946.
folder 20 “Painting with Sound” [series for television broadcast], 1956-1957.
folder 21 Projects, various, 1960-1961.
folder 22 Rank and Tenure Committee, 1958-1962.
folder 23 Recordings, 1955-1959.
folder 24 Retirement plan, 1943-1944.
folder 25 Salary Studies, 1951-1955.
folder 26 Toland, Litchard, 1956-1961.
folder 27 Treash, Leonard 1961.
folder 28 Tuition Reports, 1959-1960.

Sub-sub-series iii: Programmed events                RESTRICTED

Box 16, continued

folder 29 American Composers’ Concerts, 1929-1930.
folder 30 American Composers’ Concerts, 1931-1932.
folder 31 American Composers’ Concerts, 1932-1933.
folder 32 American Composers’ Concerts, 1933-1934.
folder 33 American Composers’ Concerts, 1934-1935.
folder 34 American Composers’ Concerts, 1935-1936.
folder 35 American Composers’ Concerts, 1936-1937.
folder 36 American Composers’ Concerts, 1937-1938.
folder 37 American Composers’ Concerts, 1938-1939.
folder 38 American Composers’ Concerts, 1939-1940.

Box 17

folder 1 American Composers’ Concerts, 1940-1941.
folder 2 American Composers’ Concerts, 1941-1942.
folder 3 American Composers’ Concerts, 1942-1943.
folder 4 American Composers’ Concerts, 1943-1944.
folder 5 American Composers’ Concerts, 1945-1946.
folder 6 American Composers’ Concerts, 1934-1948.
folder 7 Concerto Concerts, 1937-1964.
folder 8 Festival of American Music, 1931.
folder 9 Second Festival of American Music, 1932.
folder 10 Third Festival of American Music, 1933.
folder 11 Fourth Festival of American Music, 1934.
folder 12 Fifth Festival of American Music, 1935.
folder 13 Sixth Festival of American Music, 1936.
folder 14 Seventh Festival of American Music, 1937.
folder 15 Eighth Festival of American Music, 1938.
folder 16 Ninth Festival of American Music, 1939.
folder 17 Tenth Festival of American Music, 1940.
folder 18 Eleventh Festival of American Music, 1941.
folder 19 Twelfth Festival of American Music, 1942.
folder 20 Thirteenth Festival of American Music, 1943.
folder 21 Fourteenth Festival of American Music, 1944.
folder 22 Fifteenth Festival of American Music, 1945.
folder 23 Sixteenth Festival of American Music, 1946.
folder 24 Seventeenth Festival of American Music, 1947.
folder 25 Eighteenth Festival of American Music, 1948.
folder 26 Nineteenth Festival of American Music, 1949.
folder 27 Twentieth Festival of American Music, 1950.
folder 28 Twenty-First Festival of American Music, 1951.
folder 29 Twenty-Second Festival of American Music, 1952.
folder 30 Twenty-Third Festival of American Music, 1953.
folder 31 Twenty-Fourth Festival of American Music, 1954.
folder 32 Twenty-Fifth Festival of American Music, 1955.
folder 33 Twenty-Sixth Festival of American Music, 1956.
folder 34 Twenty-Seventh Festival of American Music, 1957.
folder 35 Twenty-Eighth Festival of American Music, 1958.
folder 36 Twenty-Ninth Festival of American Music, 1959.
folder 37 Thirtieth and Thirty-First Festivals of American Music, 1960-1961.
folder 38 Thirty-First and Thirty-Second Festivals of American Music, 1961-1962.
folder 39 Thirty-Third and Thirty-Fourth Festivals of American Music, 1963-1964.
folder 40 Student composers’ concerts, 1933-1934.
folder 41 Symposium of American Orchestral Music, 1944-1945.
folder 42 Symposium of American Orchestral Music, fall 1946-spring 1947
folder 43 Symposium of American Orchestral Music, fall 1947.
folder 44 Symposium of American Orchestral Music, fall 1948.
folder 45 Symposium of American Orchestral Music, spring 1949.
folder 46 Symposium of American Orchestral Music, fall 1949.
folder 47 Symposium of Student Works for Orchestra, spring 1950.
folder 48 Symposium of Student Works for Orchestra, spring 1951.
folder 49 Symposium of American Orchestral Music, fall 1951.
folder 50 Symposium of Student Works for Orchestra, spring 1952.
folder 51 Symposium of Student Works for Orchestra, spring 1953.
folder 52 Symposium of Student Works for Orchestra, spring 1954.
folder 53 Symposia of Student Works for Orchestra, 1957-1960.
folder 54 Symposia of Student Works for Orchestra, 1963-1964.

Sub-series B: Outside Eastman: endeavors and initiatives               RESTRICTED

Box 17, continued

folder 55 American composers data, 1911-1925.
folder 56 American Federation of Musicians, 1957-1962.
folder 57 American Guild of Musical Artists, Inc., 1943-1944.
folder 58 American music recordings, 1939-1942.
folder 59 American National Theater and Academy, 1961.

Box 18

folder 1 American National Theater and Academy, 1961-1962.
folder 2 American National Theater and Academy, 1962-1963.
folder 3 American National Theater and Academy, 1963-1964.
folder 4 American orchestral repertory, 1937.
folder 5 American orchestral repertory, 1944-1945.
folder 6 Broadcasts, 1952-1953.
folder 7  Broadcasts, international, 1931-1938
folder 8 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1942.
folder 9 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1943.
folder 10 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1944-45.
folder 11 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1945.
folder 12 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1946-1954.
folder 13 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1947-1948.
folder 14 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1949-1950.
folder 15 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1951-1952.
folder 16 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1953-1954.
folder 17 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1954-55.
folder 18 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1956-57.
folder 19 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1957-58.
folder 20 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1958-1959.
folder 21 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1959-1960.
folder 22 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1961-62.
folder 23 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1960-61.
folder 24 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1962-1963.
folder 25 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1963.
folder 26 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1966-1977.
folder 27 Certification of music teachers (in states other than New York State), 1929-1931.
folder 28 Certification of music teachers (in states other than New York State), 1930-1931.
folder 29 Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1961-1962.
folder 30 Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1962-1963.
folder 31 City Club speech, comments on, 1946.
folder 32 Colgate Rochester Divinity School, Sacred Music, 1957-1962.
folder 33 Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 1942-1943.
folder 34 Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 1941-1942.
folder 35 Columbia Records, Inc., 1950-1953.
folder 36 Columbia Records, Inc., 1950-1962.
folder 37 Committee of the Arts and Sciences for Eisenhower (CASE), 1956.
folder 38 Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1929-1944.
folder 39 David Hochstein Memorial Music School, 1955-1962.
folder 40 Eastman Kodak Company, 1946-1948.
folder 41 Eastman School of Music, recordings, 1935.
folder 42 Educational Testing Services, 1963.
folder 43 Ford Foundation, 1957-1959.

Box 19

folder 1 Ford Foundation, 1959-1964.
folder 2 Frank E. Gannett Newspaper Foundation, 1961.
folder 3 Howard Hanson, awards and citations, 1951-1955.
folder 4 Howard Hanson, 75th birthday congratulations, October 28, 1971.
folder 5 Howard Hanson, 75th birthday congratulations, October 28, 1971.
folder 6 Howard Hanson, 75th birthday congratulations, October 28, 1971.
folder 7 Juilliard School of Music, 1957-1958.
folder 8 “Know Your Orchestra” [? radio broadcast], recordings
folder 9 Koussevitsky Music Foundation, Inc., 1942.
folder 10 Koussevitzky Music Foundation, 1943-1944.
folder 11 Koussevitzky Music Foundation, 1946-1947.
folder 12 Mercury Records, 1952-1962.
folder 13 Mercury Records, 1956-1958.
folder 14 Mercury Records, 1956-1963.
folder 15 Mercury Records, 1958.
folder 16 Mercury Records, 1962-1963.
folder 17 Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1953-1959.
folder 18 Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1955-1959.
folder 19 Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, University of Rochester reports, 1959.
folder 20 Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, University of Rochester reports, 1959.
folder 21 Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, University of Rochester reports, 1959.
folder 22 Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, University of Rochester reports, 1959.
folder 23 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1960-1961.
folder 24 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1961.
folder 25 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1961.
folder 26 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1961-1962.
folder 27 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1962.
folder 28 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1962.
folder 29 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1962.
folder 30 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1963.

Box 20

folder 1 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1963.
folder 2 Music Educators National Conference (MENC), 1963-1964.
folder 3 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), 1944.
folder 4 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), doctoral program, November 16, 1962.
folder 5 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), doctoral program, 1962.
folder 6 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), doctoral program, 1962.
folder 7 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), NASM doctoral program, 1962.
folder 8 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), doctoral program, 1962.
folder 9 National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 1944-1945.
folder 10 National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 1949-1950.
folder 11 National Cultural Center, 1959.
folder 12 National Cultural Center, 1960.
folder 13 National Cultural Center, Report to Trustees, 1960.
folder 14 National Cultural Center, 1960.
folder 15 National Cultural Center, 1961.
folder 16 National Cultural Center, 1962.
folder 17 National Cultural Center, 1962.
folder 18 National Cultural Center, 1963.
folder 19 National Orchestral Survey. Herman S. Hettinger, “Tentative Suggestions for Foundation Activity in the Symphony Orchestra and Allied Fields” (February 19, 1940)
folder 20 National Federation of Music Clubs, 1959-1961.
folder 21 National Federation of Music Clubs, 1960-1961.
folder 22 National Federation of Music Clubs, 1961-1962.
folder 23 National Federation of Music Clubs, 1962-1963.
folder 24 National Federation of Music Clubs, 1963-1964.
folder 25 National Music Council, 1956.
folder 26 National Music Council, 1961-1962.

Box 21

folder 1 National Music Council, 1962-1963.
folder 2 National Music Council, 1963-1964.
folder 3 Novelli, Syl, 1956.
folder 4 Professional correspondence, other, 1944-1961.
folder 5 Professional correspondence, other, 1945-1957.
folder 6 Professional correspondence, other, 1953-1963.
folder 7 Professional correspondence, other, 1954-1963.
folder 8 Professional correspondence, other, ca. 1961.
folder 9 Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 1939-1955.
folder 10 Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 1940.
folder 11 Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 1940-1941.
folder 12 Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 1941-1942.
folder 13 Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 1942-1944.
folder 14 Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 1944-1945.
folder 15 Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 1945-1946.
folder 16 Rochester Civic Music Association (CMA), 1944-1952.
folder 17 Rochester Civic Music Association (CMA), 1944-1959.
folder 18 Rochester Civic Music Association (CMA), 1952-1959.
folder 19 Rochester Civic Music Association (CMA), 1958-1959.
folder 20 Rochester Civic Music Association (CMA), 1959-1964.
folder 21 Rochester Musicians Association, AFM, 1946-1947.
folder 22 Rochester Musicians Association, AFM, 1957-1963.
folder 23 Symphony of Freedom (arr. Hanson for UNESCO session), 1949-1950.
folder 24 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1939-1940.
folder 25 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1941-1942.
folder 26 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1942-1943.
folder 27 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1943-1944.
folder 28 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1944-1945.
folder 29 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1945-1946.
folder 30 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1946-1947.
folder 31 Symphony Orchestra Survey, 1947-1948.
folder 32 U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Education and Labor
folder 33 U.S. Government, A-D, 1944-1945.
folder 34 U.S. Government, E-P, 1944-1945.
folder 35 U.S. Government, Q-Z, 1944-1945.

Box 22

folder 1 U.S. Government, A-M, 1945-1946.
folder 2 U.S. Government, N-Z, 1945-1946.
folder 3 U.S. Government, World War II, A-M, 1943-1944.
folder 4 U.S. Government, World War II, N-Z, 1943-1944.
folder 5 U.S. Government, A-M, 1946-1947.
folder 6 U.S. Government, 1940-1941.
folder 7 U.S. Government, A-P, 1941-1942.
folder 8 U.S. Government, Q-Z, 1941-1942.
folder 9 U.S. Government, A-N, 1942-1943.
folder 10 U.S. Government, O-R, 1942-1943.
folder 11 U.S. Government, S-Z, 1942-1943.
folder 12 United States Information Agency. Voice of America, 1959.
folder 13 University of Miami, 1960.
folder 14 University of the State of New York, 1963-1964.
folder 15 UNESCO, 1946-1947.
folder 16 UNESCO, 1946-1948.
folder 17 UNESCO, 1947-1948.
folder 18 UNESCO, U.S. National Commission, September 11 – 13, 1947.
folder 19 UNESCO, General Conference, November 6 – December 3, 1947.
folder 20 UNESCO, 1948.
folder 21 UNESCO, 1948.

Box 23

folder 1 UNESCO, 1948.
folder 2 UNESCO, Paris Conference, October, 1949.
folder 3 UNESCO, Paris Conference, October, 1949.
folder 4 UNESCO, 1949.
folder 5 UNESCO, 1948-1950.
folder 6 UNESCO, 1948-1949.
folder 7 UNESCO, 1949-1950.
folder 8 UNESCO, Report on Program, January, 1950.
folder 9 UNESCO, 1952 and 1955.
folder 10 UNESCO, 1959.
folder 11 UNESCO, 1959-1960.
folder 12 UNESCO, 1959.
folder 13 UNESCO, 1960.
folder 14 UNESCO, 1960.
folder 15 UNESCO, 1960-1961.
folder 16 UNESCO, 1960.
folder 17 UNESCO, 1960.
folder 18 UNESCO, 1960-1961.
folder 19 UNESCO, 1960-1961.
folder 20 UNESCO, 1961.
folder 21 UNESCO, 1961.

Box 24

folder 1 UNESCO, 1961.
folder 2 UNESCO, 1961.
folder 3 UNESCO, 1961.
folder 4 UNESCO, 1961-1962.
folder 5 UNESCO, 1952, 1956-1959.
folder 6 UNESCO, 1962.
folder 7 UNESCO, 1962-1963.
folder 8 UNESCO, 1962.
folder 9 UNESCO, 1962.
folder 10 UNESCO, 1958.
folder 11 U.S. Army. Special Services Division, Army Service Forces. “The Planning of an Expanded Music Program” (September 7, 1944).
folder 12 U.S. Congress. HR 7185, Establishment of an American National War Memorial Arts Commission, 1953-1954.
folder 13 U.S. Congress. HR 7185, Establishment of an American National War Memorial Arts Commission, 1954.
folder 14 U.S. Congress. HR 7185, Establishment of an American National War Memorial Arts Commission, 1954.
folder 15 U.S. Congress. HR 7185, Establishment of an American National War Memorial Arts Commission, 1954.
folder 16 U.S. Congress. HR 7185, Establishment of an American National War Memorial Arts Commission, 1954-1955.
folder 17 WHAM-NBC (Rochester, New York), broadcasts, continuity, 1956-1957.
folder 18 WHAM-NBC (Rochester, New York), broadcasts, continuity, 1956-1957.
folder 19 Works Progress Administration (WPA). Federal Music Project of New York City, 1935-1936.
folder 20 WPA. Federal Music Project of New York City, 1936-1937.
folder 21 WPA. Federal Music Project of New York City, 1937-1938.

Box 12

Sub-series C: University of Rochester River Campus                                  RESTRICTED

Sub-sub-series i: Reports and correspondence

Box 24, continued

folder 22 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY27-28 (May, 1928)
folder 23 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY28-29 (May, 1929) (first of two)
folder 24 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY28-29 (May, 1929) (second of two)
folder 25 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY29-30 (May, 1930)
folder 26 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, opening of AY30-31 (November, 1930)

Box 25

folder 1 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY30-31 (pp. 9 – 23) (May, 1931)
folder 2 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY31-32 (May, 1932)
folder 3 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY33-34 (May, 1934)
folder 4 Director’s Report to Rush Rhees, AY34-35 (May, 1935)
folder 5 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY35-36 (May, 1936)
folder 6 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY36-37 (May, 1937)
folder 7 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY37-38 (April, 1938)
folder 8 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY38-39 (May, 1939)
folder 9 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY39-40 (May, 1940)
folder 10 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY40-41 (May, 1941)
folder 11 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY41-42 (March, 1942)
folder 12 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY42-43 (April, 1943)
folder 13 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY43-44 (April, 1944)
folder 14 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY44-45 (May, 1945)
folder 15 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY45-46 (May, 1946)
folder 16 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY46-47 (June, 1947)
folder 17 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY47-48 (May, 1948)
folder 18 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY48-49 (June, 1949)
folder 19 Director’s Report to Alan Valentine, AY49-50 (June, 1950)
folder 20 Director’s Report to Donald W. Gilbert [Provost], AY50-51 (May, 1951)
folder 21 Director’s Report to Cornelis De Kiewiet, AY51-52 (June, 1952)
folder 22 Director’s Report to Cornelis De Kiewiet, AY52-53 (June, 1953)
folder 23 Director’s Report to the President, AY54-55 (9 September, 1955)
folder 24 Director’s Report to Cornelis De Kiewiet (October, 1955)
folder 25 Director’s Report to the President, AY55-56 (21 August 1956)
folder 26 Cornelis W. De Kiewiet, 1952-1956.
folder 27 Cornelis W. De Kiewiet, 1957-1958.
folder 28 Cornelis W. De Kiewiet, 1958.
folder 29 Cornelis W. De Kiewiet, 1958.

Sub-sub-series ii: Endeavors and initiatives

Box 25, continued

folder 30 Academic Affairs, D.M.A. degree, 1952.
folder 31 Cabinet of Deans, 1955-1964.
folder 32 Committee, Honorary Degrees, 1946-1954.
folder 33 Development Fund Drive, 1953.
folder 34 Graduate Studies, University Council, 1958.
folder 35 University of Rochester, Centennial, 1949-1950.
folder 36 University of Rochester, Centennial, 1950.
folder 37 University of Rochester, Student Directory, 1962-1963.

Sub-series D: Hanson’s original works

Box 25, continued

folder 38 Centennial Ode, 1950-1951.
folder 39 Centennial Ode, 1951-1953.
folder 40 Cherubic Hymn, 1948-1952.
folder 41 Chorale and Alleluia, 1954.
folder 42 Concerto for Organ, 1948-1957.
folder 43 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, 1950-1951.
folder 44 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, 1955-1963.
folder 45 Elegy in Memory of Serge Koussevitzky, 1956.
folder 46 Fanfare, 1938.
folder 47 Fantasy Variations on a Theme of Youth, 1951
folder 48 Heroic Elegy, 1927
folder 49 How Excellent Thy Name, 1953-1956.
folder 50 Lux Aeterna, 1930-1962.
folder 51 March Carillon, 1957.
folder 52 Merry Mount, 1934-1961.
folder 53 Mosaics, 1958-1962.
folder 54 Pastorale for Oboe, Strings and Harp, 1949-1950.
folder 55 Pastorale for Oboe, Strings and Harp, undated.
folder 56 Song of Democracy, 1956-1961.
folder 57 Song of Human Rights, 1963.
folder 58 Songs from Drum Taps, 1936-1963.
folder 59 Summer Seascape I, 1959.
folder 60 Symphony No. 1 ( “Nordic” ), 1947.
folder 61 Symphony No. 2 ( “Romantic” ), 1930-1963.
folder 62 Symphony No. 3, 1937-1940.
folder 63 Symphony No. 4, 1944-1958.
folder 64 Symphony No. 5 (Sinfonia Sacra), 1954-1964.
folder 65 Vermeland, 1964.
folder 66 Compositions, performances, 1924-1942.
folder 67 Compositions, performances, 1940-1961.
folder 68 Composition requests, 1941-46.