Series 1: Original compositions and transcriptions

Box 31

folder 1 [opus 43]
Paraphrase on “Te Deum”. — 18-29 / 4 / 1946.
For organ.
In ink; 7 pages of music. Annotated with performance markings and registrations.
folder 2 [opus 44]
Vision. — movements completed between 25 Juin 1947 and 24 Mars 1948.
For organ.
In pencil, annotated with registrations; 28 pages of music. Dedication “A Nina Falcinelli” at head of page 1. An additional dedication, apparent in the caption of page 1, was previously rubbed out. Stamped with the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, ET EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE (no. 623,029).
folder 3 [opus 49]
La France au Calvaire. — [without date]
Libretto, in MD’s hand.
In ink; 26 pages.
Accompanied by a résumé (synopsis) of the oratorio’s movements, appearing in pencil at the end of the manuscript; 6 pages.
folder 4 [opus 52]
Quatuor. — Movements completed between 8/2/58 and 7 Mars 58.
In pencil. Movements paginated separately.
Movements: I. Preludio (7 pages of music) — II. Scherzando (13 pages of music) — III. Larghetto (9 pages of music) — IV. Rondo (11 pages of music).
Annotated with performance markings.
Dedication on page. 1: “Pour toi, avec l’infinie tendresse de mon coeur, ma petite enfant adorée le brouillon de ton quatuor/Ton Mammy/15 Juillet 1958”
folder 5 [opus 52]
Quatuor pour violon, alto, violoncelle et orgue. — [without date]
In ink; 26 pages of music.
Dedication on title page: “A Rolande Falcinelli”
Annotated with performance markings and with organ registrations, in pencil. Accompanied by organ registrations, in pencil, in RF’s hand (2 leaves).
folder 6 [opus 52]
Quatuor pour violon, alto, violoncelle et orgue. — [without date]
MS. facsimile. Score (26 pages of music) and parts for violon, alto, and violoncello (each 8 pages of music).
Score and parts annotated in pencil with performance markings.
N.B. Score is a facsimile of the manuscript housed in box 31/5.
folder 7 [opus 57]
Choral et Fugue. — 29/5/62.
For organ.
Pencil draft; 8 pages of music, unnumbered.
Accompanied by analytical scheme in MD’s hand (2 pages, in pencil).
folder 8 [opus 61]
In memoriam. — 1965.
For organ.
Manuscript facsimile; 29 pages of music.
Dedication at head of title page: A ma fille.
Movements: I. Prélude — II. Allegretto — III. Méditation — IV. Quodlibet — V. Ricercare — VI. Postlude.
Copy inscribed on title page, in pencil: “Pour ma Rolande chérie / dans le doux souvenir de Marguerite / Marcel Dupré 26 Mars 1965”
folder 9 [opus 62]
Entrée, Canzona, Sortie. — Septembre 1967.
For organ.
Manuscript facsimile. Movements paginated individually (4, 2, 5 pages of music, respectively).
folder 10 Sur les Steppes de l’Asie Centrale / A. Borodine; réduction pour orgue [par]
Marcel Dupré. — [without date]
For organ.
In ink; 8 pages of music.
folder 11 L’apprenti sorcier / Paul Dukas; transcription pour orgue. — 1944
In ink.; 27 pages of music.
Pencilled at end (p. 27): “Commence 27 Nov 44 / Brouillon 11 Déc 44 / Copie 19 Déc 44 / Perce 30 Dec 44”
Accompanied by “numérotage des combinaisons”, in pencil, dated 24 / I / 45 (2 pages).
folder 12 Le sommeil de Canope. — [without date]
For solo voice, not specified. In pencil. 2 pages of music.
Accompanied by handwritten text, Le sommeil de Canope (aux flancs du vase) / Albert Samain. In pencil (2 pages).
folder 13 Thèmes. In pencil; 1 page of music.
Presents the themes for his Trio; the purpose of this manifestation not apparent.

Series 2: Original writings

Sub-series A: Published

Box 32

folder 1 Cours d’harmonie analytique, 1ère année.
Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1936.
Signed by RF on front cover.
folder 2 Cours d’harmonie analytique, 1ère année.
Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1936.
Previously accompanied by sheets bearing manuscript exercises; now separated to box 32/3.
folder 3 Manuscript pages of exercises, removed from RF’s copy of the Cours d’harmonie analytique, 1ère année.
folder 4 Cours d’harmonie analytique, 2ème année.
Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1936.
Signed by RF on front cover.
folder 5 Manuel d’Accompagnement du plain chant grégorien.
Paris: Alponse Leduc, 1937.
folder 6 Données élémentaires d’acoustique à l’usage des étudiants organistes.
Paris: H. Hérelle, [1937]
folder 7 Cours de contrepointi.
Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1938.
folder 8 Allocution de Marcel Dupré.
Text of an address given by MD at an event on February 21, 1953. 14 pages.
“Réunion organisée le 21 Février 1953 dans la Salle d’orgue de Marcel Dupré. à Meudon à l’occasion de la remise de la Croix de Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur à M. Jean PERROUX.”—on front cover.
Presentation copy. Inscribed to Nina Falcinelli by Marcel Dupré. Also signed by Jean Perroux.
folder 9 Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Marcel Samuel-Rousseau (1882-1955).
Paris: Typographie de Firmin-Didot, 1956.
“Lue à l’occasion de son installation comme membre de la Section de Composition Musicale: séance du Mercredi 11 Avril 1956.”
Accompanied by handwritten lists of pupils (4 pages, in ink), and by a calling card bearing the name of Madame Marcel Samuel-Rousseau.
folder 10 Souvenirs sur Ch.-M. Widor.
Paris: Typographie de Firmin-Didot, 1959. 10 pages.
“Séance publique annuelle des cinq Académies, lundi, 26 Octobre 1959.” Presentation copy. “A ma chère petite Rolande / En profonde affection / Marcel Dupré / 21 Novembre 1959”—on title page.
folder 11  Factures d’orgues. — 1982.
“Edition par Hans Steinhaus et Roger Deleplace pour le compte de l’Association des Amis de l’Art de Marcel Dupré (Paris).” 73 pages. Préface by RF (page 1).

Sub-series B: Unpublished

folder 12 Cours élémentaire de fugue. — [without date]
Reproduction of typescript draft.
N.B. Later published as volume 1 of his Cours complèt de fugue (Leduc, 1938).
folder 13 Facture d’orgue américaine. — [without date]
In pencil. 21 pages, unnumbered. Written in a ruled schoolchild’s manuscript book.
folder 14 Histoire de la philo. — [without date]
In pencil. The content organized by RF around the following rubrics: Schuré; Grece; Bacon [et] Spinoza; Modernes; Taine; Divers; and several additional loose pages.
folder 15 Philosophie de la musique. Tome I. — [without date]
Carbon copy of typescript manuscript. 111 pages. Table de matières appears on pages 132-139 of Tome II.
Inscription at head of first page: “Pour toi, ma Rolande aimée, ma petite fille, cette Philo qui fut écrite pour toi. Ton Mammy / Paris 13 Décembre 1949”
folder 16 Philosophie de la musique. Tome II. — [without date]
Carbon copy of typescript manuscript. 139 pages. Table de matières appears on pages 132-139 of Tome II.

Box 33

folder 1 L’orgue aux Etats-Unis. — [without date]
In ink. 14 pages.
folder 2 [Projet d’orgue symphonique] — [without date]
Title page lacking. Carbon copy of typescript. 16 pages.
Accompanied by a carnet containing pencilled notes and bearing the appellation PROJECT MEUDON.
folder 3 Souvenirs. — [without date]
Carbon copy of typescript manuscript. 159 pages.
Dedication on title page: “Pour Lisette / Pour Jeannette / Pour Dominique”
Table des matières appears on pages 156-159.
Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comment: “A copy of Marcel DUPRE’s memories written for his grandchildren and for Rolande Falcinelli (his family and mine were the only owners of these private copies). S.F.”
folder 4 Traité de l’improvisation à l’orgue. — [without date]
Typescript. 273 pages, with numerous interpolations.
“Traduction par J. Dupré”
Title page lacking.
Index [i.e., Table of Contents] appears on pages 271-273.
folder 5 Bulletin No. 4, G.A.M. (Groupe d’Acoustique Musicale). — 17 Avril 1964.
Typescript. 9 pages, with interpolations.
N.B. This bulletin bears an obvious thematic connection with MD’s Données élémentaires d’acoustique.
folder 6 Principes de facture d’orgues. — [without date]
Typescript. 9 pages.
“A ma Rolande chérie / Tendrement / Marcel Dupré / Meudon 9 Février 1950”—Inscription at head of first page.
Accompanied by several leaves bearing pencilled notes; a diagram (in ink) of “diamètres de tuyaux”; a diagram of [two diapasons?]; a printed notice from E. F. Walcker & Cie. Orgelbau; and notes on “Orgues du Conservatoire” (3 pages).
folder 7 Projet organologie.
A dossier comprised of several documents, organized around the following rubrics (as itemized on the original file folder): Idées; Noms — Régions; Projet; Liste facteurs; Correspondants.
folder 8 Facture d’orgues. — [without date]
In ink. 138 pages.
Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comment: “. . .the part ‘Facture d’orgues’ is from my grandmother’s hand (the painter Nina Falcinelli). Probably she helped him when he prepared his pedagogical book about organ-building.”

Series 3:  Pedagogical material

Box 34

Sub-series A: Various

folder 1 Résumés d’années, Conservatoire de Fontainebleau.
A notebook containing comments in the hands of both M. Dupré and R. Falcinelli, providing information on their students at Fontainebleau. The rubrics indicated are: Listes d’élèves; Cours; Répertoire d’élèves; and, Examens. Accompanied by a list of required repertory for the Organ Class, and by a concert program of August 27, 1949.”
folder 2 ELEMENTS
[A gathering of notated musical themes grouped around the following rubrics: Harmoniques; Rhythmiques; Thématiques; and, Périodes.

Sub-series B: Tables de pédagogie

folder 3 Tables de pédagogie
Reproductions of the dedication, and of the summary of contents, from the original dossier file folder.
“Pour mon enfant spirituelle, / ma Rolande bien aimée, / En souvenir de St. Ouen / 29 Juin 1948 / Ton Mammy / 21 Juin 1949”—inscription to RF by MD.
Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comments.
folder 4 Tables de répartition
In pencil. 5 leaves.
folder 5 Degrés étrangers
folder 6  Musique — Technique
folder 7 Solfège
folder 8 Harmonie analytique; Harmonie stylisée
folder 9 Contrepoint; Fugue
folder 10 Composition; Orchestration
folder 11  Piano
folder 12 Accompagnement
folder 13 Orgue
Documents organized around the rubrics: Exécution; Pédale; Plain-chant [et] Improvisation. In addition, the dossier contains other typescript documents, together with pencilled notes in RF’s hand.
folder 14 Histoire
folder 15 Acoustique; Facture d’orgues
folder 16 Philosophie de la musique; Esthétique; Pédagogie
folder 17 [This dossier lacking any rubric.]

Sub-series C: University of Chicago lectures

folder 18  Conférences à l’Université de Chicago, 1946
A Schema-summary of the documents, reproduced from the original dossier folder in which MD had kept them.
folder 19 Résumés des conférences, Chicago, 1946
Documents organized under the following rubrics: Programmes; Idées; Plans [de] conférences; Documents.
folder 20 I. L’évolution de la littérature de l’orgue. (first of two)
folder 21 I. L’évolution de la littérature de l’orgue. (second of two)
folder 22 II. Technique; Interprétation
folder 23 III. Registration
folder 24 IV. Méthode; Concert
folder 25 V. Pédagogie
folder 26 I. Histoire de la littérature de l’orgue. ANGLAIS
folder 27 II. Technique; Interpétation. ANGLAIS
folder 28 III. Registration. ANGLAIS
folder 29 IV. Méthode; Concert. ANGLAIS
folder 30 V. Pédagogie. ANGLAIS

Sub-series D: Themes given to his pupils

Box 35

book 1 Themes given by MD to his pupils at the Conservatoire for improvisation.
Contains fugal themes and also Thêmes libres in their respective sequences in the following chronology. Certain themes bear attributions to their respective composers.
In ink; 45 numbered pages.
Mars-Avril-Mai 1926
book 2 Themes given by MD to his pupils at the Conservatoire for improvisation.
Contains themes in the following chronology. Certain themes bear attributions to their respective composers.
In ink; 68 numbered pages.
1940                N.B. Change in hand evident for 1940 through 1941-1942.
été 1940
1942-1943      N.B. Change in hand evident for 1942-1943.
1943-1944      N.B. Change in hand evident for 1943-1944.
book 3  Themes given by MD to his pupils at the Conservatoire for improvisation.
Contains themes for fugues in the following chronology. Certain themes bear attributions to their respective composers (RF in that number).
In ink; 37 numbered pages.
book 3 Themes given by MD to his pupils at the Conservatoire for improvisation.
Contains themes for fugues and thêmes libres in the following chronology. Certain themes bear attributions to their respective composers (RF in that number).
In ink; 37 numbered pages.
été 1940
été 1940

Box 36

Contents of this box altogether:
Themes given by MD to his pupils at the Conservatoire for improvisation.
Altogether, 25 manuscript books, their content in pencil throughout.

book 1 Fugues analysées. Mars — Mai 1926
book 2 Fugues analysées. Oct. 1926 — Juin 1927
book 3 Thèmes. 1928-1929
book 4 Cours. 1932-1933; 1933-1934; 1936 : 1944-45.
book 5 Oct. 1932 — Juin 1933
book 6 Oct. — Déc. 1933
book 7 Janv. — Juin 1934
book 8 Oct. 1934 — Janv. 1935
book 9 Fév. — Juin 1935
book 10 Thèmes. Mars — Juin 1936
book 11 Thèmes. Oct. 1936 — Juin 1937
book 12 Classe. Oct. 1937 — Fév. 1938
book 13 Fugues. Mars — Mai 1938
book 14 Fugues. Fév. — Mai 1939
book 15 Juin — Oct. 1940
book 16 Novembre 1940 — Fév. 1941
book 17 Février 1941
book 18 Oct. 1941 — Juin 1942
book 19 Oct. 1942 — Juin 1943; Oct. 1943 — Mars 1944
book 20 Mars — Mai 1944; Oct. — Nov. 1944
book 21 Déc. 1944 — Juin 1945
book 22 Oct. 1945 — Mai 1946
book 23 Oct. 1947; Janv. — Juin [1948]
book 24 Oct. 1947 — Juin 1948
book 25 Fév. — Juin 1949; Oct. 1949 — Fév. 1950

Box 37

In this box altogether:
Themes given by MD to his pupils at the Conservatoire for improvisation.
Altogether, eight manuscript books (the content of books 1-6 in pencil; that of books 7 and 8 in ink), dated as follows.

book 1 Mars — Déc. 1950
book 2 Janv. — Mai 1951
book 3 Oct. 1951 — Fév. 1952
book 4 Fév. — Juin 1952; Oct. — Déc. 1952
book 5 Janv. — Juin 1953
book 6 Oct. 1953 — Juin 1954
book 7 Manuscript book, without rubric.
Bears the inscription “A ma Ninette adorée” and is dated 16 Mai 1955. Contains one theme dated 5 Mars 1956, followed by themes labelled as being “Musette” and “Chaconne”. Accompanied by three leaves tipped in loosely.
book 8 “Sujets et thèmes. 1954-55.”
Accompanied by several leaves tipped in loosely. Altogether, the content is more extensive than MD’s rubric would indicate:
Mai 1954
Janv. 1955
Janv. 1956
Mai 1956
Déc. 1956
Sept. 195
Mars 60.
Déc. 60
Mai 63
Juin 64

Series 4: Performance material

Sub-series A: Printed programs (i.e. MD’s own performances) and other documents

Box 38

folder 1 Printed recital programs, 1930s
folder 2 Printed recital programs, 1940s
folder 3 Printed recital programs, 1950s
folder 4 Printed recital programs, 1960s
folder 5 Notices (i.e., program notes) regarding MD’s programmed repertory selections.
Carbon copy of typescript. Accompanied by a word-processed list of the works and their composers.
folder 6 Various themes given to MD for improvisation in recital appearances
folder 7 Various themes given by MD to other performers for improvisation
folder 8 Various notes for recital preparation in Lyon and at the Salle Gaveau (Paris).
Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comment.
folder 9 Registrations for use at Meudon (first of two)
Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comment.
folder 10 Registrations for use at Meudon (second of two)

Sub-series B: Dossier of themes submitted by renowned individuals

folder 11 Paul Hindemith
folder 12 Percy Grainger
folder 13 Vincent d’Indy
folder 14 Gabriel Pierné
folder 15 Gabriel Pierné
folder 16 Reynaldo Hayn
folder 17 Florent Schmitt
folder 18 Florent Schmitt
folder 19 Albert Roussel
folder 20 Gabriel Fauré
folder 21 Emmanuel Bondeville
folder 22 Georges Auric.
folder 23 Marcel Samuel-Rousseau
folder 24 Henri Busser
folder 25 Charles Heus
folder 26 Maurice Duruflé
folder 27 Leopold Stokowski
folder 28 Vittorio Guy
folder 29 Walter Damrosch
folder 30 Nadia Boulanger.
folder 31 Desiré Inghelbrecht
folder 32 Rhené Baton
folder 33 Paul Paray
folder 34 Arthur Bodansky
folder 35 Josef Lhevinne
folder 36 Alfred Cortot
folder 37 Wilhelm Kempf
folder 38 Henri Gagnebin
folder 39 Harold Bauer
folder 40 Enrico Bossi
folder 41 Frederic Lamond
folder 42  ? Caldara
folder 43  ? MacPherson
folder 44 Emile Vuillermoz
folder 45 Henri Dallier
folder 46 Leanne Loulain
folder 47 M. Chevalier
folder 48 Joseph Cardinal Lefebre, Archbishop of Bourges
folder 49 Monsignor Johan, Bishop of Agen
folder 50 Alfred Holhuis
folder 51 Louis Tuluy
folder 52 [Illegible] 1926
folder 53 [Illegible] 1911

Series 5: Correspondence

Box 38

folder 54

Letters received from various cardinals, archbishops, and bishops (first of two)

  • postcard, 15 Mai 1920
  • letter, 15 Aout 1922 (five reproductions)
  • letter, 19 Janvier 1935
  • letter, 23 Mars 1937
  • letter, 25 Mars 1937 (accompanied by a reproduction of same)
  • two prayer cards, received 20 Aout 1937
  • letter, 6 Avril 1955
  • letter, 7 Juillet 1955
  • letter, 19 Juin 1957
  • letter, 2 Juin 1958
  • letter, 16 Juillet 1964
  • letter, 3 Novembre 1964
  • letter, 9 Déc. 1964
  • letter, 4 Avril 1965
  • autograph, 5 Avril 1965
  • letter, 5 Mai 1966
  • letter, 15 Avril 1967
  • letter, 26 Novembre 1968
  • letter, 10 Avril 1969
folder 55

Letters received from various cardinals, archbishops, and bishops (second of two)

  • calling card, Le Cardinal Tisserant [without date]
  • calling card, L’Archvêque de Bordeaux, 1er Février 1956
  • calling card, L’Archevêque de Bordeaux, 12 Janvier 1955
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Feltin, ancien Archevêque de Paris, 4 Janvier 1967
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Feltin, ancien Archevêque de Paris, 2 Octobre 1967
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Feltin, ancien Archevêque de Paris, 6 Janvier 1968
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Feltin, ancien Archevêque de Paris, 3 Janvier 1969
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Liénart, Evêque de Lille [without date]
  • photo, [1933?] Mde Dupré, Cardinal Tisserant, Marcel Dupré; with second print of same image, annotated “Whitby Hall 1933” on its reverse side
  • photo, unidentified cleric; no annotations present
  • photo, unidentified cleric; no annotations present
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Dubois, Archvêque de Paris [without date]
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Verdier, Archevêque de Paris; accompanied by a handwritten list of dates
  • calling card, L’Archevêque Coadjuteur de Paris [without date]
  • calling card, Monseigneur Pierre Veuillot [without date]
  • calling card, Le Cardinal Feltin, ancien Archevêque de Paris, 10 Janvier 1970
folder 56 Nouveau Conservatoire.
A dossier containing administrative documents sketching out plans for a new Conservatoire building.

  •  letter (23 Aout 1956) from Paul E. Koch to MD; accompanied by 1 page of manuscript notes
  •  letter (14 Aout 1956) from Paul E. Koch to MD; accompanied by a project proposal (14 Aout 1956, signed by Mr. Koch) outlining the PROJET de PROGRAMME concernant la construction d’un CONSERVATOIRE
    NATIONAL de MUSIQUE de le DECLAMATION (carbon copy of typescript; 3 pages)
  • project proposal, headed by the rubric PROJET de PROGRAMME concernant la construction d’un CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL de MUSIQUE et de DECLAMATION, signed Raymond Loucheur (21 Aout
    1956); typescript (7 pages)
  •  memorandum, 6 Janvier 1955: Allocution de Monsieur le Directeur prononcée à l’occasion de la réunion des éléves du Conservatoire, le vendredi 17 Décembre 1954 (typescript, 4 pages). Two copies, the second
    lightly annotated
folder 57 Charles Kiesgen.
Correspondence regarding RF’s recording of MD’s organ works. Documents typescript unless otherwise indicated.

  • letter, 8 Novembre 1967, Ch. Kiesgen to MD
  • carbon copy of letter, 31 Octobre 1967, Ch. Kiesgen to RF
  •  letter, 21 Octobre 1967, Ch. Kiesgen to MD
  •  letter, 17 Octobre 1967, Jacques R. Bertrand to Ch. Kiesgen [reproduction]
  •  letter, 29 Septembre 1967, Ch. Kiesgen to MD
  • carbon copy of letter, 3 Octobre 1967, Ch. Kiesgen to Jacques R. Bertrand
  •  letter, 14 Juin 1967, Ch. Kiesgen to MD
  • letter, 6 Juin 1967, J. Bertrand to MD [addressed “Cher Maître”] (3 pages, manuscript)
  •  letter, 4 Juin 1967, J. Bertrand to MD [addressed “Mon Cher Maître”] (3 pages)
  • letter, 20 mars 1967, Ch. Kiesgen to MD
  • postcard, RF and members of her family to M. and Mme Dupré [without date; postmarked Cagnes-sur-Mer]
folder 58

Le Centenaire d’Alexandre Guilmant, 1937.

  • extract from The Diapason, July 1, 1936 (page 8)
  • letter, 24 Avril, 1937, Le Maire de Boulogne to MD
  • extract from The Quarterly Record of the Incorporated Association of Organists, no. 168, vol. XLII, July 1957 (pages [115-118)
  • COMITE DU CENTENAIRE: LISTE DES ANCIENS ELEVES DE GUILMANT (manuscript comments on reverse side, indicating “Exemplaire pour Monsieur Marcel Dupré”)

Series 6:    Publicity

Box 39

folder 1

MD biographical information.

  • MARCEL DUPRE, summary of life in a chronology, summary of concerts, and list of principal works (reproduction of typescript, 5 pages). Six copies, one incomplete
  • English-language translation of MD biographical note (ink manuscript, in hand of Mme Dupré; 7 pages)
  • “Story of Marcel Dupré’s first concert abroad” (carbon copy of typescript, 2 pages); apparently the text was published [ ?1934], accompanying a photograph (of MD, Claude Johnson, Lynnwood Farnum) in publication
  • MARCEL DUPRE, summary of life in a chronology, summary of concerts, and list of principal works (reproduction of typescript, 4 pages). Three copies of which one constitutes an “Exemplaire corrigé” and two are incomplete
  • “Entretien avec Marcel Dupré” [extract from a publication, not herein cited; 3 pages]
folder 2

Press items

  • press photo (annotated “1943”) of MD arriving in New York City; accompanied by French-language caption
  • DUPRE, brochure printed for distribution by BERNARD R. LA BERGE,Inc. (New York, NY); the brochure’s last page profiles MD’s pianist daughter, Marguerite
  • JMF (Journal des jeunesses musicales de France), 1er Mai 1949, in which the feature “Entre Deux Fugues … : Avec Marcel Dupré” by Bernard Gavoty (accompanied by photo) appears on pages 1-2
  • Notice (published by Les Editions de La Monnaie de Paris) concerning the Medal “Marcel Dupré” by Madame Hébert-Coëffin (1954)
  •  “Un maître prestigieux: Marcel Dupré” published in Le Journal d’AVIGNON, 26 Mai 1957, accompanied by three smaller item. (ALL WERE SEPARATED FROM CONCERT PROGRAM OF May 23, 1957 (M. Dupré at the Eglise Saint-Pierre d’Avignon.)
  • “Pour Marguerite DUPRE, aujourd’hui disparue, le maître Marcel DUPRE avait spécialement écrit trois morceaux qu’elle avait joués tour à tour au piano-solo, en complément de l’orgue” in Liberté-Dimanche [11 Mars 1963], page 8
folder 3 Oeuvres de Marcel Dupré (List of MD’s works).
Reproduction of typescript (9 pages).
N.B. The last work cited herein is his Vitrail (1969), opus 65, published by Bornemann.


Series 7:   Sound recordings

Box 40

disc 1 WIDOR: Symphony No. 9 in C minor; Symphony no. 5 in F minor. Marcel Dupré
at the organ of Saint-Sulpice, Paris. Westminster, c1972. WGM-8172 1 sound disc
(33 1/3 RPM)
disc 2

Marcel Dupré spielt/plays/joue Bach an der Orgel von/at the organ of/à l’orgue de St. Sulpice, Paris. Philips 6587 501. 1 sound disc (33 1/3 RPM)

In series: Die Meister der Organ = Masters of the Organ = Les Maîtres de l’Orgue.

disc 3 Marcel Dupré, Le Chemin de la Croix. Marcel Dupré at the Cavaillé-Coll Organ of Saint-Sulpice, Paris. Westminster W-9349. 1 sound disc (33 1/3 RPM)
In series: Collectors Series.
disc 4 Marcel Dupré, Trois Préludes et Fugues, op. 36; Olivier Messiaen, Le Banquet Celeste; Les Bergers. Marcel Dupré à l’orgue de Saint-Sulpice. Mercury 130.576 MLY. 1 sound disc (33 1/3 RPM)
In series: Trésors Classiques.

Series 8:  Published matter

Box 39

folder 4 Résumé de technologie de l’orgue / Louis-Ch. Barthélemy.
Bayeux: Colas, 1943.
First of six copies printed to be distributed “hors commerce”; bears the stamp BIBLIOTHEQUE MARCEL DUPRE.
Now separated to the Sibley Music Library’s rare books collection, call no. ML552 .B285R 1943.
folder 5 Commemorative brochure, 1847-1947, Cent ans au service de la musique. “Achevé
d’imprimer 5 Décembre 1947 pour le centenaire de la Maison GAVEAU. . . .”
folder 6 La France au Calvaire: oratorio. Livret. Poème de René Herval.
Paris: S. Bornemann, 1954.
Presentation copy of the oration libretto. Inscribed: “Pour ma Sylviane / Tendrement / Marcel Dupré / 31 Octobre 1962”
folder 7 Inauguration de la Plaque Commemorative d’Aristide Cavaillé-Coll.
Typescript (4 pages). Delivered by MD in Paris on Sunday, 14 December 1963 (confirmed by internal evidence within the text).
folder 8 Mémoires du Stradivarius au violon précalculé.
Text of address given by Professor Fernand Dacos (University of Liège), 4 April 1963 at the Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France.
folder 9 Trois plis cachetés de Louis Pasteur: ouverts le 16 Décembre 1963. Notes et réfléxions de MM. M. Delépine, Ch. Dufraisse, L. Velluz, J. Wyart.
Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1964.
“Académie des Sciences. Séance du Lundi, 16 Mars 1964.”

Series 9:  Other professional projects

folder 10 Notes in MD’s hand pertaining to various projects, including organ-building; specifications of particular instruments are also represented.
Marcel Dupré. Photograph from publicity circular, from Rolande Falcinelli Archive, Box 39, Folder 2.