Dissertation/Masters Thesis

Masters theses and doctoral dissertations of the Eastman School of Music do not circulate, nor does Sibley generally loan them to other libraries unless we have the author’s express consent to do so. Eastman PhD works since 1963 and DMA works since 1970 should be available from ProQuest Dissertations Full Text. As a service to scholars and musicians, the Sibley Music Library may make digital copies of Masters Theses and dissertations for personal use. Please use this form for such requests. There is at present no charge for this service. Requesting a significant number of items at a time may cause this policy to be revisited.

Theses are digitized in pdf format on demand. Once this request form is filled out, we will determine if the author has granted permission. If they have not expressly granted permission, we will attempt to contact them to seek their consent to make their work available digitally. Assuming they grant permission, we will digitize the thesis and contact the requestor by email to alert them about its availability. If permission is not granted, we will still contact the requestor.

Search our catalog before filling out this form, both to see that we have the item you need, and to see if we have already digitized it. Please allow 2-6 weeks to process your request. If any questions arise, we will email you.

Master Dissertation/Thesis Request

  • paste from catalog
  • paste from catalog