Advisory Committee

Sibley Music Library Advisory Committee Charge

The Sibley Music Library Advisory Committee keeps the Associate Dean/Head of the Sibley Music Library (SML) informed of the needs and concerns of faculty and students and represents the interests of SML to Eastman faculty, students, and administrators. The Committee makes appropriate recommendations on major issues and policies. The Head of SML will present policy matters and major initiatives to the group and provide it with appropriate information on library operations and services.


  • Associate Dean/Head of SML
  • Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
  • 2 library staff members, invited by the Associate Dean/Head of SML
  • 6 Faculty members, 3 from performance and 3 from research areas, invited by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
  • 2 undergraduate students, 2 graduate students, invited by Academic Affairs and Graduate Study Offices

Terms of Office:

  • Faculty and library staff members hold office for 2 years, renewable
  • Students have a one-year term
  • A quorum will be the majority of members

Meeting Frequency:

Two meetings a year, one in the fall and the other in the spring semesters. The Head of SML will solicit agenda items from the members before each meeting

Committee Membership (2022-2023)

Jonathan Sauceda Associate Dean and Head of Sibley Music Library
Matthew Ardizzone Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
Rick McRae Catalog and Public Services Librarian
David Peter Coppen Special Collections Librarian and Archivist
Michael Anderson Associate Professor of Musicology
Nicholas Goluses Professor of Guitar
David Higgs Professor of Organ
Mark Kellogg Professor of Euphonium and Trombone
Henry Klumpenhouwer Professor of Theory
Joe Rackers Professor of Piano
Mara Culp Assistant Professor in Music Teaching and Learning
Miles Greenberg Graduate Student
Cindy Shang Graduate Student
Jason Gluck Undergraduate Rep
Alana Knowles Undergraduate Rep
William Hurtz Undergraduate Rep