Box 1
folder 1 | Gathering of short compositions. In ink; 20 pages of music. Réverie. — 17 Mai 1928. For piano. Dedication: “A mon papa chéri.” Extase. — Juillet 1929. For voice and piano. Poesie de Victor Hugo. Souvenir de Meudon. — Juillet 1929. For piano. Le russeau. — 9 Decembre 1928. For piano. Le soir. — 24 Decembre 1927. For piano. Le muletier. — 26 Decembre 1927. For piano. Le soir. — 24 Decembre 1927. For piano. Dedication: “A ma chère petite mama adorée et à mon cher petit papa.” Le muletier. — 26 Decembre 1927. For piano. Dedication: “A ma chère memée que j’aime beaucoup.” Extase. — Juillet 1929. For voice and piano. Poesie de Victor Hugo. |
folder 2 | Gathering of short compositions. In ink except where otherwise noted; 28 pages of music. Dans la Lande. — 5 Juillet 1932. For piano. Dans la Montagne. — 1 Septembre 1932. For piano. [Without title.] — 1 Octobre 1932. For piano. Sonate. — Without date. For violin. In pencil. Sonate. — 3 November [without year]. For piano. Allegro; Andante molto espressione; Finale: Allegro. Menuet. — 26 Decembre 1932. For violin and piano: part and score present. Nocturne. — 29 Decembre 1932. For piano. |
folder 3 | Three compositions. In ink. Sonate pour piano et violon. — 6 Juin 1933. Piano score present; violin part lacking. 17 pages of music. Allegro decisio; Andante molto sostenuto; Finale: Allegro vivace. Mélodie pour violon [et piano]. — 10 Aout 1933. Piano score present; violin part lacking. 4 pages of music. Chanson. — 17 Decembre 1933. For voice and piano. Text by A. de Musset. 3 pages of music. |
folder 4 | Three compositions. In ink. Chanson. — 14 Janvier 1934. For voice and piano. Text by A. de Musset. 3 pages of music. Mélodie (pour violon). — 17 Mars 1934. For violin and piano. Piano score present; violin part lacking. 4 pages of music. Mélodie (pour violon). — 11 Avril 1934. For violin and piano. Piano score present; violin part lacking. 4 pages of music. Elegie. — 24 Septembre 1934. For violoncello and piano. Piano score present; violoncello part lacking. 4 pages of music. |
folder 5 | Three compositions. In ink. Près d’Avrenches. — Septembre 1935. For voice and piano. Text by Victor Hugo. Two copies of score, each 4 pages of music. Chanson. — Septembre 1935. For voice and piano. Text by Alfred de Musset. Two copies of score, each 3 pages of music. [Without title] — Novembre 1935. For piano. 8 pages of music. |
folder 6 | Scherzo. — 1er Janvier 1936. For piano. In ink; 12 pages of music. |
folder 7 | Keepsake (Souvenir d’amitié). — Mars 1936. For voice and piano. Text by Albert Samain. In ink; 5 pages of music. |
folder 8 | La Noce: chanson bretonne. — 30 Septembre 1936. For mezzo-soprano, chorus, and piano accompaniment. Text by P. Fort. In ink. Three copies (11, 11, and 10 pages of music, respectively). |
folder 9 | Trois pièces sur le même thême. — Octobre 1936. For violin and piano. In ink. Violin part (5 pages) and two copies of score (each 9 pages of music). |
folder 10 | Le Papillon. — Novembre 1936. For voice and piano. Text by Lamartine. In ink. Two copies of score (each 4 pages of music). |
folder 11 | Le Berceuse. — 27 Janvier 1937. For voice and piano. Text by Lope de Vega. In ink; 6 pages of music. |
folder 12 | Quintette. — Janvier 1937. For string quartet and piano. In ink. Four parts (each 6 pages of music) and score (23 pages of music). |
folder 13 | Menuet. — Mars 1937. For string quartet. In ink. Score (16 pages of music) and four parts (each 6 pages of music). |
folder 14 | La pluie a choisi le printemps. — Mars 1937. For mixed chorus and piano accompaniment. Text by Henriette Charasson. In ink; 14 pages of music. |
folder 15 | Two compositions. In ink. [Without title] — [without date]. — ? 1937. For voice and piano. In ink; 11 pages of music, numbered 3-13. (First leaf lacking.) Extase. — Mars 1937. For voice and piano. Text by V. Hugo. 4 pages of music. |
folder 16 | Streets. — Juin 1937. For soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, and piano accompaniment. Text by P. Verlaine. In ink; 10 pages of music. |
folder 17 | [Without title] — Juillet 1937. For mixed chorus and orchestra. In ink; 21 pages of music. 19 |
folder 18 | Exposition-37: suite pour piano. — Aout 1937. For piano. In ink; 20 pages of music, with interpolations. Movements: No. 1. Préambule — No. 2. Fontaines — No. 3. Russe — No. 4. Espagne — No. 5. Japon — No. 6. Allemagne — No. 7. Egypte — No. 8. Bresil — No. 9. Norvège — No. 10. Italie — No. 11. Pologne — No. 12. Maroc — No. 13. Hongrie — No. 14. France. |
folder 19 | [Exposition-37] Selected movements from the Suite, orchestrated. In ink; 24 pages of music. Movements in this order: Allemagne. — Italie. — Pologne. — France. |
folder 20 | Trois mélodies sur des poèsies de Paul Fort. — Octobre 1937. For voice and piano. In ink; 10 pages of music. No. 1. La Ronde — No. 2. Berceuse — No. 3. La France. |
folder 21 | Près du soir, le jour se repose. — Novembre 1937. For three-part chorus and baritone solo. Text by André Bellesort. In ink; 10 pages of music. |
folder 22 | Contemplation. — Decembre 1937. For voice and piano. Extrait de Jocelyn 2e époque / Lamartine. In ink; 4 pages of music. |
folder 23 | Faust et Hélène: d’après le second Faust de Goethe. — 1er Janvier 1938. For voice and piano. In ink; 10 pages of music. Ends inconclusively. 3 pp. |
folder 24 | L’hiver. — Mars 1938. Choeur pour 3 voix de femme (soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto) [et accompagnement de piano]. Text by Desbordes-Valmore. In ink. Two scores, scored for piano accompaniment (6 pages of music) and for orchestra (6 pages of music; incomplete). |
folder 25 | Epitaphe. — Avril 1938. For voice and piano. Text by P. Corneille. In ink; 4 pages of music. |
folder 26 | Pierrot Gamin. — Avril 1938. For mixed chorus and orchestra. Text by P. Verlaine. In ink; 16 pages of music. “Vu par la Commission d’examen des bulletins”—stamped on page 1. |
folder 27 | La Soir devant Sybaris. — Janvier 1939. For mixed chorus, soprano solo, and orchestra. Text by Georges-Eugène Bertin. In ink; 12 pages of music. |
folder 28 | Trois mélodies sur des poésies de Paul Fort.—17 Janvier 1939. In ink; 10 pages of music. “Vu par la Commission d’examen des bulletins”—stamped on page 1. “Composition: Examen du 17 Janvier 1939”—in RF’s hand. |
folder 29 | Deux chansons: duos pour soprano et tènor.— Avril 1939. Text by André Fontainas. In ink. Two copies of score (each 16 pages of music), accompanied by soprano part (8 pages of music) and tenor part (8 pages of music). I. Chanson — II. Affection récompensée “Vu par la Commission d’examen des bulletins”—stamped on page 1 of one copy of score. |
folder 30 | Prélude et Scherzo: pour septuor. — Avril 1939. For flute, oboe, two violins, viola, violoncello, and piano. In ink. Score (39 pages of music). |
folder 31 | Soir de bataille. — [without date]. For men’s chorus (tenors and baritones), solo baritone, and orchestra. Text not herein identified (neither its title nor authorship). In pencil. 24 pages of music (numbered 1-23). |
folder 32 | Soir de bataille. — 1939. For men’s chorus (tenors and baritones), baritone solo, and piano accompaniment. Text by J. M. (José-María) de Heredia. In ink. Vocal score (7 pages of music), accompanied by solo baritone part (2 pages of music). In caption of page 1: “Concours d’essai de 1939.” |
folder 33 | Fugue sur un sujet de H. Rabaud. — 1939. Fugue in four voices; performing forces not identified. The subject notated on the title page. In ink. 5 pages of music. “1er Prix. Concours de 13 Juin 1939” — on title page. |
folder 34 | Prélude Septuor: Scherzo. — 1939. For mixed quintet (flute, oboe, two violines, viola, violoncello) and piano. In ink; 39 pages of music. “Concours de Composition: 20 Juin 1939. 2r Prix”—in RF’s hand on title page. “Vu par la Commission d’Examens de bulletins”—stamped on title page. 21 |
folder 35 | Trois mélodies sur des poésies de Th. Gautier.—Octobre-Novembre 1939. For voice and piano. Text by Théophile Gautier. In ink. Score (14 pages of music), accompanied by one vocal part (4 pages of music). I. Dernier Voeu. — II. Noël. — III. Carmen. |
folder 36 | Trois mélodies sur des poésies de Th. Gautier.—1939. For solo voice and orchestra. Text by Théophile Gautier. In ink. Score (36 pages of music). I. Dernier Voeu. — II. Noël. — III. Carmen. “Composition: Examen du 24 Janvier 1940”—in RF’s hand on title page. “Vu par la Commission d’examen des bulletins”—stamped on title page. |
folder 37 | Suite fantaisiste. — Janvier 1940. For violin and piano. In ink. Score (30 pages of music); no violin part present. Movements: I. Fantoches — II. Chanson tchèque — III. Epitaphe — IV. Petit soldat — V. Berceuse — VI. Lucioles. |
folder 38 | Suite fantaisite. — Janvier 1940. For violin and piano. In ink. Score (30 pages of music); no violin part present. I. Fantoches — II. Chanson tchèque — III. Epitaphe — IV. Petit soldat — V. Berceuse — VI. Lucioles. “Composition: Examen du 24 Janvier 1940”—in RF’s hand on title page. “Vu par la Commission d’examen des bulletins”—stamped on title page. Stamped on several pages throughout score is the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, & EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE. |
folder 39 | [Eight songs]. — 1940. For voice and piano. Texts of different origins, as indicated below. In ink; 36 pages of music. Contents: Je n’ai pas de barbe au menton (Canada) — J’ai ceuilli la belle rose (Canada) — C’est le veut frivolaut (Canada) — Trimousett’ (chant de quiète de Champagne) — Pastorale chaalomoise — Le petit bossu (Champagne) — Fanchette la quéteuse (Lorraine) — En passant par la Lorraine (Lorraine) “Vu par la Commission d’examen des bulletins”—stamped on page 1. Stamped at the beginning of each song throughout score is the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, & EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE; numbers 569778 pertain to the first three titles, and 569779 to all of the rest. |
folder 40 | Two manuscripts of Soleil couchant. — 1940. For voice and piano. Text by Théophile Gautier. In ink. Vocal score (10 pages of music) For solo voice and instrumental ensemble. In ink. Score (25 pages of music). “Concours de Composition du 23 Septembre 1940.”—in RF’s hand on the title pages of both scores. Instrumental score stamped with the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, & EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE (no. 570951). |
folder 41 | Choeur pour voix à hommes (a capella). — 13 Octobre 1940. For tenor, baritone, and bass voices. Text by Charles Clerc. In ink; 4 pages of music. Accompanied by a pencil draft (2 pages of music) |
folder 42 | Trois mélodies sur des poésies de Th. Gautier. — Mai-Juin 1941. For orchestra and solo voice. In ink. Each song paginated separately (14, 14, and 17 pages of music, respectively). I. Dernier voeu — II. Noël — III. Carmen. “Concours de composition du 17 Juin 1941”—on page 1 of Dernier voeu, in RF’s hand. |
folder 43 | Two manuscripts of Trois chansons champenoises. — 1942 For voice and piano. In ink; 8 pages of music. For solo voice and orchestra. In ink; 16 pages of music. I. Trimousett’ (Chant de quète) — II. Pastorale chaalomoise — III. Le petit Bossu. |
Box 2
folder 1 | [opus 10] La Messiade: poème en trois chants d’après Klopstock par Eugène Adenis. — [without date]. Full score. In ink (206 pages of music). For baritone, bass, tenor, mezzo-soprano, mixed chorus, children’s chorus, and orchestra. Chant I. La trahison — Chant II. Le Jugement — Chant III. La mort sur le Golgotha. On title page, in RF’s hand: “Mon Père, entre tes mains je remets mon esprit!”—La Messiade. Klopstick. Ch. X. Stamped with the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, ET EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE (no. 584867). |
folder 2 | [opus 10] La Messiade: poème en trois chants d’après Klopstock par Eugène Adenis. — [without date]. Piano reduction. In ink. Each chant paginated separately (46, 32, 20 pages of music, respectively). Stamped with the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, ET EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE (no. 584867). |
folder 3 | [opus 14] Pygmalion délivré. — [without date]. Full score. In ink. 110 pages of music. Text by Raoul Brunel. For three vocal soloists and instrumental ensemble. Scored for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 B-flat clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns in F, harp, triangle, Timbales, and string quintet. On outer housing, in RF’s hand: “Concours de Rome 1942” and “2me. Second Grand Prix.” On title page, in RF’s hand: “Il y a parfois quelque chose de pire que d’être dèçu, c’est d’être exoncé . . . . .”—Paul Claudel |
folder 4 | [opus 17] Icare: scène lyrique de Jean Supervielle. — [without date] Full score. In ink. Score (109 pages of music) plus three solo vocal parts (each 4 pages of music). For three vocal soloists and orchestra. On outer housing, in RF’s hand: “Concours de Rome 1943”. On title page of score, in RF’s hand: “Sic itur ad astra.” Accompanied by pencil sketch (39 pages of music). |
folder 5 | [opus 18] Ouargla. — Novembre 1943. Text by Georges Eugène Bertin. Vocal score. In ink. 8 pages of music. Stamped with the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, ET EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE (no. 593129). |
folder 6 | [opus 20] Louise de la Miséricorde: scène lyrique en deux tableaux. — [without date]. Ink MS. Full score (89 pages of music) and vocal parts for two of the three soloist roles (11 and 7 pages of music, respectively). For three vocal soloists, orchestra, and orchestre de coulisse. On outer housing, in RF’s hand: “Concours de Rome 1944.” Accompanied by pencil sketch (46 pages of music). |
folder 7 | [opus 37] 4 motets à la Vierge. — 1959 No. 1, Ego lilium convallium. — 5 Avril 1959. Motet for soprano solo, baritone solo, mixed chorus, and organ. In ink. 7 pages of music. No. 2, Regina coeli. — 11 Avril 1959. Motet for soprano solo, 3-part women’s chorus, and organ. In ink. 5 pages of music. No. 3, Tota pulchra es. — 28 Avril 1959. Motet for soprano or tenor solo with organ accompaniment. In ink. 6 pages of music. No. 4, Virgo, Mater, filia: motet pour le temps de Noël. — 17 Mai 1959. For medium voice and organ. In ink. 3 pages of music. Accompanied by typescript text (1 page) in Latin and in French translation. Each manuscript stamped with the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, ET EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE (No. 743, 735). |
folder 8 | [opus 45] Esquisses symphoniques en forme de variations. III, A Marie-Danièle Mercier Manuscript facsimile. 5 pages of music, numbered 8-12. |
folder 9 | [opus 74] Marana Tha. — 1989 Full score. MS repro. 32 pages of music. For orchestra. “A Olivier Holt”—at head of music. “Moi, je suis l’Alpha et l’omega” (1.8 Apocalypse de Jean).—Epigram on first page of music. |
folder 10 | L’Offrande musicale / J. S. Bach; transcription pour orgue par Rolande Falcinelli. A hybrid manuscript comprised of 25 leaves of ink manuscript and 31 leaves from the Edition Peters publication of Das Musikalisches Opfer (pl. no. 8403), the latter extensively annotated by RF and accounting for the three movements Fuga canonica, Sonata (Trio), and Canon perpetuus. Stamped with the registration of the SOCIETE DES AUTEURS, COMPOSITEURS, ET EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE (no. 723,745). Accompanied by handwritten drafts of RF’s avant-propos for the impending publication of her transcription. |
folder 11 | L’Offrande musicale de Johann Sebastien Bach. Transcription pour orgue: révision, annotations, doigtés de Rolande Falcinelli. Facsimile of the score housed in box 2/10. |
folder 12 | Variations Goldberg, by J. S. Bach. Transcription for organ by RF. — [without date]. In ink. 62 pages of music. |
folder 13 | Carnaval, by Robert Schumann. Transcription for orchestra by RF. — [without date]. In ink. 47 pages of music |
folder 14 | Two movements from the Suite Bergamasque, by Claude Debussy. Orchestration by RF. — 1938. In ink. I. Prélude(8 pages of music) — II. Menuet. (9 pages of music). |
Box 3
folder 1 | [Ecole de la technique moderne de l’orgue.] 1ère Partie: Théorie de la Technique. Ink manuscript in a spiral-bound notebook; 48 numbered pages. “A mon Maître vénéré Marcel Dupré modeste témoignage de ma reconnaisance pour toute la lumière qu’il m’a donnée dans le domaine artistique.”—dedication on first page, in RF’s hand. Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten notes (1 page) concerning this work. |
folder 2 | [Ecole de la technique moderne de l’orgue.]2ème Partie: Pratique de la technique de pédale. A. Gammes. Ink manuscript in a spiral-bound music stave book; 60 numbered pages. This part consisting entirely of pedal exercises, subdivided into 13 series. |
folder 3 | [Ecole de la Technique moderne de l’orgue]2ème Partie: Pratique de la Technique de pédale. B. Arpèges.26 Ink manuscript in a spiral-bound music stave book; 75 numbered pages. This part consisting entirely of pedal exercises, subdivided into 28 series. |
folder 4 | [Ecole de la Technique moderne de l’orgue.] 2ème Partie, Pratique de la technique de la pédale. Pencil draft, representing the Introduction (pages numbered 1-12, 15-16, 1-8, together with 12 unnumbered pages on leaves of disparate dimensions), and the Exercises (135 numbered pages). Accompanied by one copy of the Tenue chapter in typescript facsimile (8 pages). |
folder 5 | [opus 14] Pygmalion délivré. Pencil draft; 24 numbered pages of music. |
folder 6 | [opus 33] Berceuse. Pencil draft; 3 pages of music. |
folder 7 | [various, including opus 35] Four compositions for cembalo: Arietta: déchiffrage de clavecin. — 19 Sept. 1956. Pencil draft; 3 pages of music. Recit(atif) pour clavecin. — 28 Aout 1956. Pencil draft; 2 pages of music. Gavotte pour clavecin. — 20 Dec. 1955. Pencil draft; 2 pages of music. “Examen du 10 Janvier 56.” Mémorial W. A. Mozart, opus 35. Pencil draft, incomplete; various pages, numbered 1-8, 13-17. |
folder 8 | [opus 36] Cor Jesu Sacratissimum. Pencil draft; 7 numbered pages of music. |
folder 9 | [opus 37] 4 Motets à la Vierge. Pencil drafts; 15 pages of music. |
folder 10 | [opus 33] La Cathédrale de l’Âme. Pencil draft of movement Portail; 8 pages of music, numbered 1-4 and 1-4. |
folder 11 | [opus 49] Affinités secrètes. Pencil draft; 10 pages of music. |
folder 12 | [opus 50] Mathnavi. Pencil draft. The two movements paginated separately (10 and 22 pages of music, respectively). 2 leaves of notes. |
folder 13 | [opus 52] Miniatures persanes. Pencil draft; the four movements paginated separately: 5, 5, 6, and 5 pages of music, respectively. |
folder 14 | [opus 53] Chant de peine et de lutte, opus 53. Pencil draft; 19 numbered pages of music. Various of the leaves bear sketches for other works, including the Chant d’Ombre et de Clarté, opus 55. on their verso sides. |
folder 15 | [opus 55] Trois Chants profanes. Voix et orgue. Pencil drafts of the three song settings, paginated separately (5, 6, and 5 numbered pages of music, respectively). Accompanied by RF’s handwritten copies of the texts. I. Aurore d’hiver — II. Ronsard à son âme — III. Lumière! ma lumière |
folder 16 | [opus 56] Chant d’ombre et de clarté. Violoncelle seul. Pencil draft; 9 pages of music. |
folder 17 | [opus 57] Canzon per sonar, op. 57. Pencil draft; 10 pages of music. |
folder 18 | [without opus number] [Composition without title for solo piano] — 4 Mai 1953. Pencil draft; 3 pages of music. Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comments. |
folder 19 | [Various liturgical pieces composed for the collection ORGUE et LITURGIE ] Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comments. |
folder 20 | [opus 42] Prophétie d’après Ezéchiel. Pencil draft; 8 numbered pages of music. Accompanied by Sylviane Falcinelli’s handwritten comments. |
folder 21 | Psaumes, by Eugène Bozza. Reduction for piano, 4 hands by RF. Pencil sketch; 7 numbered pages of music. |
folder 22 | [Without title] Pencil draft; 6 pages of music. At end: Concours de Rome (Essai 1944). Fontainebleau. |
folder 23 | [Without title] — [without date]. Pencil draft; pages numbered 3-32. Scored variously for 4 or 5 staves reflecting the scoring for two keyboard instruments. |
folder 24 | Ophélia. For voice and piano; only the vocal line scored. Text: Arthur Rimbaud. Fair copy in ink; 2 pages of music. |
folder 25 | Danse de nymphes. For voices and instrumental ensemble; vocal ensemble; vocal score with piano reduction. Pencil sketch; 10 pages of music. |
Box 4
Reel 1 | Messe de Saint-Dominique, opus 25. |
Reel 2 | Poèmes-Études, opus 26: La guitare enchantée; Danse eternelle de Laksmi; Troïka |
Reel 3 | Poèmes-Études, opus 26: La guitare enchantée; Danse eternelle de Laksmi; Troïka |
Reel 4 | Mémorial W. A. Mozart, opus 35 |
Reel 5 | Cor Jesu Sacratissimum, opus 36. |
Reel 6 | La Cathédrale de l’Âme, opus 39 |
Reel 7 | La Cathédrale de l’Âme, opus 39. |
Reel 8 | Résonances poétiques, opus 4029 |
Reel 9 | Le Sermon sur la Montagne, opus 46 |
Reel 10 | Variations-Études sur une Berceuse, opus 48 |
Reel 11 | Quatre quatrains d’Omar Khayyam, opus 51 |
Reel 12 | Chant de Peine et de Lutte, opus 53 |
Reel 13 | Résonances romantiques, opus 54 |
Reel 14 | Trois Chants profanes, opus 55 |
Reel 15 | Chant d’Ombre et de Clarté, opus 56 |
Reel 16 | Canzon per sonar, opus 57. |
Reel 17 | Azân, opus 61 |
Reel 18 | “Quand sonnera le glas. . .” opus 62 |
Reel 19 | Psaume XIII, opus 63 |
Reel 20 | Aphorismes, opus 64 |
Reel 21 | Psautier, opus 65 |
Reel 22 | Krishna-Gopala, opus 66. |
Reel 23 | L’Offrande musicale. Transcription pour orgue par RF. |
Reel 24 | Spiritualité de la musique.— Paris 17 janvier 1961. |
Reel 25 | Dictées musicales. A spiral-bound manuscript book containing notation in RF’s hand. |