November 29th- December 5th:The Weekly Dozen

The Weekly Dozen

December 2, 1922

December 1, 1925   

December 2-7, 1947

December 5, 1958

December 2, 1963

December 1, 1964

December 3, 1967

December 4-8, 1967

December 1, 1983

Director Ray Wright and Eastman student-performers on-stage in the Eastman Theater on the occasion of the Eastman Studio Orchestra’s public debut.

December 5, 1987

November 29, 1990

December 2, 2004

Sep 26th – Oct 2nd: Howard Hanson at the UNESCO Fourth General Conference.

Seventy-three years ago this week, in late September, 1949, Eastman School Director Howard Hanson was in Paris serving as a U.S. delegate to the Fourth General Conference of UNESCO. 

September 27th-October 3rd: The Note Book and more

On September 27th, 1921, one hundred years ago this week, an occasional issue of The Note Book was published and was circulated to students.

September 20th-26th: Robert Freeman inauguration and more

The inauguration of Robert Freeman as the Eastman School’s fourth Director on September 20th, 1973 marked the beginning of a new era for the school.

School opens, David Burge, Verne Reynolds and The Weekly Dozen

On September 19th, 1921, the Eastman School of Music opened its doors for instruction and welcomed students into the building.