Information for Staff

Please check back frequently for updates and additions throughout the spring semester.



Updated 4/15/2022

What is the current masking protocol?

  • Everyone needs to wear a non-cloth mask (N95, KN94, surgical mask, etc.) at all times – in classes, lessons, rehearsals, performances, and all other academic and non-academic spaces.  The one exception is for professionally-made masks for musicians, which may continue to be used when performing as these masks are typically constructed with multiple layers and/or have additional filter material built into the mask.  In non-performance situations, however, everyone must follow the non-cloth mask policy.
  • Musicians who play an instrument with a mouthpiece must cut a small hole/slit in their mask so that their nose and sides of the mouth remain covered when they are playing.
  • Brass and woodwind musicians are required to use a bell cover at all times.
  • Brass players must use a container/rag to collect their condensation.

Updated 1/26/2022

Will masks be distributed?

As has been the case from the beginning of the pandemic, surgical masks will continue to be available for everyone at the Officer’s Desk in Lowry Hall.  In addition, ESM has purchased a supply of KN95 masks that will be made available to our community at the following locations:

  • ESM Faculty and Staff – Welcome Center in Lowry Hall (faculty masks will be placed in mailboxes)
  • ESM Students – Student Living Center front desk
  • ECMS Faculty – ECMS Office, 3rd floor of Messinger Hall

At this time, it is necessary to limit our KN95 mask distribution to just one complimentary mask per individual.  Please note that these masks are readily available through pharmacies and online outlets, such as Amazon.


Updated 1/26/2022

What is the staff and faculty booster guidance?

Faculty and staff are required to receive booster vaccinations by February 21, or within 30 days of becoming eligible, if that is a later date. Employees who received their booster at an Employee Health vaccine clinic in LeChase Assembly Hall or the SMH Outpatient Pharmacy are already recorded and no further action is required. Employees who have received their booster at any other location, including UR Medicine locations, will need to submit proof of the booster vaccination through the University portal (University network or VPN access required).

Updated 1/7/2022

Who do I contact for remote work questions or for HR -related questions?

The best email for HR related questions is



Updated July 7, 2021

What will return to campus look like for the fall semester?

Please refer to this page.


Remote Work Guidelines

As of 6/26/20 the Finger Lakes Region is scheduled to start Phase 4 of New York State’s regional reopening plan. This is the final phase of the state’s reopening process, however many operating and activity restrictions are still in place to contain the spread of COVID-19 in our region.

The University continues to require that those employees working from home continue to do so unless approved to return by leadership. Essential staff in areas including public safety, facilities, dining services, residential life, and in some research facilities who are approved to restart or who are responsible for continuing operations at the University may be working on campus. Read here for more about the Remote Work Policy.


  • If returning, employees need to screen themselves using Dr. Chat Bot prior to coming to campus.
  • All employees on University (non-Medical Center​) campuses need to complete the COVID-19 Safety Training available in MyPath. This mandatory training should be completed even prior to having plans to return to campus.

With the exception of University medical and clinical care facilities, the University continues to be closed to outside guests or visitors until further notice. Those who must visit campus—vendors and service personnel who are essential to campus operations, for example—must wear masks when in public spaces and maintain social distancing of at least six feet.

Have questions about working remotely? View this FAQ for answers.

Vacation Policy: Updates on Accruals

In light of work disruptions caused by the crisis, the University wants to ensure that faculty and staff maintain access to earned vacation time so that it is available when they are able to use it. The following changes have been made to the accrual policy:

  • At the beginning of the first full pay period on January 1, 2021, a maximum of one and a half year’s (1.5 year’s) accrual may be carried forward. During the year, vacation accruals will continue.
  • At the beginning of the first full pay period on January 1, 2022, a maximum of one and a quarter year’s (1.25 year’s) accrual may be carried forward.  During the year, vacation accruals will continue.
  • At the beginning of the first full pay period on January 1, 2023, the University will return to the standing policy which allows for a maximum of one year’s accrual to be carried forward.