First Through Third Years

Eastman School of Music requires all first- second-, and third-year students to reside on campus unless they are approved for a residency exemption. This policy is intended to develop community and best support the Eastman undergraduate experience. Students who live off campus prior to senior year delay graduation, do not utilize on campus resources and supports, miss more classes, lessons, and opportunities, and don’t make healthy choices to eat right, rest, and maintain appropriate school-life balance.

Medical and Disability related appeals are accepted at any time and must be sent directly to the Office of Disability Services through their website.  Non-medical/disability (supported by documentation) releases from the 3-year residency requirements are processed by the Office of Student Affairs, only occur between semesters, and must follow the timeline below. Students should never request a housing appeal lightly. These processes are not intended to avoid participating in the housing process, to be exempted from housing policies, or to secure for oneself a better room. Any student who is found to have misrepresented their situation in a housing appeal may be denied participation in the housing selection process and may face possible disciplinary action.

Important Notice Regarding COVID-19

Under advisement from University Counsel, please consider the following:

The University of Rochester – Eastman School of Music is not responsible for financial support, basic needs, nor access to our facilities should a pandemic require closure of our school. Students who are released from their housing contract understand that their room assignment in our housing system will no longer be available – the space will be reassigned to another student. Students who are released from their housing may be at a higher risk of exposure of COVID-19 by interactions off campus. Landlords may not release you from a lease or any obligation to pay rent. Students are expected to follow NYS travel restrictions and to self-quarantine 14 days after traveling outside of NYS or traveling 100 miles away (ex. violations of this quarantine order may lead to fines). You will be required to quarantine and or receive a negative test result for COVID-19 before returning to campus. Contact tracing, daily symptom tracking, and additional testing will likely be a part of your experience. Students will be expected to avoid social gatherings, follow cleaning protocols, and physical distancing guidelines. Any violation of related University of Rochester – Eastman School of Music policy and/or endangerment of the health of other students may result in consequences like removal of privileges, formal warnings, and/or suspension.

Financial Appeals

Appeals to be released from your Eastman housing contract due to changes in your financial circumstances will only be considered after the following steps have been completed: 1) Students must have a completed FASFA and/or CSS Profile on file with the Eastman Financial Aid Office, 2) Students must be maximizing all available aid opportunities, including student loans and work study (students must be employed), and 3) Students must complete a monthly budget including income, expenses, such as, but not limited to: rent, renter’s insurance, electricity, water, gas, mobile phone bill, groceries, entertainment, auto insurance, car payment, credit cards/debt, loans, and other expenses.

Upon completion of the above steps the financial aid office will make a recommendation to the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, who will then make the final decision on your request to be released from your housing contract.

Please note:

  • The Housing Appeal decisions are final.
  • Housing processes will not be delayed and appeals will not be expedited due to convenience. Students must still participate in housing selection and are bound by their housing contracts.
  • Parents are discouraged from submitting appeals on behalf of their students.
  • Students who have concerns related to dining should contact the dining manager when they experience concerns (ex. vegetarian options). If their concerns are persistent or have to do with diet, students are expected to contact the dietician prior to submitting an appeal and prior to scheduling a meeting with the assistant dean of student affairs.
  • Honesty is an expectation of all appeals. Any student who is found to have misrepresented their situation in a housing appeal may face disciplinary action.
  • Students who are considering an appeal regarding their housing are expected to have spoken to Dr. Robert Bones prior to submitting the Housing Appeal form.

Other Appeals

If the student, parent(s), or guardian(s) live within Monroe County (commutable distance). For all students, this primary address needs to be established prior to initial enrollment at the Eastman School of Music. This is done by providing a copy of any document that verifies the student’s residence, (i.e. permanent US residency visa, utility bill, identification card, or lease agreement). If the student is residing with a guardian or family, they must explain their relationship with that individual and must have permission prior to being released.

Students who are married. A copy of a government-issued certificate recognizing the partnership (i.e. marriage license or domestic partnership certificate) is required supporting documentation.

If you have questions regarding the Residency Exemption Request process, please contact Robert E. Bones