05.06.03 Financial Aid Probation

05.06.03 Financial Aid Probation Graduate students on Financial Aid Warning who do not satisfy the requirements outlined by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies to remove themselves from warning status within one semester will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. A student placed on Financial Aid Probation is ineligible to receive Title IV federal aid,…

05.06.02 Appeals

05.06.02 Appeals Students who are placed on Financial Aid Warning may appeal to have their funding reinstated. Students may appeal only in cases of extenuating medical or personal circumstances. The Graduate Academic Progress Committee, comprised of the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, the Associate Director of Graduate Advising and Services, the Registrar, and the Director…

05.06.01 Financial Aid Warning

05.06.01 Financial Aid Warning Graduate students who do not meet the minimum standards for SAP as defined above will be placed on Financial Aid Warning. Graduate Scholarships and Stipends are merit based; therefore, students on warning status may not hold a Graduate Scholarship and Stipend or represent the Eastman School in non-curricular University sponsored events.…

05.06 Satisfactory Academic Progress

05.06 Satisfactory Academic Progress Graduate students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) towards completion of their degree in order to remain in good standing with the School. Every student’s academic progress is reviewed at the end of the fall and spring semesters by the Office of Graduate Studies. Graduate students maintain their eligibility for Graduate…