04.08.03 Transfer credit for transfer students

04.08.03 Transfer credit for transfer students The Eastman School reserves the right to validate, by examination, credit presented as requisite to a course for which a student wishes to register and which is required in their curriculum.  All transfer credit will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in conjunction…

04.08.02 Determination of class standing

04.08.02 Determination of class standing Transfer class standing is dependent on the applied/primary instrument placement, as determined by the department, as well as on music academic placement. The latter is determined by placement exams as well as by a review of all earned academic credit. The final decision about a student’s class standing is made…

04.08 Transfer students

04.08 Transfer students An individual is considered to be a transfer student at the Eastman School if they earned college level credit while matriculated (enrolled as a candidate for a degree) at an accredited university, college, or community college. Students who earn college-level credit while attending high school, or who earn college level credit that…