04.01.03 Variations from the prescribed programs of study

04.01.03 Variations from the prescribed programs of study In order to earn a Bachelor of Music degree, all undergraduates are expected to complete the degree requirements that are in place during their year of matriculation. Any exceptions to the prescribed programs of study must be approved by the department in which the requirement resides, as… Musical Arts Musical Arts The Musical Arts major (MUA) is an honors curriculum that enables students to craft an individualized program of study, undertaken in consultation with a faculty committee that leads to a major senior project. These programs of study may be wide-ranging and possibly cross-disciplinary, and are generally not possible within the structured requirements… Applied Music – Double Bass, Guitar, Harp, Organ, Piano, Strings, Voice, Winds, Brass & Percussion Applied Music – Double Bass, Guitar, Harp, Organ, Piano, Strings, Voice, Winds, Brass & Percussion Senior recital All applied music majors must present a full senior recital to a faculty panel of no less than three members of the department, including the student’s applied teacher. The recital must include the performance of at least…