03.02 Academic Integrity Committee

03.02 Academic Integrity Committee The governing body that oversees issues of academic integrity at the Eastman School of Music is the Academic Integrity Committee. The Committee consists of: nine (9) faculty representatives; eight (8) undergraduate student representatives; and four to six (4-6) graduate student representatives. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs provides administrative oversight to…

03.01.02 Faculty Responsibilities

03.01.02 Faculty Responsibilities Faculty at the Eastman School of Music are expected to maintain and uphold standards of professional conduct in all of their research and education endeavors. In order to preserve an educational environment that is fair and equitable, the following practices are expected: Objective evaluation of student performance. The instructor will take no…

03.01.01 Student Responsibilities

03.01.01 Student Responsibilities Students at the Eastman School of Music are admitted based on their innate talent and potential. As members of the Eastman community, they are expected to represent themselves to the best of their own abilities, and act with personal and professional integrity at all times, be it in the studio, classroom, or…

03.01 Academic Integrity at Eastman – Introduction

03.01 Academic Integrity at Eastman – Introduction Plagiarism: Grounds for Dismissal Academic Honesty Guidelines The Eastman School of Music is a community of students, faculty, and staff with a tradition of excellence and professionalism. Our high standards depend on the atmosphere of mutual confidence and common purpose which have long sustained the institution. We take…