06.03.15 DMA – Major in Piano Accompanying & Chamber Music

Students who enrolled in their current DMA degree program prior to summer 2009 are not affected by the updates indicated below. Please click here for degree requirements for students who enrolled in spring 2009 or earlier.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites for the DMA in ACM include a master’s degree in accompanying, piano performance, or a related field. Students audition in person, performing with singers and instrumentalists at Eastman. They also must submit a research paper demonstrating advanced analytic, scholarly, and writing abilities.

Upon entry in the program, DMA students in ACM take the placement exams in music theory and history required of all entering graduate students at Eastman. If remediation is required, the appropriate courses are taken, but their credit does not count towards the degree. The same is true of any English-language instruction that is required and any instruction in bibliography that is needed.

Residency: Majors in ACM will normally be in residence for two full academic years. Students who received a Master of Music in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music from Eastman may be required to be in residence for only one year. See section 05.01 (Residency) for more information.

Requirement Credits
Applied Music ACM 460A (Applied Accompanying Lessons) – four to five semesters at 4 credits each. 16-20
Music History and Music Theory: must include at least three doctoral music history seminars (MHS 594s), one of which may be substituted with one of the following: TH 481, TH 482, TH 525, TH 526, TH 581, TH 590, MUY 400- or 500-level course, or independent study at the 500 level. 19-21
Minor: developed in consultation with the program advisor, in an area such as pedagogy, Baroque performance practice, opera coaching, or interdisciplinary studies in the humanities. See section 06.03.05 (Program of Study) for more information. 10-12
Electives: May include keyboard study. See section 06.03.05 (Program of Study) for more information. 11-15
Remedial courses – Please refer to 05.03 Orientation, Placement Examinations, and Remediation.
Total Credits 60

Additional Requirements

Jury: Student in this major will perform a jury in December of the first year in residence. In rare instances, students may be allowed to perform their jury the following December. See section 06.01.03 (Graduate Juries) for more information.

Foreign Language Requirements: As a prerequisite to admission, students in the piano accompanying and chamber music major will have developed language proficiency equivalent to at least one year of college-level instruction in one of the following languages: French, German, or Italian. This proficiency is tested by a language/diction examination administered during the student’s first semester of enrollment. Before the end of the second year of residency, each DMA candidate in this major will have developed reading proficiency in one of the remaining languages equivalent to at least one year of college-level instruction in that language, and diction proficiency in English, French, German, and Italian. These requirements must be satisfied in one of the following ways before the student is permitted to undertake the comprehensive examinations: by successful completion of a departmental examination in translation and pronunciation; by completing the appropriate diction course and the equivalent of one year of college-level language study with a grade of “B+” or higher in each language. See Language Requirements for ACM Majors for more information.

Degree Recitals:

  • ESM 503 (Doctoral Lecture Recital- see section 06.03.06 (Lecture Recital) for more information.
  • ESM 505 (DMA Accompanying Recital with Vocalist)
  • ESM 506 (DMA Accompanying Recital with Instrumentalist)
  • ESM 507 (DMA Accompanying Third Recital)

Comprehensive Exam: Required. See section 06.03.07 (Comprehensive Examinations – DMA) for more information.