06.03.14 DMA – Major in Performance & Literature

Students who enrolled in their current DMA degree program prior to summer 2009 are not affected by the updates indicated below. Please click here for degree requirements for students who enrolled in spring 2009 or earlier.

Prerequisites: A live audition that demonstrates high achievement in performance is required of all applicants to the DMA PRL program. In addition, applicants demonstrate their writing ability by submitting a scholarly paper, and they demonstrate their academic credentials by submitting a transcript of all previous collegiate-level coursework.

Upon entry in the program, DMA PRL students take the placement exams in music theory and history required of all entering graduate students at Eastman. If remediation is required, the appropriate courses are taken, but their credit does not count towards the degree. The same is true of any English-language instruction that is required and any instruction in bibliography that is needed.

Residency: At least one year of full-time study is required. See section 05.01 (Residency) for more information.

Requirement Credits
Applied Music Students must enroll for a minimum of four consecutive semesters (460A – 4 cr)1 20-24
Research and Writing Seminars – Consisting of one of the following: (A) four MHS 594s (B) three MHS 594s plus one of the following: TH 481, TH 482, TH 525, TH 526, TH 581, TH 590, MUY 400- or 500-level course, or independent study at the 500 level (major document required) (C) two MHS 594s (6 credits) plus a doctoral research project 2(6 credits) (D) Dissertation 2 (12 credits) 12
Music Theory All students will be required to take TH 401- 402 plus an additional 3-credit doctoral theory course.TH 400 is a master’s-level course and is not acceptable for doctoral credit. With special permission of the instructor, TH 411 (or 511) may be substituted for TH 401, and/or TH 413 (or 513) may be substituted for TH 402. 9
Minor/ElectivesStudents are encouraged to develop a minor field (normally at least 3 courses, ca. 8-12 cr. hr.) in consultation with their advisor. The minor field, along with the program of study, must receive approval of the Graduate Professional Committee by the third semester of doctoral study (normally after 20 credit hours have been taken). The minor field may occasionally involve applied-music study in a secondary instrument or voice; in such cases, a maximum of 6 credit hours of applied-music study may apply towards the minor. See section 06.03.05 (Program of Study) for additional information. 15-19
Remedial courses – Please refer to 05.03 Orientation, Placement Examinations, and Remediation.
Total Credits 60

1 Organ and Piano majors must take six semesters (24 credits) of primary 1-hour lessons. PRL students who have completed four consecutive semesters of applied-music study and who wish to register for anything less than 4 cr. hr. of applied music in a given semester must submit their request in writing to the Office of Graduate Studies. Exceptions to this policy, for the Summer Session, only, may be made by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies on the basis of a request from the major applied teacher, endorsed by his or her department chair, and approved by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.

Students majoring in performance and literature are guaranteed no more than three years of major applied-music study in their doctoral programs. Any exceptions to these primary (1-hour) lesson limits require the permission of the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. All D.M.A. Performance and Literature (PRL) students in residence will be enrolled for applied-music study (460A-4 cr. hr.) for a minimum of four consecutive semesters. In addition, they must be registered for one hour lessons (460A) during the semester in which they are preparing and/or performing a solo degree recital or for one-half hour lessons (430A) during the semester in which they are preparing and/or performing a lecture recital or chamber music recital.

2  If option C or D is chosen, the student must submit a proposal to the Graduate Professional Committee. The Graduate Committee will vote on the proposal. At least one member of this faculty committee will be from the music education, musicology, or music theory departments. In addition, if option C or D is chosen and the doctoral research project/dissertation does not involve work in music history, then students will be required to take a total of 9 credits of MHS 590 courses, 6 credits of which will count within their research and writing component of the degree, and 3 credits of which will count in the elective category. See section 06.03.08 (Doctoral Dissertation/Research Project) for additional information.

3 Students in this major may include only one course from MHS 421-426 (as part of the minor or as an elective or as remediation) within their 60-credit-hour program. Additional courses from MHS 421-426 may be required as remediation or elected above and beyond the 60-credit requirement for the degree. See section 06.03.05 (Program of Study) for additional restrictions on DMA minors and electives.

Additional Requirements

Ensemble: Voice majors must enroll in a choral ensemble for one semester, and that semester will be determined by the director of choral activities in consultation with the voice faculty. All voice students in this major must audition for the choral director at the beginning of their first semester of study. This requirement will be waived for students who received a master’s degree from Eastman.

Jury: Required. See section 06.01.03 (Graduate Juries) for more information.

Recitals: Three recitals are required; normally, the student presents two solo recitals and one lecture recital. The proportion between lecture and solo recitals will vary according to individual needs and students are expected to use different repertory for solo recitals from that used in lecture recitals. All DMA PRL students are encouraged to perform at least two of their three recitals by the end of their second year of study. Programs for all required performances must be approved by the student’s major teacher. These presentations will represent work the student and his or her major teacher have done together through registrations for study both before and concurrent with the times of the events. A faculty committee will be in attendance at each public program and will pass upon its acceptance.

DMA PRL students in piano are required to play a fourth degree recital which is collaborative in nature. Collaborative degree recitals may have independent juries of three members for each student degree recitalist, or a single faculty jury of three members who will serve as the jury for all student degree recitalists performing on the program. Piano concerto performances may not be used for collaborative degree recitals. DMA PRL students in piano may not use a collaborative performance to fulfill a Performer’s Certificate requirement.

Comprehensive Exam: Required. See section 06.03.07 (Comprehensive Examination – DMA) for more information.

Foreign Language (Voice majors only): Voice students must demonstrate one year (two semesters) of proficiency in Italian, French, and German. Upon matriculation, student transcripts will be evaluated for evidence of foreign-language study. If the student does not possess the necessary degree of proficiency, s/he will be required to pass one semester of Italian Language at the Eastman School of Music, as well as one semester of either French or German with a grade of B- or higher.