06.03.08 Dissertation/Doctoral Research Project

Students in the Doctor of Musical Arts degree program may elect to write a doctoral research project or dissertation in partial fulfillment of their degree requirements. Students who are interested in preparing a dissertation or doctoral research project must first consult with the chair of the Musicology department to establish the student’s ability to accomplish independent research and to write effectively in English, as well as to discuss the feasibility of the project. Once approval from the Musicology department chair is obtained, the student will work with his or her faculty co-advisors to craft a dissertation or doctoral research project proposal; this is normally submitted to the Graduate Professional Committee for approval along with the program of study. Students who write a dissertation or doctoral research project that does not involve work in music history will be required to take a total of 9 credits of MHS 590 courses, 6 credits of which will count within their research and writing component of the degree, and 3 credits of which will count in the elective category.

Ordinarily, the dissertation or doctoral research project must be written in residence. In any case, it must be written under the supervision of the candidate’s advisor and, when completed, must be approved by him or her and by at least two other faculty readers.

Please refer to the Graduate Calendar for submission deadlines. One final electronic copy of the dissertation is to be submitted for deposit in Sibley Music Library. Students submitting a dissertation should also submit one final unbound paper copy. The student should also prepare an additional copy for personal use, and check with their department for any additional submission requirements.

For dissertation work during summer session, please see section 07.03.07 (Dissertation and Final Examination).