06.02.09 MM – Major in Music Education

MM-Major in Music Education (Professional Studies)

Note: This is an appropriate degree program for those seeking New York State Professional Certification in Music.

Students who enrolled in their current MM degree program prior to summer 2009 are not affected by the updates indicated below. Please click here for degree requirements for students who enrolled in spring 2009 or earlier.

Degree Requirements for the MM in Music Education (Professional Studies) for students entering summer 2009 or later.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites for entrance to the program include a high standard of musicianship and scholarship, and a breadth of musical and general education. Previous experience in teaching is not required but is strongly recommended. An interview with a member of the music education faculty is scheduled, along with a skills assessment test. The MM degree is a performance-oriented degree, so all music education applicants must audition on their applied instrument or voice. Eastman’s applied music faculty evaluate these students on an equal footing with those who plan to major in Performance and Literature.

Upon entry to the program, master’s students take placement exams in music theory and history. If remediation is required, the appropriate courses are taken, but their credit does not count towards the master’s degree program of study. MM and MA students seeking New York state teaching certification must fulfill prerequisite courses, including conducting, technique classes (e.g., clarinet, trumpet, percussion), and foreign language. These may be fulfilled through prior courses indicating successful completion on the student’s transcript, or coursework outside the program of study. The department of Music Teaching and Learning reviews the transcripts of incoming students to determine whether or not additional prerequisite coursework will be required, and students are notified of specific requirements at the time of their acceptance.

Residency: At least one year of full-time study required, except for students in the Summers-Only program (see below). See section 05.01 (Residency) for more information.

Courses Credits
MTL 402 (Measurement and Evaluation) 3
MTL 403 (Introduction to Research) 3
MTL 465 (Instrumental Techniques)–3 credits or MTL 466 Instr Tech: Strings or CND 423 (Advanced Conducting I: Choral)–2 credits or CND 424 (Advanced Conducting II: Choral)–2 credits 2-3
MTL 471 (Teaching Internship) 2
MTL 501 (History and Philosophy Seminar) 3
MTL 502 (Curriculum Seminar) 3
Applied Music Study (460A lessons) 8
Electives in theory, composition, or orchestration 3-4
Electives – Elective courses must be numbered 200 or higher. Arts Leadership (ALC) courses do not count for elective credit. The total number of ensembles and/or chamber music credits counted toward the degree may not exceed four (4). This restriction includes all ENS and CHB courses, required or elective, with the exception of repertoire courses.  Neither primary nor secondary lessons maybe used as elective credit. May include methods, music education, music history, theory, conducting, opera workshop (3 credit maximum), or education courses offered by the Warner School of Education, all to be selected in conference with the advisor. 3-4
Comprehensive Exam
Remedial courses – Please refer to 05.03 Orientation, Placement Examinations, and Remediation.
Total Credits 30-33

Jury: Typically, MM Students in Music Education must present a jury at the completion of 8 credits of applied study. In a few cases, the applied teacher will suggest that a recital should be presented in lieu of a jury.

MM MTL Summers-Only Program: Summers-only study is available for students admitted to the Master of Music in Music Education program. Normally, a Summers-Only student has full time employment as a music teacher and completes the majority of coursework for the degree during summer sessions. For those music teachers employed in the Rochester area, a limited number of courses may be completed in Fall and Spring semesters. For complete details please see: Music Education – Summers-Only Program

For the applied lesson requirement, two enrollments in 430A lessons for MM/MES students is equivalent to one enrollment in 460A lessons for MM/MTL students.