06.02.07 MM – Major in Early Music (Emphasis in Historical Plucked Instruments)

Students who enrolled in their current MM degree program prior to summer 2009 are not affected by the updates indicated below. Please click here for degree requirements for students who enrolled in spring 2009 or earlier.

  Degree requirement checklist for MM in Early Music for students entering summer 2009 or later.

Prerequisites: Students applying to this program are required to have an undergraduate degree with a performance background.

Upon entry to the program, master’s students take placement exams in music theory and history. If remediation is required, the appropriate courses are taken, but their credit does not count towards the master’s degree program of study. The same is true of any English language instruction that is required.

Residency: At least one year of full-time study is required. See section 05.01 (Residency) for more information.


Courses Credits
Applied Music – 460A lessons in lute 12
MHS 480 (Bibliography) 2
MHS 422 (Music in the Renaissance) 3
MHS 423 (Music in the Baroque) 3
MHS 441 & 443 (Issues in Perf. Practice, Baroque Perf. Practice) 4
TH 451 or 452 (Counterpoint) 3
ENS 407/408 (Collegium Musicum) or CHB 477 (Baroque Chamber Ensemble) 2
PED 451 & 452 (Renaissance/Baroque Lute Literature and Pedagogy)  4
PRF 490 (Independent Study in Continuo for Lutenists) 2
ESM 401 (Master’s Degree Recital)
MM Listening Exam or pass MHS 435 Concert Repertoire with a grade of B- or better. MHS 435: Concert Repertoire may count for elective credit.
ESM 455 (Oral Examination)
Remedial courses – Please refer to 05.03 Orientation, Placement Examinations, and Remediation.
Total Credits for Lute 35


This is the degree for which most harpsichordists will enter (see also the MM PRL in Harpsichord).

Courses Credits
Applied Music – 460A lessons in harpsichord 16
MHS 480 (Bibliography) 2
MHS 423 (Music in the Baroque) 3
MHS 441 & 443 (Issues in Perf. Practice, Baroque Perf. Practice) 4
TH 451 or 452 (Counterpoint)* 3
ENS 407/408 (Collegium Musicum) or CHB 477 (Baroque Chamber Ensemble) 2
OSH 443 and OSH 444 (Keyboard Continuo Realization I and II)* 2
OSH 407 (Harpsichord Performance & Literature) 2
OSH 405-1 and OSH 405-2 (Graduate Organ Improvisation, harpsichord section)* 2
ESM 401 (Master’s Degree Recital)
MM Listening Exam or pass MHS 435 Concert Repertoire with a grade of B- or better. MHS 435: Concert Repertoire may count for elective credit.
ESM 455 (Oral Examination)
Remedial courses – Please refer to 05.03 Orientation, Placement Examinations, and Remediation.
Total Credits for Harpsichord [36]

*Upon approval by the degree supervisor and the Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, course substitutions (such as TH 475 or TH 476) are possible, based on the individual student’s background and experience.