06.02.02 Residency & Time Limits for MM Degrees

Students in the master of music degree program are expected to complete all degree requirements within five years of their first registration. For example, if a student first registers in fall of 2007, all requirements must be completed by the end of the 2012 summer session.

Students who are unable to finish their program within five years may request an extension of time from the Graduate Professional Committee. Such requests should explain the circumstances which have caused the need for the extension. Such extension, if granted, will be of limited duration.

Residency requirements for the master of music degree vary by major. Students should consult the requirements for their individual major for further details. Students holding a graduate award (who normally take no more than 18 credits during a year) or those who find it necessary to take part-time employment should plan to devote at least two years to the master’s degree program. The exception to this general rule is the master of music in music education “summers only” program, which may be completed through consecutive summer enrollment.