06.01.01 Graduate Professional Division

Programs of study leading to these degrees are designed to foster broad intellectual development in conjunction with high competence in the performance of music. Subsequent to admission, the student is expected not only to do work of distinctly graduate character in the required courses, but also to demonstrate a substantial and consistent advance in performing ability. Emphasis on practical applied music obtains to a greater or lesser degree in each of the major fields and constitutes a distinctive feature of the division. Information about graduate programs at the Eastman School of Music is available from the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, academic advisors, and department chairs. Exam dates, deadlines and other important information are listed in the graduate calendar.

Activity in the division of Graduate Professional Studies is governed by the Graduate Professional Committee – a faculty committee comprising representatives from each of the School’s departments which is chaired by the Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. Any request or other communication requiring action by the Committee should be in the form of a letter addressed to the Graduate Professional Committee and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office. Please refer to the Graduate Calendar for submission guidelines.

It is the responsibility of each graduate student to comply with all degree requirements and to initiate all requests for action pertaining to his or her program of study. Any irregularities in the manner in which students satisfy the requirements of these degree programs (including double major or dual degree programs) must be approved by the Graduate Professional Committee.

Graduate degrees in composition and music education may be undertaken either within the division of Graduate Professional Studies (in the MM and DMA degree programs) or within the division of Graduate Research Studies (MA and PhD degree programs.) All MM and DMA degree programs have a strong performance emphasis, and require an audition on an instrument or voice for admission. MA and PhD degree programs emphasize research and analysis rather than performance.