05.02 Continuous Graduate Registration

Continuation of Graduate Enrollment and Inactive Status Forms

The Council on Graduate Studies of the University of Rochester has established a principle of continuous registration for graduate students. This means that graduate students must register every fall and spring semester from their first semester of study until their degree is completed.

The exception to this requirement is that music education graduate students who are admitted with “Summers Only” status (program code: MES) must be continuously enrolled during consecutive summer sessions, but are not required to register during fall or spring semesters. Traditional music education graduate students (program code: MTL) who wish to change their status to ‘Summers Only’ must first obtain approval from the chair of the music education department. See: (Music Education ‘Summers Only’).

There are three registration options that enable graduate students to maintain continuous enrollment when not registered for coursework or thesis/dissertation credits. All three require approval from the Office of Graduate Studies. International students with F-1 or H-1 visa status must also obtain approval from the International Services Office. Students intending to register for one of these three registration options must submit the appropriate form to the Graduate Office prior to the end of second full week of classes for each semester or they will be charged a late registration fee. The three registration options are as follows:

ESM 895/995: Continuation of Graduate Enrollment (part-time status). For graduate students who are completing non-credit-bearing requirements (e.g., writing a dissertation, preparing a recital, taking qualifying exams, etc.) after all coursework and thesis or dissertation credits (if applicable) have been completed. Students are not considered to be in residence and therefore comprehensive, activity, and health fees are not charged. Students registered for ESM 895/995 are considered to have less than half-time status and are not eligible for financial aid or student loan deferment.

ESM 899/999: Continuation of Graduate Enrollment (full-time status). For graduate students who are completing non-credit-bearing requirements (e.g., writing a dissertation, preparing a recital, taking qualifying exams, etc.) after all coursework and thesis or dissertation credits (if applicable) have been completed. With approval from the Office of Graduate Studies, ESM 899/999 may be taken with coursework in certain cases. Students are considered to be in residence and therefore subject to comprehensive, activity, and health fees. Students registered for ESM 899/999 are considered to have full-time status and are eligible for financial aid and student loan deferment.

Leave of Absence. For graduate students who, for extraordinary reasons, must temporarily delay progress on their program of study. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, medical problems, military service, employment opportunities, or study elsewhere. Usually, though not always, this means that the student is not in residence at Eastman. Medical reasons require documentation in the form of a written statement from the Director of University Health Services.

Students who are on a Leave of Absence for longer than six consecutive semesters must make a formal request for reinstatement to their degree program.

See section 05.12 (Reinstatement to Graduate Degree Program) for more information.