04.13.03 Suspension

A student who is not making sufficient progress in their degree, has their progress is impeded by failed required coursework, or has not been able to remove him/herself from a Financial Aid and Academic Warning status as required by the Office of Academic Affairs, will be suspended from their studies at the Eastman School of Music for one full semester or one full year depending on the student’s outstanding academic requirements. The terms and conditions of the suspension will be defined in a written letter to the student, and each of these must be met by the student before the Office of Academic Affairs will consider their re-instatement to full-time matriculated study. These terms may include (but are not limited to) completion of 12 credits of academic coursework at another institution with minimum grade expectations, as well as a re-audition on his/her applied instrument.

Students will be administratively registered as inactive (ESM 385) to maintain continuous enrollment.  With this registration comes an administrative fee per semester (see 04.00.02 Continuous Undergraduate Registration).