04.12.02 Repeating Courses for Credit

Students who earn an unsatisfactory grade (i.e., C-, D+, D, D-, or E) in a course may repeat that course for a grade with approval from the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the relevant department chair. The second grade, which is not necessarily the better grade, will then be factored into the grade point average.  Credit can be earned for a course only once. Credit for courses initially passed will be removed from the record when the “repeat” course is completed, even if the second grade is a failure.  An “R” appears next to both listings of the course on the transcript, and the earlier grade also remains.

Students who choose to repeat a course they have failed must pass the course the second time in order that the first failing grade will be removed from the GPA.

Students receiving any kind of institutional or federal aid must be full-time, i.e., must be carrying at least 12 new credit hours. By implication, then, a student may not repeat two three-credit courses that were previously passed along with two new three-credit courses, as Financial Aid would consider that student to be part-time (taking only six credit hours).

Some courses, due to their nature, cannot be repeated. This includes courses already repeatable for credit, including, but not limited to, applied lessons, secondary lessons, large ensembles, chamber music, Composition for Non-Majors, and orchestral repertoire courses. In certain disciplines (e.g.,

foreign languages, diction, certain River Campus subjects) students may not re-take a lower-level course once enrolled for a higher-level course.

First-Year Writing Seminar (FWS 121) may only be re-taken with permission of both the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and the chair of the Humanities Department. (UCC policy change approval 12/03/2015)