04.11 Absence policy

Regular and prompt class attendance is considered to be a crucial part of the learning process at the Eastman School of Music. For this reason, attendance policies for courses and ensembles are determined and managed by the faculty and departments. In all cases, it is a student’s responsibility to notify faculty in advance of any planned class absence and to discuss the impact on successful completion of the course of study. Students are expected to do this well in advance and to make up all missed work in a timely manner.

Eastman expects that its students will be presented with opportunities for professional growth and development. These may include job interviews, auditions for professional positions or graduate schools, and exceptional performance opportunities. Students are responsible for notifying each of their instructors well in advance.

All students who are absent from class for an extended period of time, or for a personal or medical emergency, should contact the Office of Academic Affairs so that their teachers may be notified. These notifications do not signify approval but are sent to instructors as a courtesy.

In some cases, the Dean of the School may authorize absences from classes due to special events or performing opportunities. The names of students involved in such organized activities must be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs in advance of each event. This report must describe all necessary information, including dates of absences and the specific purpose of the activity. The Office of Academic Affairs will notify faculty of the impending absence.

Questions or clarifications of the Absence Policy may be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs. (Updated November 6, 2009)