04.10.04 Eastman Initiatives Curriculum Internship

A supervised work experience (Internship) can provide a valuable educational experience that augments the regular academic program of students. Internships provide students with opportunities to establish professional networks, and they often lead to offers of employment after graduation. The Eastman School of Music provides students to enroll for unpaid internships, with either credit or no-credit options.

Eastman Initiatives Curriculum (EIC) 394: academic year, credit/no credit Eastman Initiatives Curriculum (EIC) 396A: summer no credit Eastman Initiatives Curriculum (EIC) 396B: summer for credit

Elements of the Internship Enrollment:

  1. The internship must be unpaid.
  2. Students may earn academic credit for unpaid internships in both for-profit and non-profit sectors.
  3. The purpose of the internship is to acquire experience at the professional level; the internship work must not be clerical in nature.
  4. Internships may be completed during the academic year or during the summer.
  5. Most internships will be completed during the junior or senior year, or in the rising junior/senior summer; first-years and rising sophomores are not permitted to enroll for internships.
  6. All for-credit internships require first an Independent Study plan with a faculty sponsor.
  7. For-credit internship requests must be approved by the Professional Development Committee.
  8. To be approved for an internship, a student must be in good academic and judicial standing.

Detailed information on the Eastman Initiatives Curriculum Internship can be found at: Eastman Initiatives Curriculum Link