04.08.03 Transfer credit for transfer students

The Eastman School reserves the right to validate, by examination, credit presented as requisite to a course for which a student wishes to register and which is required in their curriculum.  All transfer credit will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in conjunction with specific department chair.

Music Performance Component

  • Credit by examination may be awarded in applied study for students who are placed at a sophomore or junior level.  This same principle applies to large ensemble credit.
  • A Piano placement examination is given during orientation week.  Although prior study may result in advanced placement, no transfer credit is awarded.

Music Academic Component

  • Music History transfer credit may be awarded if the prior coursework is closely aligned with the requirements for the Eastman Music History core sequence and a minimum grade of B- was earned.
  • The Music Theory placement examination is given during orientation week.  Although prior study may result in advanced placement, no transfer credit is awarded.
  • All entering transfer students will be required to take EIC101 (Colloquium) unless they can present documentation that they have taken a similar course at another school. Depending on their remaining degree requirements, students transferring in with junior class standing may be exempt from taking EIC101.  The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will make this determination.

Humanities/Science Component

  • Students transferring from accredited institutions may, without examination, have the credit from humanities and sciences courses validated for credit.  Each course must be worth a minimum of 3 credits, and a grade of B- or better must be earned. Credit from courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not be considered for transfer credit.
  • Transfer students who have completed, with a minimum grade of B-, an equivalent writing course at another accredited college may be exempted from FWS121 (First-Year Writing Seminar).

(Update approved by the Academic Progress Committee, October 2021)