04.03 Transfer credit for matriculated students who enter as first-time first-year

For information regarding transfer students, see section 04.08.

For information regarding Study Abroad transfer credit, see section 04.10.03.

Undergraduate students may take two humanities/science courses at another institution and transfer up to 8 credits into their Eastman School of Music bachelor of music degree program. Each course must be worth a minimum of 3 credits, and a grade of B- or better must be earned. Credit from courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not be considered for transfer credit. Correspondence or online courses will not be accepted for credit. Approval from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs must be obtained in advance of taking the courses in order to be sure that the course will fulfill Eastman graduation requirements.   Pre-approval is not required for courses taken before enrolling at Eastman.

Please submit via email the following:

  • Name of institution where you will take the course
  • Course title, course number and number of credits
  • The link to the college or university’s course description in their course catalogue

Upon completion of an approved transfer course, the transcript from the course must be submitted to the Eastman Registrar’s Office in order to finalize the transfer of credits.

Collegiate-level courses taken during high school may be considered for humanities transfer credit if they satisfy all of the following conditions:

  1. They were not taken in fulfillment of any high school degree requirement.
  2. They do not appear on the high school transcript.
  3. They are not included in the high school G.P.A. calculation.

If granted, such transfer credits count toward and are subject to the 6-credit limit mentioned above. Students may be asked to provide appropriate supporting documentation from the school district.

Credit more than five years old will not be accepted for transfer. (5/31/11)