03.02 Academic Integrity Committee

The governing body that oversees issues of academic integrity at the Eastman School of Music is the Academic Integrity Committee. The Committee consists of:

  • nine (9) faculty representatives;
  • eight (8) undergraduate student representatives; and
  • four to six (4-6) graduate student representatives.

The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs provides administrative oversight to all issues of academic integrity at the Eastman School of Music and thus serves as an ex-officio member of the Committee. At the beginning of every academic year, an orientation for new members and refresher session for returning members of the Committee will be provided by the Associate Dean.

  1. Faculty representatives and Chair of the Committee The faculty representatives are appointed to three-year terms by the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs in consultation with the Executive Associate Dean. This should be done on a staggered schedule to ensure that there is continuity on the Committee at all times. Given their other leadership responsibilities, department chairs are not eligible for membership on the Committee. One of the faculty members will be appointed Chair of the Committee. This individual will be identified as designate-chair from the current membership of the Committee one academic year in advance so that s/he may be oriented to serve as chair in the following year. The main responsibility of the Chair is to preside over any cases being heard by the Committee.
  2. Student representatives The undergraduate students are appointed by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs and the Associate Dean for Student Life. Ideally, there will be two representatives from each class (first-year, sophomore, junior and senior).The graduate students are appointed by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and the Assistant Dean for Student Life. Ideally, there will be two to four (2-4) masters degree students and two to four (2-4) doctoral students on the Committee. The student members are appointed to one-year terms, but they may be reappointed at the discretion of the appropriate deans. If a student committee member is found guilty of a violation, s/he will be removed from the Committee.
  3. Hearing panels For the purposes of a hearing, the hearing panel of the Committee must comprise:
    • the Chair of the Committee;
    • two faculty representatives from the standing committee; and
    • three student representatives from the standing committee. In cases involving an undergraduate student, three undergraduate student committee members will serve. In cases involving a graduate student, three graduate student committee members will serve.

    When it is necessary to convene a hearing, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will select a panel based on availability and appropriate representation.