
Assessments of the student’s performance progress are required in many Eastman degree programs. One manner in which these assessments are made is through the performance jury. Most juries are conducted during jury week near the end of the spring semester. No classes or ensemble rehearsals are held during jury week. Students should contact their primary instructor or department faculty for details regarding their specific jury requirements.

Students who are seriously ill or who have other extenuating circumstances which preclude them from performing a jury must notify the Office of Academic Affairs and petition for an excused exception. If an excused exception is granted, students will receive a lesson grade of “N” on their transcript for the semester. This grade will then be replaced by the appropriate letter grade when the jury is complete.

All other situations, including non-excused petitions and students who fail their jury, will be assigned the grade of “I” until the jury can be performed. The grade of “I” remains on the transcript along with the new final grade the student earns.

Undergraduate students also see Jury Probation. Updated 8/10/09