06.03.11 DMA – Major in Early Music (Emphasis in Historical Plucked Instruments)

Students who enrolled in their current DMA degree program prior to summer 2009 are not affected by the updates indicated below. Please click here for degree requirements for students who enrolled in spring 2009 or earlier.

Prerequisites: An audition that demonstrates high achievement in performance is required of all applicants to the DMA in Early Music program. In addition, applicants demonstrate their ability to write by submitting a scholarly paper, and they demonstrate their academic credentials by submitting a transcript of all previous collegiate-level coursework.

Upon entry in the program, students take the placement exams in music theory and history required of all entering graduate students at Eastman. If remediation is required, the appropriate courses are taken, but their credit does not count towards the degree. The same is true of any English language instruction that is required and any instruction in bibliography that is needed.

Residency: At least one year of full-time study is required. See section 05.01 (Residency) for more information.

Requirement Units
Applied Lessons (460A) 20-24
Research and Writing Seminars – Consisting of one of the following: (A) four MHS 594s (B) three MHS 594s plus one of the following: TH 481, TH 482, TH 525, TH 526 TH 581, TH 582, TH 590, MUY 400- or 500-level course, or independent study at the 500 level (major document required) (C) two MHS 594s (6 credits) plus a doctoral research project1 – (6 credits) (D) Dissertation1 – (12 credits) 12

  • TH 401 (Topics in Tonal Literature & Analysis) – 3 credits,
  • TH 451 (Modal Counterpoint) or TH 452 (18th-Century Counterpoint) – 3 credits

AND either

  • TH 523 (History of Music Theory, Part I) OR
  • TH 520 (Proseminar in Analysis of Early Music) OR
  • Another Theory course (typically 3 units) along with an Independent Study related to Early-Music repertoire (typically 1 unit)
Minor/Electives Students are encouraged to develop a minor field in music history, jazz, or choral conducting (normally at least 3 courses, ca. 8-12 cr. hr.) in consultation with their advisor. The minor field, along with the program of study, must receive approval of the Graduate Professional Committee by the third semester of doctoral study (normally after 20 cr. hr. have been taken.Recommended elective courses include: MUY 591-592, PED 451-452, MHS 421 or 424, CND 231 or 223, JCM 451, graduate level foreign language and literature courses, MHS 481-482, OP 410, CHB 431, ENS 207-208, CHB 277, and GTC 401-402. See section 06.03.05 (Program of Study) for more information. 14-18
Remedial courses If required by placement exams, these courses do not count toward total credits for the degree. See section 06.03.04 (Remedial Courses – DMA) and section 05.03 (Placement Examinations and Remediation) for further information.
Total Credits 60

1 If option C or D is chosen, the student must submit a proposal to the Graduate Professional Committee. The Graduate Committee will vote on the proposal. At least one member of this faculty committee will be from the music education, musicology, or music theory departments. In addition, if option C or D is chosen and the doctoral research project/dissertation does not involve work in music history, then students will be required to take a total of 9 credits of MHS 590 courses, 6 credits of which will count within their research and writing component of the degree, and 3 credits of which will count in the elective category. See section 06.03.08 (Doctoral Dissertation/Research Project) for additional information.

Additional Requirements

Foreign Language: DMA students in Early Music students should have foreign-language proficiency equivalent to two years of undergraduate study in French, German, or Italian. The degree of proficiency will be assessed by a transcript review upon matriculation. If the student does not possess the necessary degree of proficiency, a foreign language will be a mandatory part of the student’s curriculum until it is attained.

On the recommendation of the program advisor and the approval of the Graduate Professional Committee, up to three credits in a required foreign language at the 200-level or higher may be used for degree credit.

Jury: Required. See section 06.01.03 (Graduate Juries) for more information.

Recitals: Doctoral students in the early music major will present three degree recitals as follows:

      • ESM 501 (First Doctoral Recital) – solo
      • ESM 502 (Second Doctoral Recital) – collaborative
      • ESM 503 (Doctoral Lecture Recital) – see section 06.03.06 (Lecture Recital) for more information.

Comprehensive Examinations: Required. See section 06.03.07 (Comprehensive Examinations – DMA) for more information.