06.03.06 Lecture Recital (DMA)

The lecture recital is, in a very real sense, the culmination of the Doctor of Musical Arts degree program in that it requires the student to bring to bear his or her accumulated skills and knowledge on a presentation demonstrating an ideal synthesis of performance and scholarship. The following statement of policy is intended to aid the student in the preparation of this event.

Developing the Topic

The lecture-recital topic may include performance and analysis, performance practice, pedagogy, editions, new music, or other areas of the student’s interest. Students are encouraged to develop their lecture recital topic out of research begun in a course in jazz and contemporary media, music education, music history, musicology, or music theory, an independent study, or a doctoral research project, though the topic may be unrelated to such enrollments.

The student should prepare the lecture recital for a target audience of his/her peers and colleagues. It should be of a caliber appropriate for presentation at a college or university job interview or at a meeting of a national professional organization (such as the College Music Society or the Music Teachers National Association.)

Format for the Presentation

The basic format is normally a lecture illustrated by brief performance excerpts, followed by a complete performance of the work(s) being discussed. It is expected that the lecture recital will last approximately one hour, including a few minutes at the end for questions from those in attendance. Of this time, not more than thirty minutes may be used for a complete performance of the work(s) being presented. Students are expected to attend lecture recitals throughout their doctoral studies in order to familiarize themselves with various possible formats that might be appropriate for their own topic.

Faculty Advisors

The student shall have two faculty co-advisors who will work with the student on the preparation of the lecture recital, attend the event, and participate in the evaluation of it. The first advisor is the student’s primary applied teacher, and the second is chosen typically, but not exclusively, from the jazz and contemporary media, music education, musicology, or music theory faculties. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain regular contact with the project’s co-advisors throughout the preparation of the lecture recital. It is expected that the student will know the material well enough by the time of the lecture recital to be able to present it from notes or a topical outline. However, the co-advisors may require the student to write out the entire lecture portion to help ensure a coherent and well-organized presentation.

Submitting the Proposal

At least two months prior to the projected date of the lecture recital, the student must complete a proposal, including the date, time, and place of lecture recital. The proposal must be approved by the two faculty co-advisors. The signatures of these two faculty members indicate their approval of the proposal and their willingness to work with the student as co-advisors on the preparation of the lecture recital, to attend the event, and to participate in the evaluation of it.

The student shall then submit the signed proposal of the lecture recital to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at least two months in advance of the recital. The Associate Dean then designates a third faculty member who will join the co-advisors to form the committee that will evaluate the presentation. The third committee member for piano performance majors will be a member of the piano faculty, designated by the chair of that department. Lecture-recital proposals from piano performance majors should thus be submitted to the piano department secretary.

Recital Registration

Students are required to register for Lecture Recitals much as they would register for other classes. Students should register for ESM 503 Doctoral Lecture Recital. There is no charge for this registration, and a faculty signature is not required. Students may add or drop their recital registration online, or by completing a “Schedule Change Request” form in the Registrar’s Office. No penalty will be assessed for late recital registration, which is permitted at any time. Once reported by the student’s department chair as approved, the recital will appear on the official transcript with a grade of “S” for satisfactory. The evaluating committee will also inform the student of the outcome of his/her lecture-recital after it is concluded. If necessary, a lecture recital may be repeated one time. (revised 6/28/06)