06.03.05 Program of Study – General Information (DMA)

Students who enrolled in their current MM or DMA degree program prior to summer 2009 are not affected by the credit changes indicated in the following sections. Please click here for degree requirements for students who enrolled in spring 2009 or earlier.

The program of study lists those courses for which the student will receive graduate credit. Individual programs of study may vary considerably, depending upon the needs of the student, as revealed in the placement tests in theory and music history, general educational background, and career goals, but each student’s program normally will comprise at least 60 credits beyond the master’s degree.

Specific requirements for each major are outlined in the following sections. Instructions for preparing the program of study are available from the Graduate Studies Office web site.

The program of study must be approved first by the student’s program advisor and then by the Graduate Professional Committee (GPC). Programs of study must receive approval of the Graduate Professional Committee by the student’s third semester of study (or after 20 credit hours have been taken). Deadlines for submission of agenda items to the Graduate Professional Committee are published on the Graduate Calendar. The program of study must be approved by the GPC at least for months before the student takes the doctoral comprehensive exam.

When approved by the Graduate Professional Committee, the program of study constitutes the formal requirements that must be met by the student before completion of work for the degree. Once the program of study has been approved, any subsequent changes must be resubmitted to the GPC for approval following the same procedure described above.

Electives within the DMA Program of Study

The following restrictions apply to all DMA programs of study. Additional restrictions for some majors are also indicated with the individual requirements for those majors.

  • Ensemble Courses: Without explicit permission from the Graduate Professional Committee, no more than four credits earned through ensemble courses may be included in the DMA program of study.
  • MHS 421-426: DMA students may take only one MHS 42x course (as part of the minor, or as elective credit) within the 60-credit degree program. Other MHS 42x courses may be required as remediation, or elected above and beyond the 60-credit limit. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the GPC.
  • Arts Leadership Curriculum (ALC) Policy for DMA students who matriculated in Fall 2006 or thereafter:
    • Graduate students are encouraged to explore courses offered in Eastman’s Arts Leadership program. Any ALC course that is cross-listed with a department (e.g., MTL 504/ALC 222) may be taken for degree credit and is subject to regular tuition charges.
    • Other ALC courses (400-level) may be elected by graduate students for non-degree credit free of charge. In such cases the ALP course may be used to bring the student to full-time status without incurring a tuition charge, but these courses do not fulfill graduate degree requirements.
    • Students who matriculated into their current DMA degree program prior to fall 2006 may still take any ALC course at the 200-level for elective credit toward their degree.
  • Students may take up to a maximum of six credits of secondary applied music lessons (460 or 430). Primary applied music lessons (460A or 430A) do not count as elective credit.

Minors within the DMA Program of Study

Some majors within the DMA degree will include one or more minor areas of concentration as part of their program of study. Any such minor field must receive approval of the Graduate Professional Committee along with the program of study. To declare a minor field, a student must take a minimum of three courses totaling at least eight credits in an area of their choosing. The minor field may occasionally involve applied-music study in a secondary instrument or voice; in such cases, a maximum of six credit hours of applied-music study may apply towards the minor. As there is not sufficient podium time in front of an orchestra for non-conducting majors, a minor in conducting is not permitted. Some departments, listed below, have defined specific criteria for a minor field in their discipline:

Requirements for a minor in Music History:

A minor field in music history comprises four courses from the music history and/or musicology listings. All four courses must be at the 400-level or above and at least two must be at the doctoral level (500 and above).

Requirements for a minor in Composition:

A student wishing to minor in composition must receive explicit permission to do so from the composition department. Such permission is granted only on the basis of review by that department of three or four works by the student. The minor will be a course of study assembled by the faculty, which will consist of a minimum of twelve credit hours. Of these twelve credits, there must be two semesters of composition study with a faculty composition teacher. Other courses from the offerings of the composition department will be determined according to the particular needs and abilities of the student seeking this minor.

Requirements for a minor in Pedagogy:

DMA students who wish to create a minor area in Pedagogy may draw from courses relevant to their interests, including, but not limited to, various courses from the Music Education department, Pedagogy of Theory (TH 421), Organ Pedagogy (PED 239), Piano Pedagogy (PED 461/462), Voice Pedagogy (PED 481), Principles of String Playing and Teaching (PED 285/286) and/or an independent study course. Often, a student’s interest in a Pedagogy minor begins with participation in MTL 504: Preparing Future Music Faculty. Eastman has no “department of pedagogy.” Students who wish to create a minor in Pedagogy are encouraged to consult with the Professor of MTL 504 for advice and guidance in preparing an appropriate program of study. Such programs of study must ultimately receive the approval of the Graduate Professional Committee.

Requirements for a minor in Music Education:

To be considered for a minor in music education the DMA student must:

1) Take the department’s musicianship skills test and have the test reviewed by at least 2 music education faculty members.

2) Present evidence of his/her music teaching, which can be in the form of a video recording or live teaching demonstration. The DMA student may present evidence of teaching to an individual, small group, or large ensemble/class, and the learners may be children or adults. This evidence of teaching must be reviewed by at least 2 music education faculty members.

3) Interview with the music education faculty member whose expertise is a close match for the DMA student’s interests.

If the music education faculty agree that the DMA student is a good candidate for a minor area of study, one faculty member will advise the student about which courses are appropriate in his/her course of study. The minor in Music Education consists of at least 8 credits of graduate level (400 or 500 level) courses with an MTL prefix.

Requirements for a minor in Music Leadership:

A limited number of doctoral students (5-6) will be selected each year for this minor. To successfully complete this minor, the program requires:

  • 10 -12 credits of Music Leadership coursework
  • Individual advising appointments with the Graduate Degree Program Director
  • A final review with the Graduate Degree Program Director

Students pursuing a Minor in Music Leadership will create an individualized course plan to support their independent leadership objectives, in collaboration with the Graduate Degree Program Director. The course plan should be derived from the following Music Leadership curriculum:

Course Credits
Music Administration and Governance – Summer  4
Leadership Issues in Music – Summer / Fall  1
Law and Music – Fall  2
Development and Fundraising in Music –Fall  3
Introduction to Financial Management – Fall  3
Economics of Musical Arts Organizations – Spring  3
Marketing for Musical Enterprises – Spring  3
Creative and Innovative Leadership in Music Enterprises – Spring  3
Generating and Screening Entrepreneurial Ideas in Music – Spring  3

The 3-credit fall course Designing Creative Initiatives for Musical Enterprises: Practicum and the 3-credit summer Internship or Mentorship are reserved only for Music Leadership majors.