06.02.10 MM – Major in Opera (Stage Directing)

Prerequisites: Candidates will demonstrate proficiency in stage-directing technique, musicianship, stage terminology, and language skills through an audition with the Eastman voice faculty and an interview with the opera faculty. Applicants must perform three vocal selections in three different languages (two from stage works), and direct students in a brief opera scene. If the applicant’s primary area of study is not music, then in addition to the audition s/he must provide evidence of scholarly work in their chosen field and present a portfolio of previous artistic and/or theatrical work.

Upon entry to the program, master’s students take placement exams in music theory and history. If remediation is required, the appropriate courses are taken, but their credit does not count towards the master’s degree program of study.

Residency: At least one year of full-time study is required. See section 05.01 (Residency) for more information.

MHS 480 (Bibliography)
Music History: one of the following: MHS 421 (Middle Ages), MHS 422 (Renaissance), MHS 423 (Baroque), MHS 424 (Classic period), MHS 425 (19th Cent.), MHS 426 (20th Cent.)
TH 400 (Analytical Techniques) – Masters students whose BM degrees were earned at Eastman are advised to take TH 401 rather than 400 for their masters’ theory requirement unless they place into the 117-118 sequence. If they are required to take TH 117-118, then they should take TH 400 after successful completion of TH 118.
MHS/AH/FS/HIS/HUM (Music History and Humanities)3
OP 401, 402 (Seminar in Opera Stage Directing)
OP 416 (Advanced Opera Seminar)
OP 232 (Eastman Opera Theatre Practicum – Scenes) 3
OP 410 (Opera Production: Stage Management) 2
OP 490 (Opera Directing Project-independent study)1
Electives2 5
MM Listening Exam or pass MHS 435 Concert Repertoire with a grade of B- or better.
ESM 455 (Oral Examination)
Remedial courses – Please refer to 05.03 Orientation, Placement Examinations, and Remediation.
Total Credits

1 An Independent Study to prepare the student for their final directing project. To be taken in the last semester of the degree program in conjunction with his/her final directing project.

2 Elective courses must be numbered 200 or higher. Arts Leadership (ALC) courses do not count for elective credit. The total number of ensembles and/or chamber music credits counted toward the degree may not exceed four (4). This restriction includes all ENS and CHB courses, required or elective, with the exception of repertoire courses. Electives may include no more than six (6) credits of non-music courses. Up to four credits of applied music may be taken for elective credit. Elective courses may include: Opera Repertoire, Opera Workshop, Music History, and Advanced Opera Seminar, Voice Pedagogy, and Lyric Diction courses. Theater, Dance and Art History courses from the College of Arts and Sciences may also be taken. The faculty reserves the right to tailor the choice of elective(s) based on the needs of the student.

3 Recommended by advisor based on candidates’ interests or deficiencies. Courses might include: Specialized music history, art history, history, film study, performance practice, etc.