06.01.03 Graduate Juries

Students must present at least one jury examination to allow ratification of any major or primary applied-music study included in their program of study. Jury examinations for all students are requested by their major applied teachers. Graduate juries will be graded as pass or fail, according to the expectations established by each department for their students. If a student fails the jury, the department will recommend one of two courses of action to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies:

  1. The student will be placed immediately on probation (resulting in the removal of any graduate award), with clear stipulations regarding the action that the student must take to be removed from probationary status. The time period of the probationary status will be conveyed to the student, as well as the consequences that will arise if the stipulations or time period are not observed.
  2. The department may recommend to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies that the student be given the option of taking a leave of absence, for a stipulated length of time, in order to tend to the issues that may be at the root of the failed jury.

Students who are accepted to Eastman on the basis of self-made audition tapes (as opposed to a recording made during one of Eastman’s regional auditions) must pass their first performance jury during the first year. A student who fails this jury may be dismissed from the performance major or the School.

Students who, during previous degree programs at the Eastman School (bachelor’s or master’s), have attained the highest grade-level, or have been awarded the Performer’s Certificate, or the Artist’s Certificate, may be excused from the necessity of taking a graduate jury. A request to be excused from the jury must be made by the major applied teacher and approved by the department chair.