05.11 Graduate Student Association

All graduate students at Eastman are automatically members of the Graduate Student Association (GSA), the primary purpose of which is to provide an effective forum for communication among graduate students and a communication channel between those students and the faculty and administrative officers of Eastman and the University of Rochester. This communication may concern curriculum, policies, or daily problems that graduate students may have. To this end, the officers of GSA have ready access to the School’s Dean, the Senior Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, the Associate Director of Graduate Advising and Services, and the Assistant Director for Student Activities and Engagement. Communication also may take the form of an informal exchange of ideas between faculty and students.

The GSA also has provided other services, including the funding of various educational projects, both curricular and non-curricular, proposed by and for individual graduate students. More information is available at https://www.esm.rochester.edu/studentactivities/graduate-students-association/.