05.06 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Graduate students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) towards completion of their degree in order to remain in good standing with the School. Every student’s academic progress is reviewed at the end of the fall and spring semesters by the Office of Graduate Studies.

Graduate students maintain their eligibility for Graduate Scholarships and Stipends and Title IV federal aid by meeting the following requirements, which constitute the minimum standards for making Satisfactory Academic Progress:

  • Graduate students must successfully complete at least 50% of their attempted coursework in any given semester.   Courses in which a student has received grades of incomplete (I), no grade (N), no credit (NC), withdrawal (W), or failure (E) will be calculated as attempted and not completed. Remedial courses are factored in this calculation, while credits transferred from another institution are not.
  • A master’s student may not accumulate six or more credits of C or E over the course of their degree program. A doctoral student may not accumulate three or more credits of C or E over the course of their degree program. All credits of C earned beyond these limits will not count towards the degree.

Students who do not maintain SAP may face sanctions as described below. Students will be notified in writing should there be any concerns regarding their progress in their program of study and an electronic notation will be put into their academic and financial aid records. The Registrar, Financial Aid, the Graduate Office, and the student’s academic advisor will receive copies of any written correspondence regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress.

In addition, in order to maintain eligibility for federal financial aid, master’s students must complete their degree within five years of their first registration and doctoral students must complete their degree within seven years following the bachelor’s degree or within six years following the master’s degree. Students may petition the appropriate graduate committee to extend their time to degree, but will not automatically be eligible for any additional financial aid if granted an extension. Students beyond their time to degree, while ineligible for federal financial aid, are not placed on Financial Aid Probation status.