05.05 Graduate Credit and Grading

Each faculty instructor determines the grading criteria for their courses and must publish them in the class syllabus. The syllabus must include learning outcomes, assignments and exams, specific stipulations for successful course completion, a statement on disability accommodations, a statement on Eastman’s academic integrity policy, and attendance policies for the course.

Semester hours of credit are assigned to courses in accordance with the recommendations of the National Association of Schools of Music and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. In general, for classroom subjects, one semester hour of credit is assigned for each hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work per week per semester. Exceptions to this policy are made for large ensembles and chamber music, where less out-of-class time is required; and applied lessons, where significant out of class work is expected. For large ensembles and chamber music, two to four hours of instruction per week may be required for each hour of credit, while weekly applied lessons will receive two to four credit hours due to the significant amount of preparation required for each meeting.

Grades for graduate studies are reported on one of the following two systems:

  • Letter grades: “A” excellent; “A-“; “B+”; “B” good; “B-“; “C” poor; “E” failure
  • “S” satisfactory; “E” failure

A grade of “INCOMPLETE” (I) will be assigned when a student is unable to complete all course requirements within the prescribed period and receives the instructor’s permission to complete certain requirements at a later date.  Before the end of the examination period of the semester during which the “Incomplete” is to be given, the student will negotiate with the instructor a mutually acceptable method for completing the class work, and an agreement signed by the student and the instructor outlining the agreed upon method must be submitted to the Registrar. The final grade, once recorded, will be preceded by an “I” on the official transcript. For example, a grade of “A” will appear as “IA”. A final grade of “E” will be awarded if work is not completed by the specified deadline.

A grade of “NO GRADE” (N) will be assigned when a student is unable to complete all course requirements due to serious illness or other similar incapacitating circumstances within the prescribed period. The “No Grade” request form, along with official documentation (medical/other), must be submitted to the Registrar’s office before the end of the examination period of the semester during which the “No Grade” is to be given.  The final grade, once recorded, will eliminate the “N” on the official transcript.  For example, a grade of “A” will appear as “A”.

  1. Required registrations that carry no credit are to be graded on the “S/E” basis. These include degree recitals (ESM 401, 402, 405, 406, and 501-506), continuation registrations (ESM 985/995/999), and studio accompanying (ACY 100G).
  2. Other courses that will be graded as “S/E” include: RPO management internship (ORC 421Z), study abroad (SAB 400), theory colloquium (TH 591), jazz department forum (JCM 491-492), and thesis and dissertation registrations.

A grade of “E” in a pass/fail course is considered a failure and may cause the student to be placed on academic probation.

Graduate students may not receive degree credit for courses in the Arts Leadership Program. For additional information on this policy, please see Graduate Policy on Arts Leadership Program Course Credits.

Exceptions to the above letter grade requirement must be approved by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. Minimum passing grades for graduate courses are “C” (except that “C” is considered a failure for a student on probation), or “S”. See (Graduate Probation).

Proposals for new course offerings are presented to the Graduate Professional Committee, and/or the Graduate Research Committee. Each course proposal includes a rationale for the assignment of credits to the course, based on the type of course and the proposed number of clock hours of meeting. The Eastman School of Music Registrar is responsible for ensuring accurate and reliable application of credit hour policies and procedures.