05.04 Graduate Transfer Credit

A maximum of six semester hours of graduate credit taken not more than five years before matriculation at Eastman may be accepted for graduate degree requirements. The subject(s) taken must form an integral part of the student’s program of study, and the student must have earned a grade of “B” or better in the courses in question.

Normally, no transfer credit is given for applied music or ensemble taken at another institution, as these courses must reflect the unique resources of the Eastman School. Academic credit, such as music history or music theory, may be eligible for transfer. Students should submit an official transcript and other supporting documentation (such as papers, projects, assignments, a syllabus, etc.) for the courses in question to the appropriate department chair for evaluation. If the department chair approves graduate credit or credits for transfer, written approval should be forwarded to the Office of Graduate Studies along with the student’s academic transcript for final review.

Permission to transfer credit from another school must normally be secured before the student registers for those course(s). In rare cases, transfer credit is granted retroactively, provided such credit has not been used toward another degree.

In addition, any transfer credit requested by doctoral students must be for coursework taken above and beyond a 30-credit master’s degree. Requests coming from doctoral students will be forwarded to the Office of Graduate Studies who will forward them to the Graduate Professional Committee (for DMA students) or the Graduate Research Committee (for PhD students) at the same time the student proposes his or her program of study.

Additional information concerning the transfer of credit is available from the Office of Graduate Studies.