Music Education Probation

Students who major in music education are required to maintain an overall GPA of 3.0. In addition, the required minimum grade in all music education courses (courses with an MTL label) is B- or 2.7. If a student does not earn this minimum grade in a music education course, s/he will be required to re-take the course. Reviews of GPA will take place at the end of each semester by music education faculty. One semester of probationary status in the music education major may be given to bring the GPA into compliance.

Students must successfully complete all components of the sophomore review, or else they will be placed on departmental probation. They must demonstrate sufficient progress in the following semester in order to regain good standing in the major. In extreme cases where the student does not earn the minimum standard requirements in their attempt of the sophomore review, the student may be dismissed from the music education major.