04.09.01 General guidelines

The dual degree program is designed for students who have equally strong interests in music and another field such that they wish to undertake undergraduate degree work in both. Dual degree students are those who have applied to and been accepted by both the Eastman School and the College (Arts and Sciences or the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences), and are intending to complete a Bachelor of Music as well as a Bachelor of Arts or Science.

Given that each campus has its own independent offices (e.g. admissions, financial aid, registrar), each dual degree student will be assigned a primary college (either Eastman or the College) for administrative purposes. The sole determining factor in the assignment of the primary college is the financial benefit of the student; this decision is jointly made by the two financial aid offices upon the student’s admission to the dual degree program. As long as the student continues to make what both schools consider to be satisfactory progress toward both degrees, and assuming that all other factors remain the same, the institutional financial aid for which the student qualifies will remain in place for up to ten semesters.

Students who initially enrolled in a single degree program at the Eastman School may apply to add a second degree at the College. To do so, they should meet with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to discuss the impact of the second degree on their current program of study, and then complete an “Intent to Enroll Form” (available through the Admissions Office at the College.