Applied Music – Double Bass, Guitar, Harp, Organ, Piano, Strings, Voice, Winds, Brass & Percussion

Senior recital

All applied music majors must present a full senior recital to a faculty panel of no less than three members of the department, including the student’s applied teacher. The recital must include the performance of at least one work written in the last forty years. For wind, brass and percussion majors, the recital must also include one unaccompanied work and/or one chamber ensemble work.

Should the faculty panel decide that a student’s senior recital does not meet the minimum standards, the student will be asked to give a second performance in fulfillment of this requirement. The faculty panel will determine, in consultation with the student’s applied teacher, what repertoire must be performed, as well as the issues that must be addressed to ensure a successful second attempt. This second program must be approved by the chair of the department and documented in written correspondence to the student.

Other departmental requirements

These include specific ensemble requirements (from studio accompanying to large ensemble), chamber music, repertoire classes, pedagogy classes, language proficiency, and creative and practical electives. Refer to the individual degree requirement worksheets for details, linked here.