Music academic component

The theory core curriculum

On the basis of theory placement exams administered before the start of the fall semester, students are sorted into one of three groups: those ready to enter the regular theory core, those needing fundamentals before entering the core, and honors students.

Students who place into the regular theory core are required to take five semesters of theory coursework. The regular core, which begins in the spring of the first year, begins with three written theory courses (TH110, TH120, TH210) and three corresponding aural skills courses (TH115, TH125, TH215). The fourth semester, taken in the fall of the third year, is an integrated written and aural skills course (TH220). After finishing this four-course sequence, students complete the fifth semester of their core theory requirement by taking an upper-level theory elective (TH230) that focuses on a specialized topic.

Students who need additional background work before beginning the regular theory theory core are placed into fundamentals-oriented written theory (TH100) and aural skills (TH105) courses in the fall of the first year. These students complete their five-semester core theory requirement after finishing TH220; they are not required to take TH230, although they may elect to do so.

The honors (H) sequence is intended for students who have significant previous theory background. The regular five-semester core curriculum is condensed into four semesters of integrated written theory and aural skills work that progresses at a quicker pace than the regular track. Note that students in the honors sequence must maintain a minimum course grade of B, or they will be reassigned to the regular theory core.

Failure of either a core written theory or aural skills course requires that the student register for the course again (offered one full year after the initial registration), and the student will be unable to move on in the overall course sequence until a passing grade has been achieved. Should a student fail three or more written theory or aural skills courses, this will be considered unsatisfactory progress towards degree completion and may lead to dismissal from the School.

Linked written theory and aural skills courses (e.g. TH110 & TH115) are usually taken concurrently, and core courses may not be taken out of sequence except in very exceptional circumstances. Individual cases must be supported by strong justification (e.g., medical reasons) and must be approved by the theory department chair and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs prior to registration.

Three semesters of music history

Three music history survey courses (MHS121, 122 and 123) that trace the development of music from the ninth century to the present are required of all undergraduates. In addition to the study and analysis of the musical literature of the time, the cultural and performing contexts in which the music has been created are examined. Diverse styles of music throughout history are explored: Western and non-Western, “classical,” and popular, as are perspectives on issues of gender, folk, and popular musics.

One music academic elective: an upper division course in music history or theory

In addition to the core theory and music history sequences, students must take a 3-credit music academic elective. This is an upper division course (numbered 200 or higher) in either music history or theory, such as counterpoint, or any special topics music history course.

For students with a double major in music education and performance, this requirement is met by the combination of a jazz theory course (JCM201) with a composition course (orchestration or choral arranging), found within the music education major.

(Updated 3/31/21)