02.06.09 Incomplete Grades

A grade of incomplete (I) will be assigned when a student, due to serious illness or other similar incapacitating circumstances, is unable to complete all course requirements within the prescribed period and receives the instructor’s permission to complete certain requirements at a later date, not to extend beyond the end of the next academic session. (Summer session will be considered the next session only if the student is in attendance during the summer). Before the end of the examination period of the semester during which the “incomplete” is to be given, the student will negotiate with the instructor a mutually acceptable method for completing the class work, and an agreement signed by the student and the instructor outlining the agreed-upon method must be submitted to the Registrar. The instructor has the option of specifying an alternate grade, other than a failing grade, that will be awarded to the student if the remaining work is not submitted by the agreed upon date. If no alternate grade is specified, and if the student does not complete the outstanding work in the specified time, a failing grade will be recorded. The final grade, once recorded, will replace the “I” on the official transcript. Students with outstanding incompletes on their records are ineligible for Dean’s List and Graduation honors.

Request an “Incomplete” grade: https://www.esm.rochester.edu/registrar/files/2021/12/Incomplete-only-REV_05_04_2022.pdf