02.01 General Information

It is the responsibility of the individual student to familiarize himself or herself with the announcements and regulations of the University published in official School publications such as the Academic Policy Handbook. The Eastman School Dean’s Office and Registrar’s Office also issue updated information throughout the year. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained in publications, the University cannot guarantee its accuracy due to changes in announcements, teaching and administrative staff, and curricula and courses that may occur after publication date.

The Student Code of Conduct, which establishes standards, policies, and procedures for the disciplinary system, can be found at the following website: www.esm.rochester.edu/reslife/policies-procedures/ Questions should be addressed to the Assistant Dean for Student Life.

The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education.

The facilities of the School are for academic training and for rehearsals of School-related functions. Use of the facilities for any other purpose requires the permission of the Dean. Written permission must be obtained from the Concert Office, Dean’s Office, or Registrar’s Office for use of applied music studios, classrooms, offices, or auditoria. Unauthorized use or possession of music, records, books, recording and duplicating equipment, or other property of the School is forbidden.

For application and audition information please visit: https://www.esm.rochester.edu/admissions/