Tuohy, Danica

Horn StudioDanica TuohySTUDENT PROFILE From Yorkville, Illinois, Danica Tuohy is a third-year undergraduate performance major. She consistently performs as a substitute musician with the Syracuse Orchestra as well as within the school; partaking in various ensembles such as Eastman’s Harmonie, the Lyra Winds, a woodwind quintet, and  Fourte!, a horn quartet. Throughout the past few…

Fulton, Aaron

Horn StudioAaron FultonSTUDENT PROFILE Hailing from Pittsburgh, PA. Fulton has been engrossed in music starting at a young age. He has performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and many other professional opportunities. His teachers include Peter Kurau, Mark Houghton, Jacek Muzyk, and Stephen Kostyniak. Fulton has received multiple scholarships including Washington (PA) Symphony Orchestra Young…